@ArabrockermanX @Thuaxiz Sunset is actually UNDERHYPED. Played it behind closed doors at ComicCon. Months ago, the game already handled and played exceptionally fun. It may well end up being sleeper for Game of the Year. Book mark me. Just like I asked people to bookmark me yesterday when I said this game was getting a 5.8. When Sunset comes out to 90+ scores, you can say "Damn, Chippiez was right!". Another sleeper contender for GoTy: AC:Unity. Despite the BS about resolution right now, it is the best AC thus far, surpassing AC2 and AC4. Expect 90+ there. The new combat additions are fantastic. The crowds actually serve a purpose and the multiplayer is addicting as fück.
@ggregd @starhowl And any time the review embargo holds until street date, expect crap 9 times out of 10. Good games will have a review out a day or two before. It's that whole "If you got nothing to hide" thing.
@Leeric420 @chippiez Really? Look at the bulk of favorable reviews? All "Official Playstation magazine" type reviews. Read the top review on metacritic... The LOL ... 95. But don't take their word for it. Go ahead.... buy and play this game. Just like Infamous, you'll be done in 13 hours and have NOTHING to play for a half year.
@Karmazyn Just buy an Xbone. We have plenty of fun. I can't wait to get home and play more Horizon. Can't wait for Sunset. Really can't wait for MC collection! Add in Unity, COD and Dragon Age and hell, it's one of the best Q4s in recent history.
Chippiez's comments