@choda_boy: It seems homes seem to average in the 2500 to 3500 crowns in the store. There are some less than 1000, and more than 10,000. Unfortunately, the store does not say how much they cost in gold. I guess I will wait for some nice PC player to create a list. :-D
"(vii) when he quit id Software, Carmack admitted he secretly downloaded and stole over 10,000 documents from ZeniMax on a USB storage device, as well as the entire source code to Rage and the id tech 5 engine--which Carmack uploaded to his Oculus computer"
If true, he should be facing many years in prison. Others have been convicted for doing far less.
Screen violence (film, television, video game) does not bother me. However, the premier episode had gratuitous, drawn out human-on-human graphic violence which was too much for me. Destroy all the zombies you want, they are not real. Have the zombies eat people, that is not real. Have a human bash in the heads of two other humans, what sadly happens to real people in real life in this reality, is just too much for me to stomach for "entertainment". Frankly, I think it is rather sick that the writers and producers are making money off of this all-too-realistic violence.
choda_boy's comments