"Hunter is working on getting the charges reversed before he pays back the campaign account"
WHY? They are legitimate charges made by his son. If the kid made the charges without his father's permission, that is a parenting issue between father and child. There is NO REASON not to allow the charges to go through and repay the campaign fund.
I just watched someone streaming on Twitch.TV who had reached max level in the first two days of the game's release. He has crafted and re-rolled his gear to the point that the only people who can kill him are the many hackers with damage hacks. (I saw this happen on stream. 19K DZ experience lost to a single shot by a hacker.) His opinion is that between the nerfs and the hackers, the Dark Zone is not worth entering at all. The only aspect of the game still worth playing are the Challenge Mode missions. His experience may not represent that of all (or many) other players, but does not bode well for end-game play. Hopefully, the free update being advertised will improve the situation.
choda_boy's comments