Nobody's jumping ship. The MS ship sailed (and sank) a long time ago at e3. They proved they're an incompetent company, and that personally speaks volumes to me about their management.
I don't want to be involved with a company that flip-flops on policies they stress are 'important' and 'can't be taken away' one day, and are completely scrapped a week later after preorder numbers come in.
True arrogance from a company nobody should support.
Or D) EA has a track record of MILKING the customer for every cent they possibly can in the form of DRM, forcing their Origin service down everyones throats, having horrid customer service that refuses to refund customers for faulty merchandise (Simcity), and basically doing everything possible to make gamers hate them.
This is an attempt to save face, just like their new policy of game returns are. Just because a company can sell millions of units doesn't mean the company has to be well liked.
chrisrooR's comments