chubz256's forum posts
Sup guys,
So, I'm about to graduate from High School and my mom asked me what I wanted as a graduation present. Normally it would be a car, but since she just payed off her Mustang, she insisted on letting me have that when I go into the Air Force. But then she asked what I wanted from relatives. I was like "I dont know" and then later thought "hey, how about a good gaming computer." I was wondering if someone here could give me a headsup. How could I get a good gaming rig for a cheap or reasonable price(im open to all price ranges at the moment, just throw them all at me) in the easiest way. Key word "easy". Any help would be great :D
the cell.purplemidgets
ZOMG! Emotion Engine 2.0!!
[QUOTE="Game13a13y"]and i don't need to state the obvious reasons rite? and sooner or later, Home will come out to match with XBL.
Thank you! Wow, all i got in home was a virtual instant messenger that will take me away from my games. Nah, i rather go play the sims.
And exactly how will HOME improve the online gaming experience?
MGS4 is ps3 exclusive.
Live with it.
And so is DMC4!
............wait a sec
The X360 merely has a head start, nothing more. It doesn't have the brand strength and hardware capabilities of the PS3, and it lacks the innovation and mass market price of the Wii. I can just sense it now. PS3 is selling well for a $600 console, with 3.2 million sold to date and a last-gen fanbase of 119 million. The Wii is gaining developer support and has a friendly price tag, with an exciting way to play games. The X360 on the other just a better Xbox.NYCgamer47
You forget buddy that within the same time frame(5 months upon release on both systems) 360 sold 3.8 million while ps3 only sold 2.9 million. This is why you can already see ps3s on shelves within an extremely short amount of time from release while it took half a year to find a 360. Also, soo many ps2s broke down back in the day it's no wonder they sold over 100 million.
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