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cj_hope33 Blog

There will be lag!- Video Game News I Like

Figured i'd just blog about some of the game news that game out today. Not a lot of stuff but things that interest me.

Devil May Cry 4

The Devil May Cry demo has just been released on Xbox live and The PSN. Haven't downloaded it, I will after I'm done blogging. I love DMC games but I think I'll be like "This is Devil May Cry" other then Nero's cool crazy hand and motorcycle sword I don't think they chanced it much from DMC 3

Neros Red Queen.
So.....can you ride it?

Grand Theft Auto 4 Dated April 29th

Yep you heard it right people Grand Theft Auto 4's release date has been announced and its April 24th, and I don't believe it.Even though the games only been pushed back once I think, I have a feeling that its gonna get pushed again. So many other games are getting pushed back, and pushed back why shouldn't Rockstar should the party. Maybe its just me hoping it'll get pushed back cause if it does it gives Rockstar to cram more stuff into the game


Super Smash Bros..Brawl Wi-Fi Footag....Blah....blah

I love Super Smash Bros Brawl but come on Nintendo. Maybe i'm just being a skeptic, but whos knows they could have been playing in the same room. Show me some footage where a kid with a Dial-up connection is playing against the guys at Nintendo with their high speed cable connections. There will be lag people, no matter what game you play online there will be lag.

Everyone does!

Reminder! Time-SeXBox ohhhh I mean Xbox Live: Undertow

Just a reminder, Microsofts, We are so sorry please take this game, game is avalible for download today. If you didnt know the game is:

sorry no fancy screenshot today

I played the demo, its pretty cool sorta like a side scrolling game, mixed with the ticket system of games like Battlefield, mixed with a shump. And it doesnt matter if you really like it cause hey its free!

Three good podcast in one day MY GOD!!!!

Yes you heard it right Three great podcast will be going up today. The first is the special ign podcast that the great Jeff Gerstmann will be on heres his blog post about it:

"IGN's Jeremy Dunham got in touch with me not too long ago to see if I'd be interested in appearing on a new podcast he's working on. It covers, you know, video games and trends and so on and so forth. The big difference is that he's looking outside the IGN offices for participants, so the guests included me, Dan Hsu from EGM, Francesca Reyes from OXM, and Will Tuttle from GameSpy… which I think still technically counts as IGN since he works in the same building

Anyway, we recorded it this morning and it's live now! Go take a look and a listen!


This was a lot of fun to do and a good group to do it with. At one point, since I misjudged how heavy traffic would be and showed up early, I was sitting in a cubicle in the IGN offices. Not going to lie… that felt kind of weird. Actually, typing "IGN" at all still feels a little weird. It's a brave new world, people. My thanks go out to Jeremy for the invite.

I'd have more to say on the topic, but as you probably know, Burnout Paradise was released today. So I'm working on getting my ****B license. I'll be updating over the next few days with my thoughts on Criterion's latest. Here's a quick preview: it's fantastic"-Jeff Gerstmanns blog at Jeff Gerstmann is still alive

So thats great podcast number 1. Great podcast number 2 will be of course gamespots the hotspot you know where it is but if you dont go here:

The Hotspot!

And the last but definatlly least podcast is Trigames.......DOT.....NETs Podcast. This one i'm now sure if it'll be up today but it should so watch out for it. Ohh heres the link:


K i'm off to go listen to and wait for some great podcast!

Super Mario Fusion-Super Mario Bros 3+Halo+Megaman=CRAZY!!!

Yes a crazy guy made, well is making its not completly finished yet, a mario game that has elements from Halo, Megaman and Many other games. Check out this video to see Mario kill some Covenant with their own weapons: Super Mario Fusion: Mario meets Halo

Theres also a video where mario goes through the bubbleman stage in megaman 2! Theres a demo avalable on the same youtube page tough I don't know if thats the up to date one.

p.s. How do you like my mock gamespot screenshot I made pretty cool huh?

Starting to like rock alot more!

Not that I didn't like rock before but now I'm starting to like it alot more because i'm actually trying to listen to some. The only thing i've really been listening to is buckethead, famous for the ultra hard song "Jordan" on guitar hero II, and I love his stuff man. Mostly because all his stuff is just nice ass wailing guitar. Most the hip hop and trip hop I listen to has no words at all and thats how I like my songs without words. I like the instruments in the song to speak for themselves. Take this song for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8akmP6Sjv2o

You can just feel that song so damn much. So if anyone can suggest any songs like this that are really mellow and have no words hit me up cause I love rock like this.

Team Fortress 2: cause of some anger!

This blog is about Team Fortress 2 a great part of The very great Orange Box. The reason i'm blogging about this great game is cause i'm angry! Let me list off the reasons and then explain them.

1.No one plays it!

This is such a fantastic game but you can barely find anyone playing it on the xbox 360. Theres probably a huge chance that theres always someone playing on the pc but I dont have that version. The reason I dont is cause I have a crappy pc that I need to point a fan at to keep it from overheating. I'll just say this now MORE PEOPLE PLAY TEAM FORTRESS ON THE XBOX 360, caps lock cruise control for cool?

2.I get to into the game

When I do find a game to play I.....get a little excited. When I kill someone I yell horrible things and call the person I killed horrible things. Thankfully I dont ever have my headset on due to me stepping on them. If I did have my headset on I would try to be more polite but I probably couldnt help from screaming "Damnit!" when I get killed by a pyro.

3.People quiting out of matches

Now i've had a hard time getting into matches so I dont know if you can quit out of Ranked matches, but in un-ranked matches it seems no one that started the match can end it. This might be because their internet connection dies out, something i'm guilty of that i'll talk about next, but if its just cause you know your getting you butt whooped on then that aint cool.

4. My internets sucks

Simple enough my internet sucks. Some times it'll stay on for a long time, sometimes a short time but it seem every time I try to play Team Fortress it disconnects. This adds up with what makes me angry about Team Fortress numbers 1-3 and just make me go crazy. I'll be near the end of a match where stole the enemy intellgence 2 times bringing the last one home when I stop moving. At this point i'm ready to tear my hair out, but I dont cause I have alot and that would hurt.

I might seem like a very angry person but I'm just very frusturated. Half of these things could be cured by me but...w/e man just felt like I needed to rant. Comment if you feel the same with me about Team Fortress or any online game.

Gaming Tip! #1-Burnout Paradise Crazy Flips

Hey I just thought of a cool idea since i'm getting more readers, my last post had 6 comments 0_0...yeah, i'd figure i'd put a Gaming tip about differnt games here on my gamespot blog so here we go.

The first gamer..umm...gaming....sorry tip is for the burnout paradise demo. This isnt so much of a tip but just somethings fun to do but it could help on the stunt run challenges. Since now you can do cool air stunts like flat spins or barrel rolls Burnout has gotten more extreme if possible. The tip is very easy but has very cool great results. When approaching a barrel roll ramp quickly do a E-brake turn depending on how you hit the split ramp you'll do all kinds of crazy flairs and things. I've almost landed a double barrel roll and have gotten flat spins of 333 degrees this way. So thats my tip you've all probablly already tried this but if not try it, its fun as hell. Next tip will be 100 more times helpful so look forward to that okay i'm out!

EA Loves Avril Lavigne!!!


Like the title says EA loves Avril Lavigne because Avril Lavignes great song Girlfriend will be in Burnout Paradise. Burnout Paradise will be awesome loved the demo but with what seems like a great soundtrack of rock why the hell is Ms. Lavigne in it!!! I felt like punching something when I saw this its...horrible!

Ohhh also anyone that wants to use that great picture as a sig go ahead i'd be so very happy!

[edit] I do not listen to rock and do not know half of the artist on the Burnout Paradise soundtrack so thats why I said seems great. ohhh and avril lavigne sucks.

Blogging again!!!!

Hey people....people meaing....no one...w/e but anyways i'm back to blog dagnabit! I've been playing tons and tons of games and loving it. My social life sadly isnt as good as my Gaming life....but w/e man *pout* i'll live. Currently un employed cause I quit my job as a custodian anyone looking for a job do not be a custodian! On the good side I now know how to properly unclog a toilet *horrible vision* gonna have nightmares tonight....

Like I said i've been playing tons of games and l-o-v-i-n-g it! Just downloaded the burnout paradise demo and its awesome just as I expected. I found it interesting and cool that alot of the online challenges require some level of communication such as the team challenge where one player has to jump over the other and keep switching. Looking forward to crashing alot the 22nd.

Downloaded the Dark Messiah demo....not feeling it to much. It just felt to me like you never had any control of your movement like you were floating around in space. Also the muliplayer....not so hot. I'll leave it at that dont wanna dweal on the negative much, i'll just say not buying that one.

Also downloaded the Circle of Doom: Kingdom under fire demo and I think its sweet! I'm the kind that loves to grind, *reader says "WHAT?"* and thats just giving me some more grinding to do. My brother just bought Hellgate and that just made me want more diablo like action on a console. Come one blizzard diablo 3 on the xbox360 please!!!!

And thats about it in present videogame going ons with me. I did rent geometry wars galaxies for the wii and stuntman: ignition. Geometry wars is a great game but damn hard and same goes to stuntman but I had more fun with stuntman cause I loved the first one. When I return those 2 i'll probably go back to mass effect to beat it on hard and the next one above hard, Forgot the name, cause i'm crazy and I like hard acheivments. I'll probably return to the orange box to lock up some more acheivment like carry the gnome cause a. i'm crazy and b. I like hard achievments. So thats all for now cause I can only type so much before my brain turns to mush...yah bye!!!

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