If you're used to FPSs (can move & shoot at same time) or if you want to kill every bad guy on every level, RE5 may seem like a hard game. And your game play style might be making it harder.
Here are some tips:
-Do not stay in 1 spot too long. Why, the bad guys will get you. I suggest shooting from safe distances & moving to a new location when bad guys getting too close.
-When you do stay in one spot for awhile, do not stand out in the open. Why, out in open bad guys can/will attack you from every angle. I suggest fighting/shooting from isolated locations. Why, choose locations where bad guys are funneled to you from only 1 or 2 directions (easier to defend yourself).
-Do not always try to kill every bad guy. Why, the purpose of every fight is not to kill every bad guy, some fights are a timed survival (stay alive & kill some bad guys- first fight)
-Use the melee attack when possible (when a shot bad guy stumbles, if you are close enough to him, you will get a hit/kick prompt, do it). Why, it conserves ammo (not shooting) & any/every bad guy within striking distance/range will be knocked back or down (good attack on swarm of bad guys- first fight)
-Make sure your guns are loaded & ready before you get to a fight. Why, so you aren't loading your gun while a bad guy is kicking your a--. And share ammo. Why, so neither player gets overwhelmed & dies. Listen to music, fight starts with bad guys music & fight over when music stops.
-Be mindful of your d-pad quick item inventory selections (4 items can be set to be equiped with a 1 button press, choose 4 essential items). Why, so you aren't messing with your inventory while a bad guy is kicking your a--.
Drop me a note if you're looking for someone to play with. Why, I enjoy RE5 (& have mic), I never finished it, & I will not lecture you about how the early RE games were so much harder- they are just different (but I may rave about RE4 a little). I play video games to have fun.
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