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Well as most of you know i got Kingdom Hearts 2 FM+

So i have been playing the crap out of it when i get the time. Yesterday right when i got it i posted a blog, put in swap magic, put in this game, and...well my mom said we were going to the movies and we were leaving right then. I was like WTF!! Cant you see i just got a new game and well it wasnt a bad time. I went with my brother his girlfriend and my mom. We saw evan almighty. It was funny. Well anyways on to the game. So i have been playing not only Kingdom Hearts 2 FM but Kingdom Hearts Re:COM. I saw this version abouts the gba version by miles. Of course who wouldnt agree. So right as im typing im playing FM. Im at olimpus colisium. (i know i spelled it wrong i think) and well im not far at all. This is my first time reaching it. Im still getting used to the button change. Where the X button isnt attack its jump and the O button isnt jump its attack. Also in the pause menu im still screwing up beacause i forget that O is selection not cancel like in the other kingdom hearts. So i keep on pressing X and canceling out of it and that sucks but i will get it one day. Um..Re:COM is awsome. They did the sleghtes very well. Im only on the 2nd world out of 5 or 6i cant remeber. So this is my latest blog feel free to comment. :D

OMFG it just came in the mail!!!!!!!

Yup thats right i just got Kingodm Hearts 2 FM+ in the mail like right as we speak im opening it rightnow. The PAckage it came in is hard to get open. YES YES YES!!! Im almost as happy as that n64 kid. lol Djmarky now your not the only one who ahs this lol.

Well im waiting for soemthing.

Well i ordered Kingdom Hearts 2 FM + last thursday and well today is wensday. It said it shipped the 14 which is a saturday. I got it from Also it says USPS is shipping it. Well they gave me the tracking code. So i go to the website and go to track and confirm put in the code and well it says they have no record of it. So people are saying it takes 5 to 10 days. Counting as it shipped on saturday that its been 6 days now and well i cant wait.

Well anyone want to help me out?

Well im looking for a banner. One that takes up the whole black space up at the top. Im into anything really. I like Bleach, FF7, and assassins creed.

Thanks if you can make one for me. :P

Yup thats right i just did it and i cant wait!!!

Last night at 7:32 i ordered Kingdom hearts 2 FM+ with Swap Magic and the flip top!!! Note this is my first import so yea i did alot of research looking and seeing if i have a guide to install the flip top and yup. So i will post a new blog when it comes. :D i cant wait i will be practicing on kingdom hearts 2 to get better on proud mode XD!!