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Ok im stuck and i need some oppoins.

Ok well im really stuck and i need help.

Which should i get. Kingdom Hearts FM+ or Naruto Shippuden Accel??

I can get both because im getting Magic Swap too. this will be my first time importing and playing a Japanese game so i really want a good one.

Got some games to pass the time??

Well im on Summer brake and got tons and tons of free time. So i have plenty games to get me threw till wensday. If you ask why i have to what till wensday and whats on wensday. Well Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 cant wait :D

Game 1: Ultimate Spiderman- Well its fun but i started it and so im gonna finsh it. Its cool in some parts.

Game 2: Kingdom Hearts- Awsome i started this one as well and it really rocks.

Game 3: Kingdom Hearts 2- Also really fun im like almost done with it...but then i have to do jimmenys journal and do proud mode.

Game 4: Final Fantasy 9- Havent started it but i cant wait. (Can some one give me any tips to find final fantasy 7 because i want it really bad. :()

So i think im gonna be busy for a while.

All right im back and this is personal (however you spell it lol)

Well im back if you dont know......and well here is what happened in well some part of my life. Well this past week has been weird. Monday bought Kingdom Hearts 2. Been playing the crap out of that.

Well for the futer. In sunday im going and getting Kingdom hearts 1.

Tuesday im getting Naruto Ultimate ninja. (im getting it because well i got the first one and then well why not try the second??)

So feel free to comment....

I was thinking whats the best game(in your opinion) of 2006/2007??

I was just thinking and well the results on the bottom are what i came up with.


Ps2-God of war 1 and 2 and also Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2


Ps3-I love Genji Days of the Blade.  Also Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Demo because the reall one is not out yet :() Also Spideman 3.


Ds-I played Final Fantasy 3 on my brothers Ds and man, thats a fun and addicting game.


Wii-well seeing as this year is supposibly the best year for the wii because of the new games, I would have to say that the best is Zelda Twilight Princess.


Xbox 360- Well this and the Ps3 are probly the best but for games the best games on this console, I would have to say Gears of War, Rainbow six  Vegas, Spiderman 3 (most of you are probly gonna be like wtf well i liked it on the 360 and Ps3 but man the Wii version sucked)