Dude, Chrono Trigger is one of best RPG's ever! Great characters, great gameplay, great story, its a fantastic game all around. The DS version added touch screen controls, 2 new dungeons, a new ending, and a monster raising thing(although that part sucked). It is totally worth buying.
It looks cool...but its zelda. it always looks cool. i hope that nintendo brings vaati back for this one. and i hope that the dual screen boss battles take longer and that there are more of them, cuz those were freaking awesome. especially the hammer one...
DQ5 rocks! Although it was pretty pricey(5 dollars more the IV, in Canada at least) I believe that it was worth it. I like it way better than IV. The story is actually somewhat compelling. Plus the graphics look pretty good, as well as some really cool animations. I'm about 15 hours in, but I love it. You should definitely get this game.
I think that both of you should just shut the heck up and actually stay true to the reason you even looked at this topic anyway:to say which FF characters you wanna see again, and then talk about THAT. NOT ARGUING! It's really really annoying.
Hmm... Besaid was really really cool, as well as macalania woods. Anywhere with those "Ride Ze Shoopuf" guys. I still remember that one frog guy saying imposhibibble, that... was sweet. From FFXII, definitely that forest viera village, I dont think I need to explain that one. Oh, and Reno from IX as well as Costa De Sol and the Golden Saucer from VII
So wait, does region free mean it can play games that are developed for any region in the world, not just japanese ones? Cuz ive heard of European games that wont play on American systems or vice versa?
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