If they ever do decide to make a portable halo game, it should be for the psp. The DS is a great system and definitely kicks big psp butt, but the graphical capabilities of the DS are not that great. The psp has a much better capability for better graphics though, and crap graphics on the ds wouldnt do halo justice. but thats just my opinion
I bought it 3 days ago and beat it yesterday. There really isnt that much replay value except for getting all of the spirit gems and ship parts and heart containers. But I absolutely loved the main quest while it lasted. It's definitely the best game i own for ds
I want both systems but i can only get one this christmas. I'm obviously a Final Fantasy and RPG junkie,that's why i want the PS2. But i also love mario and everything nintendo. the wii's motion stuff is just awsomely fun. Help me make the decision
Why do all of you think that zelda isnt going to change? Nintendo said that TP would be the last traditional zelda game. The new zelda is guaranteed to be realy different, if not necessarily an RPG. Although an RPG would be cool, i dont think that RPG is the way zelda should go.
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