cloud_strifeXxX's forum posts
my favourite is definately Shadow or Blaze. my least favourite is a 3-way tie between Rouge the Bat, Cream the Rabbit, and Big the Cat
it definitely needs to shake up the formula. i think that nintendo knows that and kinda planned for TP to be the last typical zelda game. here are some things that i think that the new zelda should have:
- new villain( i would really like to see Vaati return, from Minish Cap and Four Sword)
- more dramatic( i liked that idea of having an Aeris-like killing of Zelda)
- break the dungeon formula( that REALLY needs some more variety and change)
- a lot more side quests and secrets ( have quests that actually rewards you with something new and useful, maybe a new costume, or magic, or armor, not just heart pieces)
- less cute, more dark( i really would like to see a fallen link from a previous zelda game, maybe TP zelda)
- going back to that costume idea, like in OOT and MM, have masks, hats,and other costume, just for variation( just a speculation!)
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