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clownofpoetry Blog

Instant Walrus!

Hello everyone. How are you all? Good I hope. I was able to pick up Halo 3 and it is definitely the sequel I knew it would be. It still makes me angry, but I still play it. It still has that feeling to it. I'm taking a break from it right now so that I can finish up my homework for the week. That way I can have the weekend to play it and possibly rent Eternal Sonata. I can't wait to get started in Campaign mode. I went through the first 3 levels on Normal to see what they were like. It is fun to say the least. I look forward to the Co-op that I'm going to be having with some of you. I have currently transferred all my Comic drawings from paper onto paint so I can post them on the new site. I'll announce when they are ready to be seen by the world. lol. Also, the first poem that I'm going to post on it is almost done. It is called Instant Walrus. It's an entire poem based on fragments of Beatles and John Lennon songs. I hope that it will be enjoyable.

"A storm broke loose in my mind."
- Albert Einstein

In other news, I am almost half way to the doom level. I'm hoarding sour candy and Hawaiian Punch for that purpose. It will be a fun and exciting turn of events for me. As I am redecorating my entire layout once I hit it. That is also with help, s0njas0n, is working on my new banner and I found the most awesome pic for my avatar. I love it just as much as I do the tradmark SNL Katamari logo. These projects are going to be a surprise for those who come and enjoy. I hope you all will like the new layout when it is available on your screen. :) I also evolved from a Tagger Dabbler to a Tagger Maker (Woo!) and from a Neigbhorly butterfly to a Convivial butterfly (Thanks everyone!) :D

"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Okay, that is all from me for now. I gotta get to work so I can get to being lazy. lol. :D Have a wonderful weekend everyone. :)

Randomized Thoughts and Ideas

Today was a week of nothing. Seriously. It's been boring and uninteresting. All I did was slave over my new poems and college items in which to turn in this week. Fun fun. I'm going to have to rent Eternal Sonata when I can get the chance. After all, it's out now and it is one of the games I have been looking forward to playing. Also, I saw the new trailers for the new Simpson's game and it looks to be great too. I'm going to have to give it a try. I hope it was as good as Hit and Run. That game was just awesome! I hope that this new Simpsons game is too. I have opened up a website that will eventually have my poems and stories on it. Another thing I want to put on it is my comics. I'm not really sure if they are funny or not, but they keep me busy. They are called Poorly Refurbished Comics and I'll post them when I can. If you are interested, go here. There's hardly anything on it right now. It's still being worked on. So, I hope to have more up soon.

"The most effective way to do it, is to do it."
- Toni Wade Bambera

Halo 3 comes out in 3 days and I am excited for it. I'm going to tell everyone about a couple of awesome games that I had recently, this is definitely awesome. The first one when, I started the game, and some guy already had 7 kills under his bucket. I was so pleased that I could have thrown up. How can you spawn in with 7 kills already? I don't know. He pretty much killed everyone in sight. I saw him once and I had a shotgun. He had a pistol. I was right in front of him and BAM he disappears. Also, he killed me. How wonderful is that? The next one was great too. Where I had a half second life percentage. As I spawned in, I was killed. JOY TO THE WORLD! Another wonderful game that was there. Okay, I'm done being sarcastic. With Halo 3 coming out very very soon. I am begging everyone to fight a fair fight. I know I'm not the best there is. I average about 3rd place- 4 place when the playing ground is right. Averaging about 15 kills. I just want to play a nice game wtihout crap like this happening all the time. I'm going to need help on Legendary mode though. I already have one volunteer. Would anyone else like to join the fun? Well that about does it for me. Happy weekend to all. :D

"Are we having fun yet?"
- Carol Burnett

I miss the Super Nintendo days.

Yesterday, my mom found my old SNES and all of the wonderful games I have for it. I have yet to see it in its aging glory. It's like finding a fossil that once lived on the land, but now is extinct. I didn't take it with me to college so she found it in the giant box I left it in. She hooked it up in the living room and it still plays. It's ALLLLIVVVVVVEEE!!!! Muahahahahahaha. I had to get that out before my evil spread across the day.

"It's hard for young players to see the big picture. They just see three or four years down the road."
- Kareem Abdul-Jabar

Now then, on with the SNES blog. She was telling me about all the games that were in the box along with it. I smiled because I knew that I loved all the ones she mentioned. Chrono Trigger, Super Mario World, Illusion of Gaia, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Earthbound, Acro the Acrobat, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, NBA Jam TE, and many others. There's this one game that I thought was hilarious and a lot of fun. I don't know what they did with it though. It was called Super Alfred Chicken. A funny little game where you take control of a Chicken and go through platforming levels that steadily got harder as you went. Sort of like Mario but with a Chicken. I loved that game. Only if there were more games where you can control a chicken. That would be great. :D

"Age is of no importance, unless you are a cheese."
- Billie Burke

Finally, one last look back on the SNES. It is definitely my favorite console of all time. The nostalgia is still there. It's a burning flame that I am living through my Wii. Only of some of the games would appear there. There's one final game I'd like to discuss and it was called, Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure. This game was really hard when you played it alone. However, if you had someone to play it with you. That was the best. There's over 45 levels. My friend and I got to that level and died so, we don't know how many more there are. It's another platforming game but with the Blues Brothers. How cool is that? When you powered up or ended the level. You'd hear them say... "Rock, rock, rock-n-roll!" and it was hilarious! I love those movies and I love the SNES game. What can I say?

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Have a wonderful rest of the week everyone! :D

Beautiful Katamari has downloadable levels! recently announced the achievements for Beautiful Katamari. They say that Beautiful Katamari has 1250 achievement points and that some of them require downloading new levels off of XBox Live. This makes me even more estactic to play this game! :D I did not expect any of that. I just thought it would be the awesome Beauitful Katamari that won't have any downloads until later on. Some achievements involve playing online. Marbig! We have got to roll up some crap together. When the networking decides to let us do it. Last night, I tried to play a Halo 2 game with him and it said "We are experiencing network problems. Sorry about that." And I'm like wtf? I hope that Beautiful Katamari and Halo 3 decides to let us play together.

"Sweet is a grief well ended."

In other news, I downloaded the Tony Hawk's Proving Ground demo. I had an easier time with it than I did the skate demo. That's just because I've played every single Tony Hawk game known to man. I had a lot of fun with it. One thing I like from both games is that you can skip bails. Unless the bail is completely sick and awesome, I don't want to watch it. I'm pretty evened out on terms of which game I like better. I love the way Tony Hawk feels and how you can choose what you want to do. I also love how skate is going back to the roots. It's a mixed bag. I'll have to think about which game I like more.

"The man who has no imagination has no wings."
-Muhammad Ali

Is it just me or did I just become half of a Flicky? In two days? What in the world? I must go now. I'm hungry and I need to absorb some food. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. :)

(insert clever title here)

My girlfriend and I talked last night. She told me that everything is going to be alright. Although things are still tough. The whole thing was a money issue and her mom is still cracking down on her. We are defintely going to make it through this situation. Which is great for us. So, I'm in a lot better mood and am returning as my crazy self. Hooray! To start this blog, I give you a quote.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here I am. A Flicky! Woot! So awesome indeed. I'm getting closer to the horrible doom of Level 20 soon. That's going to be a long trip, but it's alright; it'll be over before I know it. Once I turn into Level 20, I'm retiring my entire set up. My awesome SNL Katamari logo will be changed. I would like to change my banner but I can't make banners too well. Can someone tell me if they can help or lead me to someone who can help. That would be great. :D Thanks.

I have been reading a poet named Richard Brautigan lately. He's hilarious and he wrote tiny little poems. They're great! That's actually in one of his poems. He's talking about the Mama's and the Papa's and he gets up and dances in it. I decided to give his way of writing a shot. And you know, I love doing it. I already have 30 poems in his way of writing. It's so cool. Here's a poem I wrote like him.

Clogged Arteries

When I think of you
Donkey Kong Country
caves, banana fruit
gathered unto other
bananas. A hoard of
two dimensional ape
lands, have spread
beyond cholesterol.
Winded monkeys
are riding the ostrich
to burn into their
clogged arteries.

That's pretty much the poems in a nutshell. I can see myself doing these kinds of poems for a while. But I'll eventually get bored and do my poems like I normally do. In a "William Carlos Williams" way of symmetical and scientific format. lol. Sorry if this is boring, it's what I love to do. On a website dedicated to games, this is just so different.

Well, I'm out for now. Have a wonderful weekend coming up and don't forget to have some fun. :D

It's 4 in the morning.........

I can't really seem to sleep right now. I'm far too worried and too upset to even try. There are rough times in front of my girlfriend and I. We'll be able to push forward and get by. We always do. It's just that it's so strenous right now. Considering her mom is hiding her away from me and she can't use her phone. She sent me an email reassuring that she loved me and she'll find a way to talk to me. I haven't used the computer today and so I didn't get to see this until just a few hours ago. Everything seems to be falling apart on her end but I refuse to give up. I know she won't either. I was able to contact her cousin by Myspace which I set to Private due to some stupid sites trying to hack into it. Then out of NOWHERE my computer freezes up and then I wasn't able to respond to her until she signed off. I sigh to myself and I'm crying on the inside knowing that I blew another chance at finding out what's going on. I feel so upset right now. I want to curl up and fall asleep but my guts say no, so I'm not. I'm getting sick of this happening. I just want to stand up to her mom and tell her that I am the reason why her daughter is succeeding. I know I am. When she's able to talk to me and feel happy, her work improves significantly. When we are away like this; it kills everything around us and we need to try to get past it. I know we can do it. It just hurts so bad. I'm going to lay down. *sigh*

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."
-Napoleon Hill

Back to Games!

I haven't really talked a lot about video games in the last couple blogs. I did mention Frogger and Pacman, but that was because they were a part of real life experiences. I decided to dedicate this blog to the top 5 games I am looking forward to this year. That way I can ease my mind for writing blogs on a place called GameSpot. But before that, always a quote.

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."
- Tom Robbins

5. Eternal Sonata: As everyone who has ever known me and video games, they can tell you one thing. I despise turn based games. I'm looking at you Final Fantasy. Despite my hatred in this field, I decided to download the demo out of the praise from IGN and Gamespot. To tell you the truth, this didn't feel like a turn based game at all. It was fun, engaging, and you control the battles. However, the bad guys will always get their turn of course, yet you can block and even avoid the attacks. Pretty cool. You can also perform special attacks and heal on the fly. I was like WOW! No menus! Well there are, but during battle they limit the menus a lot and I was very pleased. If all turn based games played like this; I wouldn't have any problems with it. Also, the backgrounds and environments are easy on the eyes and character models compliment the game. I'm looking forward to this game. Although it is essentially a part of something I despise.

4. Bully: Scholarship Edition: This game is great! I picked it up on the PS2 and I fell in love with it. Why? Because there is so much substance and fun things you can do. Riding skateboards, beating up bullies, playing games at the carnival. I can literally go on and on about this game. It is not Grand Theft Auto and it doesn't try to be. It makes me feel like I am young again and the story grips your heart. As you can remember from your own days in school, there are cliques, groups, and none of them get along what so ever. It's just so real. It's the human experience all over again. EXCEPT, it is enjoyable and I want to play it again and again. Once I heard this game was arriving on Wii and 360 with new content; I was a happy man. Now it is the number 4 on my list of games to play.

3. Halo 3: What's he thinking? He put Halo 3 in at number 3? Le gasp, is he crazy? You bet I am. I am definitely looking forward to how they change everything. From all fixing all the annoying things to the brand new things that may become annoying. Like the spike grenade, that will be interesting. It's big on my list, and I don't have to explain. So I'm just going to move on, because I don't want to go into detail about how angry the one before this irritates me. I already have done that. It's in a blog called Fight the Fair Fight. If you want to find it, it's on here.

2. Beautiful Katamari: I am a nutty fool for this game. Ever since the original came out, I've been addicted to rolling stuff up into giant balls. I find it to be more fun than shooting people. Heck, listening to someone giggle or scream like this ARRROEOHOOO!! because they just got squished into a ball is more than worth it. Plus the King's ever present monologues are defintely worth reading. In the demo he calls you honey-bunch. And you are like what in the world? But we expect it out of you King of All Cosmos and that's why we love you. This one is going to be interesting but I sure can't wait for it. "Woo Tangent."

1. Super Mario Galaxy: Is there anything that should replace this guy? Seriously. I've been playing video games since 1989 and my first experience with games, is with this loveable plumber. He's got the best gameplay, the most fun, and now it's coming to he's coming to the Wii. I am ecstatic to see what will happen in this installment. I'm hoping for some old school platforming minigames like Sunshine did. I'm also hoping for bigger levels, smaller levels, and everything in between. There isn't a subsititute for this guy. And I don't want it any other way. "Wahoo!"

That was my list of games I want to play this year. I know I left out other games like Assassin's Creed, Brawl, and Metroid. I know Metroid is out now. I just don't feel like playing any of those games just yet. These 5 are the essentials for me. It's my opinion and I am open to yours too. Until next time, here's a quote for us anxious people.

"He that can have patience, can have what he will."
- Benjamin Franklin

Human Frogger

You could say that today was a good day. I thorougly liked going through this day. It was a heck of a lot of fun. I woke up at 9 and head out and take my second quiz for my Fiction course. After that was done, I get back the first quiz. I get an A on it and then I go out to eat in the cloudyness of the day. My lunch consisted of a Peanut Butter and Strawberry Yogurt sandwich and a fudge round mixed with a hot dog. The first one was really good and the second one wasn't. @_@ It's okay, because I still enjoyed it. I then go to my next course which is taught by the Joe look-a-like. It was the best lecture I've ever had. He's really good at what he does and I can understand his passion for Language. He's very talented and I'm glad that I am working with him. Next up is the lovely moment of Christianity! I was walking down the street and these Christians handed me a flyer that said: "Believe in Jesus? Come to our seminar for free food and discussion!" And there was a kitten on the page. I looked at the guy and said, "I believe in Frisbeetarianism, I can't go to your seminar." They were like, what is Frisbeetarianism? If you aren't familiar, it is a parody religion George Carlin made up, it's where when you die, your soul gets thrown onto the roof and you can't get down. I then proceeded to draw on the picture and put lolcat language on it. This is an example of what I did, followed by a quote.

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" 'Meow' means 'woof' in cat."
- George Carlin

After that encounter, I have the joy of taking back a movie. Yes! Here's where the fun begins. I get on the wrong bus and then I am let off at the wrong point. I'm standing here waiting on a new bus that will take me to the movie store. The problem is, the movie store is right beside the stadium and there is a game that will be going on. So, for the last 4 buses, they are all packed like crazy. No one can get on them. So my wait prolongs even longer. This is okay because the marching band is playing music beside us and giving me something to listen to. I thought it would all be marching band music, but I was wrong. To my delight, they played something very out of the ordinary. Strangely enough, they played Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket . Yes, they played the Imperial March which made me laugh and I thought it was a wonderful way of passing time. I also found a strange picture of a bicycle with one of the wheels(?) in the shape of Pacman following a car which is eating its smoke.(?) I decided to write a poem based on that. It will be called "Pacman Bicycle Wheel Follows Black Car" or something to that effect. If you want to read my poems, go to my Myspace. That's where I have all of that stuff. If you want to add me, let me know on here.

"I never set out to be weird. It was always the other people who called me weird."
- Frank Zappa

I finally get on the next bus. The best part of this trip is that it is also full to the max. Except for the really interesting thing that I was allowed to sit on a girl's lap. She gave me her permission so I did. She was very nice. We talked about our majors and what we want to do with our lives. We got along pretty well, I must say. I told her about my girlfriend and she was like, "aww.. that's so sweet" and we became friends. How can you not become friends with someone when you sit on their lap due to lack of space? I would have done the same thing, so I thank her. I get off the bus at the stadium and then I take a look at my lovely roads that I need to cross. There was an intersection with 4 highways in between them. It was obviously dangerous but how I am going to get this movie back? I have to take my chances. I am reminded of Frogger as I do this. It's human Frogger and here I am, the protagonist. I imagine myself hopping over the streets, when I am crossing when the lights turn red. I make it! Oh, I was so happy. I didn't get hurt or anything, I just hope to do it again on the way home. I make it back on the opposite side happily. Thank goodness. Instead of taking the bus back, I just decided to walk. I survived the whole ordeal and wanted to walk home, so I did. And here I am. Muahahaha. Alllivee! lol. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. :D

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"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."- Aristotle

Madden 08, Sour Cream, and a Mouse.. Oh My!

So this week has been very interesting. Monday has to be the nuttiest day I've had recently. It was as hot as ever, considering it hasn't been less than 95 degrees in over a month. I met my one of my new professors. His name is John Stockton. Which is a double meaning for me, since my favorite basketball player aside from Reggie Miller is John Stockton. He goes over the class and lets us go home. Strangely enough, it rains! Yes. Rains.. in 95 degree heat. A whole lot of it! Woohoo! I come back to my room and I see something lovely. It was grey, small, and it was gnawing into one of my candy bars. It turned its head and looked at me like I was a monster and I threw my bag at it. I just wanted to scare it away but it didn't move. My aim was perfect for some odd reason. I knew his fate was sealed when I heard a loud squeak and I shuddered. I still feel upset about it. I clean up my floor and the bag. It wasn't fun but I still had to do it. I take the dead rodent and put it outside in the muggy, raining heat. My dad arrives and we go out to eat. It being so nice enough to be in the air conditioning although I am soaking wet. I can see my breath. I go from extremely hot, to extremely wet, to extremely cold in 2 hours. YES! We finish eating and he drops me off at home.

"Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, they spray my room for anything else that might be living in here but me. I couldn't get back inside until late that night so I pretty much stayed in the lobby and ate chips. I don't really like Ruffles chips unless I can dip them in something so I got some French Onion Dip.... or so I thought. I open it up and I started to dip into it. I didn't realize I was eating sour cream until I looked down and realized that it tasted different. I rolled my eyes and continued to do it. No harm done in that I suppose. Yet another oddball part of the week. Wednesday turned out alright. Except for the fact that they moved Geography from 6 PM to 7 PM without telling me and I waited for an hour in front of the closed up room. Thursday was weird. Simply because I met one of my professors and he looks just like my friend Joe, acts like Joe, talks like Joe, and dresses like Joe. It's like looking into the future! Creepy stuff.

"I was sleeping the other night, alone, thanks to the exterminator."
-Emo Philips

I did my financial aid stuff on Friday. I also rented Madden 08. I am thoroughly enjoying it and it's new features. The achievements are very easy but I don't mind at all. I'm glad there's no online or superstar ones that will take forever. They took 4 hours to finish and that's how it should be. You should enjoy the game; the achievements are only secondary. I just don't understand why they make games other than RPGs that take ages to finish the achievements or they are ridiculous. For example... 1,000,000 Pair: Guitar Hero 2, Compete in 1,000 online games: Tiger Wood's PGA Tour 2006, ect. There's no way anyone would want to attempt those unless they have a lot of time, and/or they are really good at it and they know someone who is too. That was my lovely week and a small rant on achievements. Have fun everyone! :D

"Live out your imagination, not your history."
-Stephen Covey

Finish A Fair Fight

Recently, I've been playing Halo 2 for a couple of hours to hone my skills for Halo 3 in the next month. I've noticed that it is definitely flawed. There's too many things about it that makes my stomach turn. I realized that the developers were right when they said "we can't even play online anymore". I hope that they fix a lot of things and make it a lot more enjoyable. This is what I have found in my recent exploits in the Halo 2 online world.

All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy.
Scott Alexander

People who use the "n00b" trick. They use the plasma pistol to drain all of your shield and then either melee you in the face or hit a head shot on you with the Battle Rifle. This is one thing that I just don't understand. It's practically cheating and there's nothing you can do about it. I had a sword, ready to slice up my opponent when I get killed instead. I was shouting angry words at the screen as you might as well. My crosshair turned red and I was ready to pounce so I did, but I was the one dead instead. All due to this little trick that needs to be removed. More often than none, this is how I get killed.

Next is getting shot at when your back is turned. Yes, I know this is fine and dandy but I at least let my opponents turn around to give them a fair shot at me. I feel like I'm the only one who does this since everytime I get shot at from the back, I can't turn around without being dead. It's seriously annoying and I noticed that the developers saw it was frustrating too. So they now have the shield bombs that will protect you from attacks from the back. Good work guys.

The spawn in points are not the best. They tried really hard to improve upon Halo 1's disasterous spawn in points and they did a good job of it. Except only when you spawn right into a battle and have no chance of surviving that confrontation. Another thing, they often have spawn in points right where you got killed last. I was in a Sniper's Slayer game and I got sniped by some guy from behind and then I spawned in right near the same place I died last. I walked about 2 seconds to die again. This makes me want to throw my controller into the wall. I was killed by the same person 4 times in a row in the last game because all he did was stand there and shoot at me and I couldn't shoot back. I didn't even know where he was. I just knew I was dead.

Well, that's enough for now, I don't want to bore all of you with my rants on the evils of the blatent cheating in this game. If I run into you in Halo 3. Always remember to finish a fair fight.

We cannot be speakers who do not listen. But neither can we be listeners who do not speak.
-Mahatma Gandhi