I haven't really talked a lot about video games in the last couple blogs. I did mention Frogger and Pacman, but that was because they were a part of real life experiences. I decided to dedicate this blog to the top 5 games I am looking forward to this year. That way I can ease my mind for writing blogs on a place called GameSpot. But before that, always a quote.
"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."
- Tom Robbins
5. Eternal Sonata: As everyone who has ever known me and video games, they can tell you one thing. I despise turn based games. I'm looking at you Final Fantasy. Despite my hatred in this field, I decided to download the demo out of the praise from IGN and Gamespot. To tell you the truth, this didn't feel like a turn based game at all. It was fun, engaging, and you control the battles. However, the bad guys will always get their turn of course, yet you can block and even avoid the attacks. Pretty cool. You can also perform special attacks and heal on the fly. I was like WOW! No menus! Well there are, but during battle they limit the menus a lot and I was very pleased. If all turn based games played like this; I wouldn't have any problems with it. Also, the backgrounds and environments are easy on the eyes and character models compliment the game. I'm looking forward to this game. Although it is essentially a part of something I despise.
4. Bully: Scholarship Edition: This game is great! I picked it up on the PS2 and I fell in love with it. Why? Because there is so much substance and fun things you can do. Riding skateboards, beating up bullies, playing games at the carnival. I can literally go on and on about this game. It is not Grand Theft Auto and it doesn't try to be. It makes me feel like I am young again and the story grips your heart. As you can remember from your own days in school, there are cliques, groups, and none of them get along what so ever. It's just so real. It's the human experience all over again. EXCEPT, it is enjoyable and I want to play it again and again. Once I heard this game was arriving on Wii and 360 with new content; I was a happy man. Now it is the number 4 on my list of games to play.
3. Halo 3: What's he thinking? He put Halo 3 in at number 3? Le gasp, is he crazy? You bet I am. I am definitely looking forward to how they change everything. From all fixing all the annoying things to the brand new things that may become annoying. Like the spike grenade, that will be interesting. It's big on my list, and I don't have to explain. So I'm just going to move on, because I don't want to go into detail about how angry the one before this irritates me. I already have done that. It's in a blog called Fight the Fair Fight. If you want to find it, it's on here.
2. Beautiful Katamari: I am a nutty fool for this game. Ever since the original came out, I've been addicted to rolling stuff up into giant balls. I find it to be more fun than shooting people. Heck, listening to someone giggle or scream like this ARRROEOHOOO!! because they just got squished into a ball is more than worth it. Plus the King's ever present monologues are defintely worth reading. In the demo he calls you honey-bunch. And you are like what in the world? But we expect it out of you King of All Cosmos and that's why we love you. This one is going to be interesting but I sure can't wait for it. "Woo Tangent."
1. Super Mario Galaxy: Is there anything that should replace this guy? Seriously. I've been playing video games since 1989 and my first experience with games, is with this loveable plumber. He's got the best gameplay, the most fun, and now it's coming to he's coming to the Wii. I am ecstatic to see what will happen in this installment. I'm hoping for some old school platforming minigames like Sunshine did. I'm also hoping for bigger levels, smaller levels, and everything in between. There isn't a subsititute for this guy. And I don't want it any other way. "Wahoo!"
That was my list of games I want to play this year. I know I left out other games like Assassin's Creed, Brawl, and Metroid. I know Metroid is out now. I just don't feel like playing any of those games just yet. These 5 are the essentials for me. It's my opinion and I am open to yours too. Until next time, here's a quote for us anxious people.
"He that can have patience, can have what he will."
- Benjamin Franklin
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