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Manhunt 2 AO Rating Monkey Business

Here is another "who didn't see this coming" moment. The fact that you can actually stab someone with your Wiimote is disturbing enough. It's a fresh concept that the Wii really needs right now. I'm sure that the casual gamers are happy right now, but the Wii needs to reach to the hardcore as well. I know that they have with Scarface, Super Paper Mario, ect. That really isn't enough to satisfy them though. They want to have some real control over their games. With RE 4 going Wii, this is one step further into this idea. I believe that Manhunt 2 is the best thing to push further this momentum. It's going to be a bloodbath, it's going to be warped, it's going to be the gruesome sequel we've been waiting for. The problem is.. control. If you can literally hack at someone and it happens in real life, SOMEONE will stand up. I knew this day would come. I think that the AO rating is worth every cent of it. However, I believe that AO ratings shouldn't be a bad thing. It makes people say... look, games are made for adults too. It shouldn't be made a big deal out of. It's only Mature up one notch. That's a good thing, because parents might actually look at the label and say, well, I'm not buying this for my kids. Although some parents don't really give a s(beep)t about what they buy for their kids. They should research and see what's good for their kids, instead of letting kids touch games like Manhunt 2. If they are so concerned about it, they should take it into their own hands and monitor their kids video games. Manhunt 2 is a game for adults, and it should remain that way. I know that I am an adult, and if I want to hack up someone in a game, it's sure as heck more safer than it would be in real life.

1. I'm not going to jail..

2. I know it's a game...

In my opinion, I don't care if it's M or AO. If you can recognize real life from gaming, you should be able to play this game and not be in any serious harm. It's in the hands of the parents and that's all there is to it. If parents were more watchful and less judgmental, then we wouldn't have this problem. There is a difference between real life and gaming and some people can't find that out for themselves. That's their problem, not the biggest problem of the world. There's many other things that could warp someone's mind other than video games. For example:

1. The News.. It's biased and it can sway anyone who watches it to one side or the other

2. Pressure... From those around the person. People can drive a man nuts. My parents drive me nuts, my dog drives me nuts, and my grandfather drives me nuts. You know what else? Pretty much everyone else gets on my case about who I am and what I do. If I wasn't the writer and gamer I am and I haven't found my girlfriend; I would probably be one messed up fellow myself.

3. War.. I mean, it's great for video games because they can be stress relievers. Outside of that world, veterns come back distant, cold, and pretty much in pain. It's not a pretty sight a lot of the time and most video games don't show the aftermath of these horrific experiences.

4. Religion.. I could go into this, but I won't for the sake of my readers. I'll take far too long. I just have to say that it is the sole cause of alienation from the rest of the world. End of story.

As you can see, video games are only part of the problem. But it's not. It's a solution to the real world; it's there to help you relax and go into someone else's world. Too bad some people live in those worlds a little too much; I love it as much as everyone else here. I just think that you need time in the real world as well. Okay, I'm done ranting. *sigh* Monkey business is better than no business I guess.

GH III, Beautiful Katamari, and GTA IV thoughts.

Guitar Hero III

Guitar Hero III seems to be coming across nicely in my perspective. It's nice to see that they are toning down on the difficulty. I'm STILL stuck on the final tier on II in expert. At least I passed two out of the five. Online sounds wonderful, same with the battle mode. That's going to rock some face. With zingers like Broken String, Whammy Bar, and Double Notes. It's going to be one major title I'm looking forward to. Btw, PAINT IT BLACK! KNIGHTS OF CYDONIA! ROCK AND ROLL ALL NITE! SCHOOL'S OUT! The new and improved controller, the Les Paul looks sick. And a lot more to come, my mouth is watering already.

Beautiful Katamari

This one is on Arcade? Wow! Who didn't expect that? Well, I did. Beautiful Katamari isn't the most graphically enhanced game of all time and neither is its predecessors. You know, it's the quirky gameplay that makes it so darn fun. I watched the video and read the impressions, and it's already making me happy. 4 player online mode sounds tempting and even more rolling up goodness. I can't wait to see it soon. Arcade or not. Arcade may even lower its price. Oh ho, here's to hoping.

Grand Theft Auto IV

NO AIRPLANES! Thank the fates of the world. I could never fly one of those monsters in San Andreas. Also, I love the idea of it being revolved around you as a player. You don't have to go do missions, you assign missions and do missions on your account. That makes it even more interesting. Arranging missions yourself sounds like a doozy of an addition. The "rags to slighty better rags" idea is also encouraging. It's a good thing they are not trying to make you a big mogul like in the past. Not many people can do that, and I'm glad they are at least setting a lower bar for the newest character. Running into more authentic people sounds like fun. Deranged individuals, wacko addicts, and much more. It's going to be a grand time in the GTA universe, count on it.

That's all for now ladies and gents. Enjoy your weekend.

Back Sack Jack

With my arm healed, I am back in the game. Although playing Guitar Hero 2 is harder than it used to be. I'm having trouble beating the final tier on expert. Isn't everyone else? Oh well. A new day, and a new time, we all will get it.

Yay! Eh! >.

I got my cast off! And I can finally play GH with the actual guitar. Problem now is that I have to leave for a week to go on a fishing trip with my dad. Ugh. The suspence. Oh well. Halo 3 Beta coming up, I can't wait to read people's impressions upon my return. Have a wonderful week everyone.

*sighs in relief*

So, my first 360 is swimming with the fishes. However, Microsoft, despite some of the criticism they've got on this issue, handled my problem professionally. I called them and talked to them in a polite matter. I asked them what I could do for my dead console. They told me that I still had my warranty in full effect. All I have to do is send in my 360, they'll either repair it or send me a new one for free. That makes me feel a lot better. After all, I was afraid that I would have to buy a new one. I guess I forgot about the one year extension they did recently. I may have to wait to play the Guitar Hero in which I bought today, but I'm just happy I don't have to buy a new console. You see kiddies, you treat people with respect and they'll treat you with respect. You say: L1k3 0MFG MY 360 1Z DED AN' U NED 2 FIX 1T N0W!!! and they'll be like, screw you. You say, hey, I have a problem. They'll say. We'll be happy to help. Respect is a wonderful thing and when you talk and type clearly, you'll gain respect from the people who do the same, and from the companies that you buy their stuff from. Let that soak in.

The Horror!!! (places explicatives here)

For the first time in a year, my XBox 360 did it. My 360 gave forth to me.... the 3 red lights of doom. I am so totally upset right now because of this. 3 days before Guitar Hero 2 is set to come out and rock my 360. The tragic irony has killed my hopes. I hope that I can get this figured out soon. If I have to hold off playing Guitar Hero 2 for another month or so, I'll be even more upset. What should I do?

Katamari Wii? 360? I'm game.

Seeing as the rumors are coming into light about a new Katamari game; I'm very happy to see the news. However, I'm debating on what console to buy it on. The 360 could use the traditional analog sticks to be able to play it. It'd be like playing the first 2 games, but on the 360. Achievements would also be applied, well, I'm hoping at least. That'd be a great reason already to but the 360 version of the game. However, the Wii game would use the Wiimote and give a brand new dimension to the game. It'd be great fun to play on the Wii. I've always wanted another Katamari game and I wanted it on the Wii. Now that I have to debate on this issue since I really like the Wii controls and I really like Achievements and its original gameplay. The rumor goes around that it is going to be out for only $39.99 which is a steal. It is half the price of some other games such as the Limited Editions of GeOW and Halo 3. It sounds wonderful. If they use the same price tag for the Wii, it seems like it may be different. All Wii games are $49.99 and I'd think that ten bucks off would be a different story. If they cut half of the price like they want to for the 360 and put it at $29.99. I'd just buy them both. We'll see what happens.

A Poem!

My name says it all, and this will be my first poem on here. With references to Katamari Damacy, Metal Gear Solid, and Lupin III, I hope it is enjoyable.

Myself in a Poem

Memory has gone
and I can't remember
what was supposed
to come up next.

Whatever it was; it
left a peculiar void
which I must fill with
random thoughts.

I want to remain small and
maintain a healthy green glow
while rolling up clumps of things
in my sticky ball of viscous goo.

Na na na... Katamari Damacy.
Those patriots rule everything
even the president and his role.
There is nothing we can do but

live our daily routines among them.
I wish upon that jagged street lamp
that I was the grandson of a thief.
I would follow his footsteps by wearing

a red jacket and a pink tie so that I
can be smooth enough to pull off thick
sideburns while outrunning a fanatical
police officer in a dense trench coat.

May be I'd be more satisfied in a used
bookstore where they are hanging
by loose edges and my delicate but
rough hands heal their warped spines.

A chiropractor for the ancient tomes
would be nice, but it requires a lot of
patience that I never really had to begin
with and reading them is fun enough.

The light bulbs in my ideas are wooden
and nothing connects as well as it should
yet, it always makes me wonder why the
ending has to always cut everything short

even when I don't put myself in a poem.

~The Clown of Poetry~