[QUOTE="clubsammich91"]Anything can happenIronBass
That's not the question. The question is if there's any reason to think that it will, not that it can. Maybe not a full exclusive, but a timed one. Don't automatically rule it out.
It's not the price that's a bad thing. It's the fact that people are paying for something that should be free. I'm already paying a monthly fee for my ISP, I shouldn't have to pay a penny more than that for online gaming.
Usually people say "you could've bought a game instead of paying for Live"
I've spent $60 on games that I regret buying. Fable II, Gears of War 2. That's $130 right there (including tax) so yeah, it's definitely worth it for me.
that bites dude, i know how that goes (i come from the days of nintendo where the box art was the only thing to judge a game by) luckily i can log onto the psn for free and download a demo of the game im interested in to see if its worth throwing down the money.
90% of 360 demos only need a Silver (free) membership. Only the brand brand new releases need a gold membershp. Agian, if you actually had a 360 you would know that.
It doesn't matter cause it shouldn't cost any money anyway. Don't you realize that other people are getting the exact same thing XBLA gold members are getting free of charge? Online gaming has been around for about 13 years(Quake 1996) and it's the same basic thing now as it was then. Why MS is charging money is purely for profit.
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