Here is how I see Natal's life cycle. -It will be released with lots of hype and a huge multi-million dollar ad campaign that MS is known for -Said ads will feature people from ages 8-80, flailing their arms around like a bunch of idiots -Will probably have a hefty price tag, but people will still buy anyway -Will be liked and enjoyed by many who purchased it for a month or 2 -Finally, people will get bored with it and let it collect dust in the closet of forgotten electronics.
What game did you think was great, but that greatness wasn't reflected in the games sales? For me that would definitely be Okami. Psyconauts is a close second.
Does anyone remember that game from a year or two back that was to be called something like Hardware 2, 100 player battles and fully destructable buildings and vehicles? It sounded cool so i hope it's that.hoosier7
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