[QUOTE="clubsammich91"][QUOTE="Hanass"]I never said anything like that at all. Read my earlier post. I'm playing KOTOR right now on my PC . One of my favorite game series is Half-Life and I have tuns of games on my steam account. But there are people out there who honestly think That modern PC gaming is cheaper then consoles and that's just not true. I spent $600 on my PS3 this console generation. I spent less than $100 on RAM, $130 on a videocard, and nothing at all on my motherboard or CPU (hand me downs). My motherboard cost $50 at retail at the time (it was free in a bundle), and my videocard was less than $90 at the time. Not to mention you can buy 2 gigs of RAM for $20 today. Not to mention the cumulative cost of spending $10 more per game, having no custom content or mods to last you out, having to pay for each DLC instead of it being free (not extra cost just extra content, I don't expect anyone to buy map packs), and on the Xbox 360, actually being forced to pay $50 annually for online gaming. I can see PC gaming being dramatically less expensive than console gaming if you play your cards right. I guess your right. But you have admit that the line between a console and a gaming PC is getting blurrier and blurrier with every passing generation. the average console back in 1999(PS1/N64/Dreamcast) had nothing on PC gaming then. Now however there are games like Rage and Crysis 2 releasing on both PCs and consoles at the same time. Sure the PC version will be the superior one, but what about the next generation of consoles? a decade ago consoles were only good for playing games, now there being called "entertainment hubs" by some.Are you trying to prove something, or do you just like to troll by saying something that EVERYONE is aware of? What is it? You hate PC gaming? Say it; nobody is going to kill you. After all, it's the Internet...
clubsammich91's forum posts
Ok, show me parts for a rig that can play Crysis on medium settings that's 200$ or less.[QUOTE="clubsammich91"]
[QUOTE="Brownesque"] Crysis runs on medium on consoles.Hanass
Are you trying to prove something, or do you just like to troll by saying something that EVERYONE is aware of? What is it? You hate PC gaming? Say it; nobody is going to kill you. After all, it's the Internet...
I never said anything like that at all. Read my earlier post. I'm playing KOTOR right now on my PC . One of my favorite game series is Half-Life and I have tuns of games on my steam account. But there are people out there who honestly think That modern PC gaming is cheaper then consoles and that's just not true.People always seem to forget that Sony doesn't just make VG hardware. That company has been around WAY before the word playstation was ever uttered. They got TVs, lap tops, cameras, cell phones and a freaking movie production company.
[QUOTE="clubsammich91"][QUOTE="Hanass"]And it is a PC fanboy fallacy to claim that if a person wants to play a game like Crysis on the higher settings they're gonna have to shell out more $ then that of a console. Tell you what, I can go out right now and get a 360 for 200$ if you can post a list of hardware so I can bould a gaming rig that can run Crysis on around medium-high to high settings for 200$ or less You will prove me wrong and I will never disrespect PC gaming ever again. Heck I build that rig for that amount of mony. Crysis runs on medium on consoles.Ok, show me parts for a rig that can play Crysis on medium settings that's 200$ or less.Have you never seen double standards being used by fanboys? This is nothing new, just typical console fanboy fallacies.
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"]Bait is fail. But everyone is taking it anyway.Hanass
I honestly wouldn't put it past exclusive console users these days, he is likely being serious because his preferred platform has resulted in a limited understanding of PC hardware and games. I wouldn't have been surprised if he started pricing up server motherboards and Quadro's for what he considered a gaming PC would cost.
What he has done is looked at the low utilization of enthusiast level hardware in Crysis and declared PC gaming in its entirety too expensive. Never mind that the game is perfectly playable on much cheaper hardware at pretty much the same settings as these tests, the best of the best cannot get 60 so he rationalizes it must be unplayable on anything cheaper :roll:
What's sad is we are now going to get just as ignorant consolites jumping in this thread to declare ownage and/or damage control, even though the original post is severely flawed to anyone with even basic experience with the game.
For the hell of it here is the clearly unplayable High settings on my PC, running at 1680x1050 with 2x AA and custom post processing for god rays. Never mind the game looks smooth at even 25 fps, OP thinks anything below 60 is unacceptable. :roll:
Have you never seen double standards being used by fanboys? This is nothing new, just typical console fanboy fallacies.
And it is a PC fanboy fallacy to claim that if a person wants to play a game like Crysis on the higher settings they aren't gonna have to shell out more $ then that of a console. Tell you what, I can go out right now and get a 360 for 200$ if you can post a list of hardware specs and parts so I can build a gaming rig that can run Crysis on around medium-high to high settings for 200$ or less You will prove me wrong and I will never disrespect PC gaming ever again. Heck I build that rig for that amount of money.[QUOTE="L30KinG"]
first of all. halo odst is an EXPANSION, so peoplae wont buy a 360 if they even have'nt played the normal game first
2nd of all the free internet of the slim will hurt them
peopl don't use netfix thats much and ps3 has blu ray
the elite willl not have the hd cables, and with people buying hdtv.... not a good idea
Ppl buy halo ODSt for the multiplayer..And for 60$ and the new maps it will sell like hotcakes
there are no such thing as free internet i play 40 dollars a year each month for it
Over 1 million ppl has used netflix that tells you something
The PS3 slim dosent have HD cables also..infact alot of ppl who own a 360 dont have HDTV...A recent study has shown that:)
Wait...You pay 40$ per month and per year for internet? Also hotcakes aren't that big of a seller anymore and there are pleanty of people who play Halo for the story and most of those people have a 360....A recent study has shown that:)[QUOTE="clubsammich91"][QUOTE="Brownesque"]:roll: Why does every thread that is slightly negative towards PC gaming always end up with a bunch of Crysis pics/vids? I predict this thread will go on for 20 pages or so with nuthing but "Consoles can't play Crysis" "Yeah, but we're getting Crysis 2" "Yeah, but it will be utter garbage compared to the PC version" "Yeah, but we'll still get it" "Yeah, but it's the lesser version" "Yeah, but consoles don't cost as much as Gaming PCs" "Yeah, but if look hard enough you can build a cheap one with high specs." etc. Just watch. Are you confused? Go read the OP. It specifically uses Crysis performance as a knock against PC gaming.... Refuting this is somehow a crime? I'm not taking a side on this, I'm just saying that we have seen multiple threads like this before and they all end up the exact same way.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMZEO3z4maE
Enjoy the ownage contained in this video. Crysis 2 on consoles looks like medium Crysis 1 confirmed.
:roll: Why does every thread that is slightly negative towards PC gaming always end up with a bunch of Crysis pics/vids? I predict this thread will go on for 20 pages or so with nuthing buthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMZEO3z4maE
Enjoy the ownage contained in this video. Crysis 2 on consoles looks like medium Crysis 1 confirmed.
"Consoles can't play Crysis"
"Yeah, but we're getting Crysis 2"
"Yeah, but it will be utter garbage compared to the PC version"
"Yeah, but we'll still get it"
"Yeah, but it's the lesser version"
"Yeah, but consoles don't cost as much as Gaming PCs"
"Yeah, but if look hard enough you can build a cheap one with high specs."
Just watch.
[QUOTE="Tjeremiah1988"]oh and twitter and facebook is nothing to brag about, seriously. As if the Ps3 cant already access those, let alone a Wii... You can boost that you can post in game pictures to your facebook account and that it integrated into the 360, it isnt a big deal. Twitter...NinjaOmega
Twitter and facebook are the It thing right now that would surely boost 360 elite sales this year..plus with nextflix it's pretty much A bonus deal where as the PS3 it dosen't even have nextflix which is sad imo.
You really gotta stop using twitter and facebook as a prime reason to get a 360 elite. PS3 does have netflix, just not a direct stream.
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