Ok, Eurogamer officially hates the PS3, seriously I have seen nothing but negativity from them towards the system. Them giving Fat Princess a 7 just proves it. Oh and there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that FF 13 will look better on the 360.
So they hate PS3 because they report news on it that you find negative?
Would they be doing their job if they lied about it or didn't report it?
So they didn't like Fat Princess as much as everyone else. That doesn't prove anything other sites have gone above and below the averages all the time.
And can your prove that last part?
Really I don't care either way with this game as I have access to all systems capable of playing in it but the amount of people trying to divert attention away from the real issue in this thread is astounding.
Read this guy's MGS4 reviewhttp://www.eurogamer.net/articles/metal-gear-solid-4-guns-of-the-patriots-review?page=3He clearly isn't a fan. Why get a person who seems to really dislike the MGS series to review the final game?
They did however love LBP, so who knows.
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