@bndori @JaCkk210 Exactly, PS4 has nothing to change or go back on. At this point, Sony's only option is to add. It's great that Microsoft is doing this, but it could also lead to problems in the future. If they pull this out of nowhere, they could simpley make it require in the future. Either that, or the developers will make their games have some sort of feature or requirement to it, so the damn thing will still end up staying connected.
This is great and all, but do I sense some desperation from Microsoft? I mean, they have completely taken a 180 degree turn from E3. Basically they just had an E3 press to tell you about TV! So we give all our money to a company, who just lies to us? Or can't even make up their mind? Trust issues.
@barleybosh Ok, you spelled "you" wrong. What am I supposed to be afraid of? You going to insult me? Over the internet? You're a tough one. I may have to stop getting online forever because I'm afraid my feelings will get hurt. In case you don't catch on, I would like you to meet my friend. His name is sarcasm. Say Hi!
@Spid3r6 @clynch0527 They actually haven't listed all of them. The only ones anyone knows of, were shown off at e3. A link to one of the many articles. http://www.gamechup.com/sony-to-announce-more-ps4-games-at-gamescom/
@Spid3r6 @MJ-X @snxx Sony I'm sure has a few things up their sleeve, but like the guy up there said, they are just sitting back and waiting. We still got Gamescon, who knows what will be unveiled there. Sony has already announced what, 30+ exclusives and 12 of them being new IPs, for the first year. That is huge news. Microsoft hasn't announced alot of their exclusives. They still seem to be hanging on to Halo and Gears to save them(in terms of software). We also already know the temps of the ps4, which are fantastic. Personally, that's a big one that needs to be released about the X1. Nobody wants another RRoD era. But we will see. I'm personally happy to see all these articles about the Xbox and how they have improved the console since E3. The competition is great for businesses.
@MJ-X @clynch0527 @Spid3r6 @Mista4oewun4oe Not that, its the restrictions they have. Everything has to be censored and water downed or beneficial to them and nobody else. Cool place and all, with some beautiful women, but why the need to be so harsh on video games!?
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