@GermanBomber i'm sure you can play with friends. just to make sure youre in a party together to make sure you both can find a room with enough open slots for both of you.
@valknight @clynch0527 @ThereWillBeNPCs wasn't the 360 $400 on it's release? and it came with a headset. lol. but this does come with kinect so that does make it average out. so ill give you that one. but that's what i'm saying, console gaming is becoming too much to deal with. most of your console gamers, are casual gamers. i can guarantee that. they don;t want all this extra stuff. but it's appealing to the younger generation that grew up with it so they feel it's needed. when it isnt. think of how much more processing power could be put towards the actual gaming side if the console didn't have all the extra features. you would see the ability to handle larger worlds and more content at a much smoother pace. your actual gaming experience, would be so much better. take PC into account. because of the ease of upgrades, like more RAM, and a video card with more VRAM, it can process content and load times faster and at a larger scale. PCs are already capable of 4k gaming, something we wont see in console gaming probably until next generation.
@valknight @clynch0527 @ThereWillBeNPCs if all you do is stare at a screen, then you obviously have no means anywhere to keep yourself entertained. make a phone call, text someone, read a book. like one guy stated, most people use it as a bathroom or smoke break. if all you do is stare at a screen, then i'm sorry, you don't have much going on in your life, do you? and like I said before, save your connection for the matchmaking, dont slow it down by browsing the internet, or watching videos. unless you like long load times.
@valknight @clynch0527 @ThereWillBeNPCs im not saying EVERY feature is useless. internet browsing, youtube, things like that, are all good. but its going to get to a point that there is so much, how does it prove itself to be different than computer gaming? next generation, consoles will probably have the ability to use a mouse and keyboard.
@ThereWillBeNPCs once again another unique, but useless feature. are people really that lazy that we cant use a remote to change inputs? i understand the use of it using one input, but really, come on now.
@ThereWillBeNPCs @GermanBomber @clynch0527 in response to your NSA comment: oh noes, i made a joke about little boys saying they slept with my mom..does this mean my mom is going to jail?
@ThereWillBeNPCs and thats what i hate. consoles are trying to be more like PCs. im not saying this because im primarily a pc gamer and don't want it. I love to see consoles to pull the power a PC can, thats fantastic. but console gaming needs to simply be gaming, nothing else. thats the experience it should have . to be able to come home, turn it on, and throw in a game without worrying about going through any extra crap or dealing with anything else. tv, matchmaking, all these features. console gaming has lost site of what it truly is.
@valknight @clynch0527 like i said before, i could see the benefits, but how many people would actually use it. when you really think about it, its coming down to a "who has the most features per console" war, than anything, to the point they are just going to throw in stupid things nobody will use.
clynch0527's comments