@mrmatt0710 i dont mean this to be offending to you by any means, but man, you ill be playing a lot of online games alone. considering how many people on xbox live actually have a life. haha
@ThereWillBeNPCs the halo 3 comment towards battlefield are strong words. but it wasnt just battlefield that was free. Uncharted 3, Deus Ex, and those were just in american. The UK got Red Dead and Sleeping Dogs recently.
@ThereWillBeNPCs @S_tephe_N this would be true for any service. but then again, you have PS Home, and I like the PS3 and all, but that was a huge mistake and so glad it is not coming to the ps4. People have used that as an online dating/cybersex service. haha
@S_tephe_N @clynch0527 @GermanBomber @ThereWillBeNPCs oh, mine is horrible. better than where i used to live though..i was lucky to get a 2mb download speed, haha. i think im supposed to get 10mb now, but I don;t even get that. Research has shown though, that there are not a lot of areas with high speed internet.
@blue_shift_91 @mrfaceman23 actually, the playstation has used UNIX/LINUX over the years, which is far superior to the windows architecture of microsoft. true, the servers arent the greatest, but it's also free, and they have, and are improving it. as far as customer service. they didnt have to give its users 2 free games, as well as other content when they got with the DDnS attack. It would be different if they were charging people for it, but it wasn't even entirely their fault. On top of that, the amount of free content you get from the PS+ service. I don't see Microsoft doing that. Oh wait, they JUST started it by giving away ACII and Halo3...PS+ Just gave its members Battlefield 3 for free last month. and that was just one of the 5 games they gave for free. fact is, they all have goods and bads of customer service, sony just gives back more to its community as a form of customer appreciation. Microsoft wants money too much and will kiss your ass to until you hand them your wallet.
@GermanBomber @ThereWillBeNPCs @clynch0527 thats what im saying, this cloud thing could be good, but it could also be bad. how much bandwidth will it require, or use for that matter. Microsoft, as usual has poor execution...and they did SO WELL with the first Xbox.
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