These things seem to be all over TV these days. Every channel has to have one. There's even one on Animal Planet about how dogs can smell ghosts or something. Ghosts don't exist, and these shows are all laughable and totally fake.
Ghost Hunters: these guys come in with EMF detectors and night vision cameras, and shut off the lights. They start kicking the walls and talking in spooky voices and saying "Did you hear that!?!" Cue dramatic music.
Psychics: All use a technique called cold reading. They have no supernatural abilities. They're just good at reading body language and facial expressions and manipulating people.
Psychic Kids: High school kids are pretty dumb to begin with, and these goth kids think they have magic powers. They're all fat, have no friends, and shop at Hot Topic.
Those ghost story shows where people talk about how they were possessed or their house was haunted: These always have a logical explanation. Usually people are embellishing or outright making things up to get their 15 minutes of fame. I also think in some of these cases people are confusing mental illness with demonic possession. Notice how all of the people who get "possessed" are really religious. I have yet to see one that wasn't a total Jesus freak. That's because they're not possessed. They're delusional, and the delusions understandably take on religious overtones. Doesn't mean there are demons or ghosts. It just means they're **** crazy and need to be on medication.
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