OMG you just made me want to play Roller Coaster Tycoon again. Awww man, I used to play that game so much!!! EDIT: how is RCT3? I never tried the third onefunsohng
I didn't like it as much as the first two but it looks a lot better.
Its a racing roller coaster with three different tracks. The green xbox track, the black playstation track, and the white nintendo track. The trains race to the finish. The first one there gets congradulated in the station by having speakers play the theme song of that consoles main game. The losers get a recording of James Earl Jones calling them n00bs.
I have two major hobbies. One is video games (obviously!), and the other is theme parks and roller coasters (as evident from my screenname). As a result I have put more hours into Roller Coaster Tycoon than pretty much any other game in existance. So I was wondering the other day; why don't theme parks make video game based rides? They make rides based on other forms of media (Disneylad and Universal Studios Parks). So now I was wondering what people thought would be a good ride based on a video game.
This is one of my ideas:
Yoshi Coaster---Just replace the horses with models of Yoshi!
Many games look incredibly realistic. Crysis just went the extra mile by adding the best lighting and shadowing ever seen in a videogame. As a result Crysis is not only realistic, it is actually beautiful.
Killzone 2 looks incredibly realistic, but the dity environments didn't make it beautiful.
Having said all of that, I still believe art style is way more important than realism.
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