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codegashdragon Blog

4 1/2 Days of Hell

Yes, I have only 4 1/2 painful, stressful, and fun (on the half day) days of school left. I can't freakin' believe it. It seems like yesterday I started 8th grade. Geez, time really flew. I'm kinda anxious for high school, so I surprisingly want summer to end fast (there's another reason, but I don't want to say it), but then again, I don't, because that's one step closer towards college. And that kinda frightens me, to tell you the truth.

But back to more crap, I have a freakin' concert tomorrow at the high school I'll be at next year. All the bands (jazz, 6th-8th) are playing, and it's gonna suck. 23 hours till doom.

And on Friday, there's an assembly, and we have to play there too. It's like school really wants me to conquer my other fear of large crowds, because i've had to play in front of people 4 times (including the two that I mentioned), and give a speech in the past 2 weeks. It's freakin' ridicules

And yes, I do feel better about yesterday. Stupid ruse...

Skizzles! :P


Ruse: noun, French to Old French, roundabout path taken by the fleeing game, trickery.

Yes, that is the word that I got out on in the spelling bee. I feel like a f***ing idiot. I mean, who the hell spells ruse wrong?! I guessed because I didn't know the word, and said rouse, not ruse. I feel more of an idiot, because the rest of the words I freakin' knew, and ruse was the only one I didn't know (seriously!)

It's not over yet. There are still 3 contestants left, including the guy who I really wanted to beat. (see one of my previous blogs. I think it's called Spelling Bee!) I didn't even beat him! I was surprised when my friends didn't kill me, even touch me at all. I rejected their, "It's OK,"'s because, well, it wasn't. Not for me.

Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant. And I apologize again for not posting links. I'm still kinda pissed to do that.


Taking A Break/The Trip

Yeah, I really don't feel like doing the Song Game: 2008 today, and I probably won't want to for the next week and a half, because school's getting kinda intense right now, with all the projects and crap. So, I'm going to stop the Song Game...for now. I'll probably start it up again on June 12, 10 days from now. Thanks for understanding...or not. Whatever.

So, the trip to Seattle was pretty cool, even though we had to leave at 7:30. Even though I wake up at 7, can't I sleep in for more than 30 minutes on a Saturday? Anyway, Dad and I boarded the train. It took an hour and 40 minutes to get there. Originally, it was supposed to be an hour and 30 minutes, but I'm not complaining. Whenever we go on the train, it's delayed for at least an hour. This time it was only 10 minutes, and it wasn't even our fault we got delayed.

Arriving in Seattle, we walked straight over to Safeco Field. We were supposed to meet my uncle and his friends at the Kenji Johjima poster, near the team store. He was late, and we got into the game during the announce annouced the lineups and stuff. There was some pretty epic stuff in there, like when Kenji stole home, and when Jeremy Reed got a home run, and when Felix Hernandez almost caught the airborne ball, and managed to get him out. Although I missed seeing the Detroit Tigers manager getting thrown out because Dad couldn't find the Crackerjacks. Stupid Crackerjacks...The final score was 5-0, Mariners. I hope they're out of their little slump.

We arrived my auntie and uncle's house after the game and waited for my sister and mom, for they drove because they would miss my sister's music clas.s if they took the train with us.

After that, we took multiple cars to Qwest Field. So, the Seahawks aren't playing. Why am I going? To see the soccer match between Brazil and Canada. I wasn't really sure who to root for really, so I decided I'd decide by the person sitting next to me. If he/she is a Brazil fan, I'd be a Brazil fan, and vice versa. We got to our seats, and had to sit next to this Brazilian family, holding a gigantic flag of Brazil, yelling, "GO BRAZIL!" Can you guess who they were rooting for?

The game was pretty cool, but the speakers were sometimes muffled. Just as I started to relax in my seat, about 4 minutes into the game, someones scored for Brazil. The entire stadium went nuts, with 7-8 of it cheering, and the other eighth booing. I could never hear or see who scored because we were too far away, and because the speakers were stupid. Well not, really. They didn't even show the name on the big screen. I found that kinda stupid. Then Canada scored in the 10th minute, abut they didn't get as big of an applause as Brazil though. The final score was 3-2, Brazil.

Walking out of the stadium was a nightmare. There was this dancing/singing/I don't freakin' know group in the freakin' middle of the street, causing this panic thing, and everyone jaywalked and traffic, and people walking to slow, etc. It was a mess. Also walking back, I saw this black jeep thing driving at high speeds, honking his horn while his half of his buddy's body was out of the sunroof, cheering and holding a gigantic Brazil flag. Imagine that.

The next morning, I played Guitar Hero for only the third time. It was pretty fun, and now I'm thinking of getting it. Now I just sit back, and wait for Christmas...hopefully.

That was about everything I could remember from the trip. In the next blog, I'll probably post links to some pics that I have from my PhotoBucket account.

Skizzles! :P


Nah, I'm not mad.

OK, so Taylor came over and we hung out in the intensly hot sun with another friend. We went to Baskin Robins and got ice cream. I was smart and got vanilla, while Taylor and the other guy got chocolate and it melted really fast, and they got covered in chocolate, lol.

It was such a nice day that we walked over to dinner, which was about 3/4 of a mile away from my house. When we got back, we started watching stuff on YouTube and fooling around, saying "DAMMIT!" (You have to watch the 24 skit on MadTv with Dan Oster to get this, and it STILL hasn't gotten old yet.)

OK, here's the weird thing. We both went to sleep at 12:30am, yet we woke up at 11:30am. WTF?!

Yeah, it was really stupid, but thankfully I did wake up, because I still have to do this poetry project that's due tomorrow. I procrastinated all of yesterday, and now I have to do all of it today. I really suck at things like that. Hopefully I can get it done.

Random Quote: "DAMMIT!"

Skizzles! :P

Blog About Music And Other Crap That People Might Be Interested In

Yeah, I just got back from the field trip. It was...OK. Let me explain and recap on my adventures...and more. (Be warned: This is probably my longest blog ever.)

On Thursday, I left algebra clas.s and got our luggage packed onto the luxury bus we were riding in. The bus was pretty cool. We had a cool driver, and there were multiple screens (like the ones you see in airplanes) and we watched Night At The Museum. I didn't watch it, because I was just listening to my iPod. The guy I was sitting next to, his tuna sandwich fell apart in the container, and it was all grody and looked like piss and old puke combined (don't picture it). We got to the hotel in Eugene at 2:30, but our room wasn't ready, and we had to wait about an hour to get our room, which really sucked.

We got 2 hours of free time, and my friends and I went to the pool. They had a marco-polo fight, and I didn't take part in it, as I would probably drown, though I was thrown around a couple of times since I'm so small and light.

After that fiasco, we went to the hotel's restaurant, where they served us disgusting chicken and crappy mac & cheese. It was so bad that everyone at the table stopped eating within 5 minutes. During the rest of the time, we played a celebrity game where we named a celebrity, and the next person had to come up with a celebrity whose name starts with the letter of the last letter of the last guy. It killed time, and it was fun.

Then we went to the Eugene Symphony, where they played 3 pieces. I thought, wow, how could they play 3 pieces in 2 hours? There's gonna be at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time the symphony ended. WRONG! No, the 3rd piece actually turned out to be an hour and five minutes (I counted because I was so damn bored), and we ran 20 minutes overschedule. It was so bad that not too many people applauded when it ended, because they were headed for the exits.

When we got back to the hotel, we chose our beds and I started drifting off with Family Guy on the TV, when I suddenly felt a large (no, very large) weight drop on my stomach. Yes, it was my fat friend. The two other kids in the room soon joined him in dogpiling me, and I was crushed by at least 375 pounds. Yeah, there are some pretty fat kids at my school.

Then during the night, the boy I was sleeping with (by force, just for clarification) started rubbing his feet against mine. The next minute, I was on the ground, without a blanket, sleeping. Yeah, can you say uncomfortable and awkward?

The next morning, we went to the University of Oregon and had a clinic with this one guy, who gave me an important quote, which is now my blog header. Then we went to the senior center and played for the old folks there. It was a very disappointing crowd. There were only 6 seniors. What's even worse is that there were more chaperones than seniors there. Ouch, we got dissed. However, we were "so good" that they wanted an encore. We didn't give them one, due to the fact that we didn't have anything else to play. So, we left with parting gifts (chocolate and pens).

The last stop was this arcade/laser tag/mini golf place, celebrating our great year in band. First, we ate pizza, which was so disgusting that I almost threw up. Almost. Then we played mini golf, which was fun because there were people who failed, and people who excelled, making this the perfect opportunity to taunt each other. After a half hour of arcade games, there was laser tag. I'm not really a fan of laser tag, so I didn't join in. It soon dawned on me that I was one of only four people on the entire field trip not playing laser tag. The four of us screwed around on the golf course (where one of them almost hit a lady in the head with the ball) and the arcade. They were in there for awhile, about an hour. Everyone was sweaty and smelly and everything. Too bad I had to sit next to one of them on the bus ride home.

On the bus ride home, we watched Back to the Future. It was really funny (not the movie) because I fell asleep during the movie, and one of my friends poked me lightly in the arm and I shot up straight up in the air a good 4 inches, yelping, "AAAHHH!" Yeah, that tends to get attention. Then, another kid locked himself up in the overheard compartment of the bus, and the adults didn't see him at all!

Yeah, that's it. I'm at home now. That was pretty beefy. Uh, I'm gonna stop typing, leaving you with a random quote!

Random Quote: "What the fotch!?!" - one of my friends, using a combination of the words "f***" and "b****."

Skizzles! :P

A Few Words...

Like I said when I responded to Fwirrel's comment, Yau won; they just didn't show it. As for Parvati "taking 1st" (going with terms for people who saw the edited version on television), congrats to her. Never saw it coming.

Oh, and I finally have a random quote...said by me...again. Sorry. Well, that's it...Yeah, this was really pointless...

Random Quote: "Yeah, uh, go suck a ****" - me, talking to a "friend" when he gave me a massive cut on my index finger an hour ago. (It's still bleeding)

Skizzles! :P


Yeah, I'm ticking the hours away until the Survivor: Micronesia finale is here. It's been a pretty intense season. 2 people wanted to be voted out, 2 medical evacuations, 1 quitter, 2 idols unused, a false idol, and 9 (?) blindsides! It's been a pretty cool season, and I really enjoyed it. My predictions:

Parvati or Cirie will win the Reward if there is one, and Amanda or Cirie will win the Immunity challenge, and Natalie will be voted off because I hate her guts and that'll make the Final 3 all female Favorites. Voting for the winner, (I'm just randomly throwing names out) Amanda will get votes from Ozzy & James, Parvati will get a vote from Eliza, and Cirie will get the rest (Jason, Alexis, Erik, & Natalie), making her the winner. However, Probst will throw in a twist, making Yau-Man the winner. IT WILL HAPPEN!!!

That's all.

Random Quote: "G******** why can't I think of a quote!?!?" - me, wondering why I can't think of a quote. OK, next time I blog, I WILL FIND ONE!

Skizzles! :P

Band Stuffs

OK, so next Thursday, the 8th grade band is going down to Eugene, Oregon for a field trip. It would be nice...if it wasn't overnight! Dang it, I hate missing school, especially if something important happens. And I have to hang out with my friend who always punches me...Why we're still friends I have no idea. It's probably because he's the only one who talks to me in band.

So yeah, we have to watch this symphony concert for 2 hours, got to University of Oregon (home of the Oregon Ducks, whom I don't care about at all. Hell, I don't care about college football!), clinic with this one guy, and play for the elderly at some home. Oh, and we have to leave the hotel at 7am sharp Friday morning. Uh...

The only good news is that we have about 3 hours of free time, and we get to go to this arcade for 2 hours, plus we get to ride down to Eugene for 2 hours in a luxury bus.

The (more) bad news is that I'm roomed with 3 other people, plus a parent chaperone. And there's only 2 beds. :| Uh...I'm sleeping in the bathtub. I'm small enough, so why not? lol. I'll figure something out. But I'm not sharing a bed with another guy!

Our last concert of my 8th grade year (and hopefully forever) is in front, I just realized what that meant. I'm screwed. I hate playing in front of large audiences. And I'd think 720+ kids is a large audience.

Thanks for reading about my band troubles...

Random Quote: ...I can't think of one! :cry: Sorry!

Skizzles! :P

New Video Release Dates/The Countdown Begins...

Yeah, I think I have a schedule for my next few vids:

I'll probably upload my 10th AMV - Remember the Name (clean version), Episode 11, Kanchome Tribute (I know, what the hell was I thinking?) - sometime on Monday, maybe 10am? It should be ready for viewing around 11am-12pm then. It's done already, but I'm putting down the finishing touches and effects. It sucks, because it's focused on being funny, but whatever. It killed time.

My 11th AMV - What I've Done, Episode 82, Penny Tribute - will be starting production tomorrow as the Kanchome one is being uploaded. It'll be awhile though, as I accidently deleted the episode from my Veoh library, and I have to download it again. :? I'll be done (if I work on it all day tomorrow, a no school day for me) probably around Wednesday if I rush, the weekend if I take my time.

The countdown has begun. I forgot to say this yesterday on my last blog because I was in a rush, but it's 3 weeks until my birthday. I'm not saying an exact date, or how old I'll be, because you know, private stuff, but I can't wait for it. Hopefully I'll get some clothes, because my other ones are too small. Throw in some money, Linkin Park stuff, and some books, and it'll be a good day.

Yeah, :P

Quiz Thing

Yeah, I'm kinda bored, and Angel said that I could borrow this, so...

1. Initials: RLB.

2. Name someone with the same birthday as you: idk.

3. Favorite fruit(s): Apple.

4. For or against same sex marriage?: Sure. I'm not sure why people make a big deal about it.

5. Are you allergic to anything?:

6. Are you bisexual?: No.

7. Have you ever slept in someone else's clothes?: Yes.

8. Are you comfortable with your height?: No...

9. How many of the U.S. states have you lived in?: 3.

10. Have you ever lived outside the US?: Nope.

11. Name something physical you like about yourself?: idk.

12. Something non physical you like about yourself?: idk.

13. Do you have any pets?: Nope. I had 2 goldfish in 1st grade though.

14. What is your dream car?: Whatever...

15. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?: Anywhere, I guess.

*Question 16 apparantely died...*

17. Have you ever been stalked? No.

18. What dream car do you want your husband/wife to drive? Whatever she wants,

19.What song did you listen to last? Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer (Jay-Z/Linkin Park).

20. Where would you want to go on a first date? Wherever she wants.

21. Would you date the person who posted this before you? No (no offense to her of course).

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? No.

23. Ever been kissed under fireworks? No.

24. Do you like president Bush? Don't pay attention to politics.

25. Have you ever bungee jumped? No.

26. Have you ever white water rafting? No.

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?

28. Favorite Day Time Television Program? The Price is Right is the only one I know, so I guess that's it.

29. Ever been in the slammer? Nope.

30. If yes, what for? See above.

31. What song are you listening to right now? None.

32. What's your favorite song at the moment? Fort Minor - "Where'd you go"

33. What was the last movie you watched? idk.

34. What's the Worst Film you've ever seen? idk.

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house? School...

36. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? No.

37. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? No.

38. Has anyone of the opposite sex hit you? HeavenNathious, would you consider HER in that category?

39. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their face.

40. What's your favorite body part on the opposite sex? idk...

41. What do you usually order from Starbucks? Not a Starbucks person

42. Who would you want to see right now? Yeah, my person.

43. What was the last album you bought?
Jay-Z/Linkin Park Collision Course

44. Say something totally random about yourself:
I'm random...

45. Do you have an iPod? Yes.

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? I'm not sure if he's a celebrity, but often, people have told me I looked like "that Asian kid from Indiana Jones, without the hat."

47. Favorite clas$ic Song? idk.

48. What languages can you speak? Spanish, English, that's it.

49. Do you have freckles?

50. Favorite movie quote?

51. How are you feeling? Eh, I've been better.

52. Ever Gotten on Stage and Sang/Played for a Crowd? Yes (talent show, played the piano)

53. Ever Deliberately Slaughtered Your Family in 'The Sims'? Never played The Sims...

54. What's the most money you've spent in one day?
About 50 on Super Smash Bros. Brawl

55. Have you ever ridden in a limo?

56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? No.

57. Do you watch MTV? No.

58. What's something that really annoys you? Braggers.

59. What are some things you really like? The girl I like, the Internet, that's it.

60. Do you like Michael Jackson? Uh, I'm gonna say no...

61. How much do you spend on credit a Month? Don't have a card.

62. Have you ever surfed? No.

63. Do you know how to pump gas? No.

64. Do you like to fly? Sure...

65. What's the latest you have ever stayed out? 8:30pm

66. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? No.

67. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? Nope.

68. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? Yes (see the blog titled "Flying High In The Clouds...And Then Shot Down By A Machine Gun.")

69. How many songs are in your music folder? A lot, but most of them are my dad's. Still a lot though.

Yeah, I had my interview today. I think I blew it, just as I said. And my picture just fails. I hope the article isn't too bad about me. I didn't even want to do it in the first place, but whatever.

That's it. I can start my weekend...right after tomorrow's band concert. :cry: