really developers need to stop treating the wii like a gimic and put time into it, i mean nintendo does some really good stuff, and look at the gamecube it just needed to be programed different that is why alot of the titles looked bad, remember how a game like re4 was unthinkable on the gamcube? well they did it, the wii has the possibility, developers need to take their time and actualy try to make a memorable experience, not like ea witch is just a port machine that only seems to care for ps3 and 360
the only game that scratched for me was wii sports cause of the crapy sleve, for some reaon it scratched, the ajax thing works like a charm, its amazing, but yeah do it with caution, a bit to much and ur screwed
i just read today on gs that bungie is now its own not microsofts, so they are free again! and the article said that they will not make halo for ps3 or sony, so i guess in a way ds is still a chance, ill post the link hold on
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