no, u can adjust sensitivity, wii sports u can just flick ur wrist if u want to and it works, and with shooters u need to keep the wiimote ponted at the screen, u wont have a problem, just if there are more than like 2 pple, then u might need to move to ur living room and switch to party mode, u k, get the chips salsa, lol, u will love it and dont worrie, there are some awesome titles comming, get it before they start becoming imposible to find again, they are hard now, but try waiting at walmart for 4 hours like i did,
niley said, o dont even know how sony can say stuff like that when they are getting ps3's sent back to them because there is no proffit for how much space that huge @$$ thing takes up, they will drop it to 450 but i think it is late in the game, most pple that wanted a next gen already got a 360 for the current library or a wii for the curriousity of it and the fun, the ps3 will have a hard time getting to where it could be, and nintendo has the world in its hand at this point, they just cant drop the ball like they did with the gamecube, they have the units out, they just need to get the games to compliment them
the big n has been keeping at least one surprise for after e3 for a few years now, there will be somthing, it may not be massive, but it will be somthing that will make most pple happy
man its mario, when is it ever short, and working on it as long as they have there is no way it can be a 15 hour game, im guessing around 40, thats my hope. im just wondering how big they will make the universe, do u think it will be actual size? lol,
so how long do u guys think it will take for nintendo to really get a strong front of games like the 360 has, with more than like 7 or 8 really good titles, im thinking 2008 will be a great year, developers are starting to get used to the system and over 100 titles till christmas, do u think the same? what will make nintendo sink or swim? what title does nintendo need to be done well, im just currious what all u think.
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