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#1 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts

i chose othe because the second spore comes out, it will be my universe!! haha, well to be honest i think that spore will be my fav, cause of all the customization. but to be honest they all are diferent.... depends on my mood really, if im in a mood for action, mystery, a slowly building and satisfying game or story. bla bla

get what i mean?

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#2 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts
god bless america
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#3 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts

you know, i live in brazil currently, and here, pirate is totaly normal, i mean i can buy a new 360 game for the equivilent of 10 bucks or so, and a new ps2 or something for 5 bucks, and somtimes like 3 games for 10, and stuff, its a problem, but there is some justice to it, considering any origional game or imported item automaticaly has a 100% import tax, plus whatever the retailer nails on, so paying 800 bucks usd for a 360 is considered the norm, and up to 400 for a ps2, and the games, around 80 to 120 bucks, EACH, witchmakes the pirates have what almost is a system of gamers rights. the import tax on anything imported like cars, electronics, or anything that isnt made in brazil is ridiculous

i dont really support it, but here im perty much forced to partake in it, im not made of money

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#4 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts

step one- stare at my tv and debate weather teh developers wanted to insult my intelignece

stwp two- i swear, alot, normaly in a combination of english and portugeese,

step 3- i break crap, i burn things, or i simply explain it to myself logicaly and find my mistake

step 4- if all else fails, after anotehr go or 2, i shun the game or console, sometimes to teh point of putting it away in my closet to keep it off my mind, cause if its a good game, and its a important part, i think teh bloody hell out of it,

step 5- search for female companionship and or pleasure, i think it would be easier if this step was moved to 1 or 2, haha

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#5 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts
so when exactly does teh disk end and the next thing begin? tecnology moves fast, but not that fast, we are looking at years into the next console cycle
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#6 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts

were you under a rock when they had the hddvd player on 360? and the title is just about microsofts way of fighting in likly blueray future... and microsoft not even fully using their own format in their system seems like a white flag to me in that area, sad to say it too, since i was rooting for ms anyway


YOU'RE the one saying its about games not movies. The HD-DVD add-on was NEVER for games, ONLY movies. Get your head straight and make up your mind about what this topic is supposed to be about. You say Blu-Ray won, everyone says DVDs outsell it, you say its about the gaming format not movies, i say the 360 format is DVD, and you go back to the HD-DVD add-on that only played movies? This has GOT to be a joke right?

not looking for an argument, i dont need to proove a point to you. yes you are correct, but either way you look at it, no matter what microsoft lost that war, besides this conversation already moved on to the next step. so thanks for the counter points, and no insult meant by the under the rock thing, but you stated it as if microsoft never did it, face it, they tried, and if it would have worked out, im sure they would have made it a standard. now anyways, bygons be bygons, didnt mean to offend you, just wanted a adult debate, not a argument, and topics do change topic, quite often, and there have been many diferent conversations that happend in this thread exploring more areas
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#7 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts
no disk drive would be strange unless they magicaly anounce nationwide or worldwide wireless xbox live with like at least a 20 mbs connection or something, but that would be teh FAR future, we are talking satalites creating a massive world wide netword capable of supporting online gaming, downloads, and massive data streams, and basicaly morphing the inernet as we know it
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#8 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts

nicely stated grayoldwolf, hats off to you! but wouldnt you need a good internet connection for that, and arent companies starting to debate on transfering from not the speed of your plan but the size of your downloads?

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#9 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts

were you under a rock when they had the hddvd player on 360? and the title is just about microsofts way of fighting in likly blueray future... and microsoft not even fully using their own format in their system seems like a white flag to me in that area, sad to say it too, since i was rooting for ms anyway

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#10 codemasterzxc
Member since 2005 • 417 Posts


Personally I do not think Blue Ray is the next DVD.


That debate is already over...Blue Ray is the next DVD. Beating HD-DVD doesn't mean you won the format war. Blu-Ray sales have not changed since HD-DVD bowed out, and on it's BEST months, Blu-Ray sales make up 7% of the market compared to DVDs 93%. So, what Blu-Ray world are you living in?

the thing is, that format changes do take time, so nothign is certain right now, and there really hasnt been any talk of another competative format........ and this isnt a film war, this is bluray specificaly on ps3 and gaming!