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combatsoldier Blog

Today Is my Anniversarry

Well today is my anniversarry and I am happy. My wife and I have been together for many years and she is the most amazing woman that I have ever known. We have been through so much together that wouldve normally broken other couples up. We have remained faithful to eachother even though temptation is always throwing itself at me, even in Iraq. We have had children when we were young and have struggled together. She has stuck by my side through all the craziness in my life including how hard it is coming back from war and the recovery process of all my injuries. She is amazing and incredible and the most beautiful women that I have ever layed my eyes upon. It was crazy when we first met. I wasnt looking for it nor did I even want it, However when we locked eyes I dont know how, but somehow I knew that this was the women that I was going to marry. We met at Universal Studios and we locked eyes a hundred yards away from eachother even though the place was packed like a new york street corner. It was the first time in my life that I was ever to be nervous to talk to a girl, and my heart felt like it was going to jump outve my chest. It made me realize that all the other times that I thought that I may have been in love in the past that it was just lust and that this was truly love. Well I dont want to spill all the beans but that is the gist of it. Then a few years later I proposed to her infront of everyone at Universal Studios and thank God she said yes lol. Ya we have our fights and dissagreements but nobody is more special to me then her, I will never have another so long as I have her, She is the love of my life and the one True Soulmate that God placed on this earth for me.

I will write a poem expressing my undying love for my wife for everyone to see including her.

Life is a ball that is constantly turning and bouncing,

so long as we bounce together then the skies will remain clear,

your beauty is as stunning as snow covered mountains,

your eyes beuatiful and radiant as the sun piercing my heart,

your skin as soft as silk gentle and warm to the touch,

our lips lock as my heart stops,

loss of breath as my body floats into the heavens and lays upon a cloud,

for love has intertwined our souls in a harmony of bliss and passion,

our hearts beat simultaniously as one, beating as a drum,

your touch is warm and puts my troubled past to rest,

for a soul that was once lost in the depths of hell, is now saved by you,

life with you is as sweet as an apple as it is plucked fresh from the orchard,

it reminds me of a rose pedal that never dies,

your heart is kind and your soul is pure as snow,

all that is left to say is said when we lock eyes,

honey I love you.

I love you and want to thankyou for the whole world to see. You are the best mother that our son could have ever hoped for and the best wife that I couldve ever dreamed for. You are the reason why I am still here and alive today. You were my inspiration to learn how to walk again when the doctors said other wise. You have always been my rock that never gave up even when at times life seemed impossible. You are my soulmate and I shall forever love only one, I shall forever love only you.

Your Papi

Your Bear

Combat Soldier

Tickle the Brain.

Who are we to judge as the rock falls hard, disturbing the dirt. As the leaf pedals fall silently not shaking the ground and a lions roar can be heard from the distance as you know, soon it will be feasting upon its prey and its decaying rotting corpse. Rose pedals blossom in spring and die in the fall, as life continues. For where there is death and chaos destroying humanity, a bit is preserved offering new life and birth to new ideals. Chatoic mayhem running rampant through the streets as a man is gunned down in a drive by as his best friend cradles the gentle soul in his arms lifting the head upon his bussom. Coughing spitting crying as blood pours from the wounds of the soon to be carcass. The last words and yells of a mothers screams are heard echoeing through the wind. Yet in the hospital room a child is born screaming its way to the mothers bussom to feed, as the father sits and watches gently with tears in his eyes.

For action there is reaction, The consequences that we render are easily hindered by bitter fools trying to destroy what they simply can not and will not understand. It is natural for man to fear what they do not understand, and therefore take irrepetual action to annihate and kill what it feels threatened by. The law of the jungle is the same as the law of man. For we are all beasts, for we are man and man is beast.

Changing Times

Well its easy to look back on the day and remember when things were just a bit easier. The world was a much better place then it is now. Gas was one dollar a gallon, and video games were only 30 to 40 dollars a piece. Most importantly we had a good president.

Now things are crazy. Bush destroys this economy with his greed and lust for a legacy, and gas is five dollars a gallon and video games are outragous costing 60 bucks a piece.

Just in the last month inflation has caused my electric, and cable bill to sky rocket an extra 100 bucks. Man I remember when we use to freak out if gas went to 1.25 a gallon. back then it would take 10 or 15 bucks to fill up the tank. Now it takes me almost 80 for my explorer. Also with the supply and demand of what bush has done the inflation has reached an all time high. The economy is broken, I blame it on that hick of a president who is just trying to get out of his daddies shadow.

Well good job bush. You officially get your legacy as the worst president in history, and tarnish your families good name. I dont understand why we would elect him not once but twice. Well technically he cheated and lost the first so he really was only elected once. Man if Gore was inagurated like he should have been this economy would have been totally different.

See what people dont realize is that bush is an oil mogul so the higher gas prices go the more money he makes. A president makes about 2 million a year. However bush is making hundreds of millions in the past eight years because of his deals with oil companies. So think about that next time he gives a speech trying to address us like he cares that we cant afford gas. Also if your a soldier and well let me rephrase that, if your a combat soldier that went and fought in war, and actually fought. You will realize that this supposed war is bogus, and is just a way for bush to say he dealt with something to cover up his list long of mistakes.

Another thing to think about is that now the next presidential candidates are saying that they will pull the troops out. The only honest one here is McCain. Im not saying that cause im a republican. Im saying that because its true. Now we are in a position where the president has no power to say that they are pulling the troops out. The ones that can dictate this is Congress and Congress only. However the problem lies there is that they are all getting to rich off of this as the rest of society suffers a great deal. It goes to show you if we have the greatest government in the world, just how screwed up is the rest of the world compared to us. The dollar is giong down as more political millionaires are born every day.

As much as I hate to say it, I feel as if though we need a democrat in office for atleast the next four years to try to get us out of this multi trillion dollar deficit, and help our prices go down. We need to choose carefully our next elected official because it will either make or break us. I am a Republican but I dont let that blind me from the truth. I just care about who will get the job done.

We question life?

We question life and all its glory,

We question what is real and what is not,

We question our superiors with a rebel voice,

We question the beliefs and views of liberals and politicians,

We question life and all its glory,

What does it all mean in the end if it amounts to nothing,

What does it all mean if you throw it away without remorse,

What does it all mean when the pain we feel is projected onto others,

What does it all mean as the world seems to be carried on your shoulders,

What does it all mean in the end if it amounts to nothing,

Who are we if we dont appreciate what we have,

Who are we to dictate and judge others,

Who are we really hating on as we make fun of others,

Who are we trying to imitate when it seems to be impossible to be yourself,

Who are we if we dont appreciate what we have.

Point is dont take for granted what you have when it can all be stripped away in the blink of an eye. We often take for granted the things we have and miss them only when there gone. Dont give in to temptation and always have faith in yourself even when the rest of the world doubghts you. Stay true to who you are even if the majority of the public follows like sheep. Dont ever be afraid to stand up and fight for yourself.

I dont know why I wrote this, I just had it in my heart and wanted to share this inspiration with others. If I can pass my strength to help one person with there life then I know that God wanted me to write this to help you. Just have confidence and dont ever be afraid to be you. God bless all of you my friends.

Sgt. Solomon

Early Anniversary Gift.

Well as some of you may know i am pretty sick as of late and therefor feel like crap. naturally. anyway my wife took me to gamestop to get an early anniversary gift. she took me to the largest gamestop here in puerto rico witch is in carolina. it is not only the biggest here in puerto rico but the second biggest gamestop in the world. so yes its huge. anyways this is what i got.

psp limited god of war kratos addition.

comes with two games and a movie.

also a couple of other games that look like diablo.

high def cable for tv.

also a 4 gig sony memory stick.

starter kit that has absolutely everything. the manager of gamestop ordered a special one for me and was saving it, how cool is that. its one that was a promo for gamestop that they dont make anymore. it has everything including charger for cars and extra life batteries. needless to say i was extremely excited.

as for my wifes anniversary gift. i am going to give her 500 to 1000 bucks to go on a shopping spree and then on the anniversary suprise her with an expensive piece of jewelry. then ofcoarse im very romantic so nice dinner, movie, and of coarse have her mother baby sit the kids..........

my wifes and my anniversary is july 28. im actually a guy that remembers. isnt that amazing lol.

More disgusting displays of fanboyism!

Hello people and here is a new blog from your spanking daddy and king of review. I want to start by saying it is okay to love a gamesystem and to support it, however there is a line to cross and most people cross it. You see much of this in relativity to politics and religion, and it is ridiculous to bring this into gameing. You know what it is pretty pathetic and disgusting when a person goes into a thread or forum and completely bashes it and everyone it just because they have an opinion that they dont agree with. It just goes to show you the immaturity level of people today and it makes my stomach turn. How can you look at yourself in the mirror in the mornings knowing you falsly report to moderators and give thumbs down just cause a poor guy has an opinion.

Now this has happened to me in the past but not in recent months. Yet I see it repeatedly every day in this world especially in this website. If you are a fan of 360 and despise ps3 then keep your comments to yourself children. Heres what these kids do. They purposly go into these threads and go down the list and put thumbs down to everyone and randomly pick someone to report to the moderators. This is ridiculous and out of control. People you have a right to voice an opinion about games and dont deserve to be bashed for making it.

Personally once again it is some punk who is miserable with his or her life and thinks its funny to cause trouble and stir up trolling battles. The fact is that these punks would not do it to our faces so they would rather do it through a screen. You know who you are cowards. I tell you people if I had them infront of me with a nice belt I would personally enjoy beating all there a#$es until they couldnt sit or sleep on there butts for a month. The problem is that these are exactly what we say. KIDS! they have no business posting unless they have something collective and intelligant to say. You can post your comments in a respectful way to get your opinion across without having to offend and deliberately piss everyone off. This just does not apply to kids but to adults who are immature as well. This is my daily blog and if you dont like it then you can kiss my War Vet a#$ because if its going to be like this then im to good to be a part of it.

Tired of stereo types

This was a comment I left after going into a forum and seeing yet another insult to us gamers. This is my response to this persons cowardace.

You know what I dont start flame wars but sometimes people really get on my nerves. How are you going to call pro gamers losers. Let me tell you something. You can be a pro gamer and do other things in life to. I have been a pro gamer or considered as such competing in gaming tournaments for years winning in quake arena, unreal, halo 1 fl champ, multiple dbz game champ, perfect dark champ etc. I do it because of my passion for gaming. It helped me a lot growing up and im sure my wife and kids prefer me in the house playing games instead of out doing drugs or drinking and driving or doing any other silly stuff. I am a soldier and cage fighter and im far from a loser. how dare you come in here and accuse us of all being losers. I am not going to report you or even give a thumbs down. As from one adult hopefully to another I will just tell you that your comments and false accusations are not welcome in here. We are all people and share a passion for gaming. This is what gamespot has this for. So we can unite as gamers and stand against the liberal stereo types that we have been given by people like Glenn Beck. You know what he called us losers to. Also if gaming is for losers then how come we combat soldiers in the military are now using video games to meet many of our training purposes. You came in here to stir up trouble and you are not welcome here. You have not only offended me but im sure you have offended many other people in here as well. You know what i stick up for those kids who still live with there parents and play video games. If i had more video games as a kid it wouldve helped me out a lot. Also it has been proven that video games teach extremely high hand eye cordination and also raise peoples i.q. and problem solving abitlity. So what if anyone wants to be a pro gamer. It is there choice to make and it is not nice nor is it fair to label them a loser. These people that are losers as you so blatantly put it are some of the nicest and most reliable people you will ever meet in your life. Also a statistical fact for you. In 1992 when gaming was on the verge of extinction only one out of 10 people played games and only one out of 100 were hardcore gamers. Now in todays society nine out of 10 people have and play video games and four to six out of 10 are hardcore gamers. Also before you insult all of us you need to think about your actions and how they will affect the image that you portray to those around you. Everyone nomatter what they decide to do with there life, nomatter what sex, race, or religion they are. Everyone deserves to be treated with the same respect and dignity that you feel you deserve to be treated with. I am fed up and sick and tired of coming into this site or any other for that matter and always seeing insults to gamers and people. Would you say those things to there face, just because someone sits behind a keyboard and cant see you doesnt make it anymore right. It breaks my heart to see things such as this. Are we all not human, We all bleed the same and pretty much look the same. Dont come in here and post any more insults to us gamers again. That is not cool and it certainly isnt going to win any popularity contests. God bless all of you and I wish you the best. Even those of you that insult gamers. I just hope that you will open your minds and accept the fact that gaming is here to stay and is also the second largest business in the world.

Now I garuntee these people that insult us would not say it to our face especially mine. To sit behind a desk and just blatantly insult people for no reason is shameful. Its stuff like that, that really makes me fired up and want to go chuck lydell on somebody. MAN OH MAN! Normally i would just brush it off. Then again if i dont stand up for these kids, who will. Even in school growing up, respect was earned through fighting. I ended up being the most pop. kid in my schools and would beat up bullies. I hate bullies and I am a bully to bullies world wide. So all I can say is if I see a bully picking or beating up on some one for no reason and who is defenseless then I will be all over you like a lion eating its prey. I dont play and am extremely upset at the immatureity of these people. No body deserves to be treated with such disrespect and malcontent from anyone. So am I the Knight in shining armor for people. Well I guess so.

Pain and Beauty

Alright so my family had a get together here in puerto rico and all decided today was a good day to go to the beach. Not only is it beutiful but i have been all over the world and this is by far the best beach i have ever been to. It was like something out of the corona commercials, you know the ones miles away from ordinary.

It was a beautiful time and the first time i have taken my son to a beach. the only downside is that im white and burn very easily. we went from nine a.m. to about four p.m. and then decided to throw a pool party at my wifes, uncles house. This was great but now the fatigue was definitely setting in.

I ended up in severe pain from the beach not only with my combat injuries but from being burnt to a crisp, and then also suffering from a severe case of heat exhaustion. Good thing this wasnt the first time i had experienced something like this. Even in my weakened state I had control over my self and knew exactly what to do despite not being able to walk straight from all the dizziness.

So my wife drove us home and ended up giving me a spongebath in vinegar. Surprisingly it takes the severeness of the burn away and helps break a fever. I just woke up and couldnt go to bed because every time i move it burns and my head feels like i have a hang over. I will be okay in a couple of days but it is really scary. The only place that has ever compared to this heat in puerto rico is definitely the middle east. The only thing is that here you have extremes in humidity and ultra violet rays from the sun.

Every one else didnt seem to bothered because they just got darker while i burned. It was pain and it was also one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.

I Wish

i wish the war in iraq would end.

i wish i didnt lose my friends in war.

i wish for my wife and child to be happy and healthy always.

i wish that people would appreciate the sacrifice i made for my countrymen and its people.

i wish we could all be friends and mature.

i wish people would appreciate the life that they have nomatter how bad it may seem.

i wish the man who created the cure for aids would release it to the public.

i wish that people would join more together to help africa.

i wish people wouldnt be so selfish.

but thats why its just a wish..........

new stuff for my ps3

Well i went to gamestop today and flopped out a good 300 bucks on ps3 accessories. i bought the new quake wars with a rumble control and a headset. I cant wait for fathers day, my wife and kids are getting me the new dragon ball z for the ps3 and it comes with a blu ray movie. so im pretty stoked about that guys. do any of you have quake wars.