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combatsoldier Blog

Gaming Union

i am forming a new gaming union that is for hardcore gamers only or people that are passionate about gaming. if you are interested let me know and i could choose you as an officer if your lucky. this one touches on all topics, and games with there game systems. this will be the best union created on the net.

Top 5 favorite game consoles

Alright so here are my favorite 5 game consoles.

5. playstation 2, xbox

4. nes

3. super nes

2. xbox 360

1. playstation 3

some of my other favorites that didnt make the list include. Sega dreamcast and sony psp. now in my gaming collection i have close to 1000 games.


I have read a lot of your comments and here is an answer.

1. we do not have the lowest value of the dollar. I have been all over the world and can garuntee this.

2. We are the ones with the most obese people. nothing wrong with a little cushion for the pushin.

3. This is a great idea for wii. however if you feel the same way i do. I dont play video games to get in shape. Yet this will sell very well especially touching the adult fan base of new gamers.

4. Trust me when i tell you that you dont have to buy this to get into shape. all you need is a diet and do pushups, situps and jogging. That will work nomatter what you want to do.

5. The wii has sold 26 million units xbox360 has sold 17 million and ps3 has sold 13 million as of this juncture in time. The nintendo corp. is very smart in there tactics and marketing ability. This is by far the most inferior system on the market but has managed to outsell more then the other consoles combined. How long can nintendo keep this up we shall see. however it is amazing that how they are bringing in so much new clientel. Personally dont shoot me but i do not like the wii. i have the 360 and ps3. another reason that the wii has sold so much is because its the cheapest so parents feel like they are getting a deal by buying this for the kids and still able to say that they have a new console.

Look bottom line is wii is market for kids and inexperienced gamers in general. this does not represent everyone so relax. Microsoft is tageting teens and young adults and sony right now is marketing older teens and hardcore gaming adults. now all three companies are trying to change the marketing strategy for different age groups but over all they are all doing surprisingly well not leaving anyone in the dust. I am not for wii fit and think it is a waste of money when all you need is a little dedication and you dont need a fancy gym memebership ( although i have one) but if you are just trying to get in shape and not worried about body building then you can do it yourself and ill be happy to even tell you how nomatter what your size and weight. there are a lot of diets out there. diets dont generally work. you need exercise. but you dont need wii fit to get it. thankyou for your time.

game collection

Hey guys, and here is my daily blog. other then talking about deep intelectual stuff I just decided to keep it simple today. I just wanted you all to know that it is actually cheaper now in the long run to buy a game rather then rent it. Especially if it is an older game dynamically on an older system. I personally have close to 1000 games from the ps1 and dreamcast all the way to now with next gen consoles. I prefer to buy a game rather then rent it. Especially now when Blockbuster charges almost 10 dollars to rent a game. There was a time believe it or not when you could walk into a local video store and rent a game for as little as 3 dollars. ahhhhh the sweet days of nes and snes. I recommend buying a game and never trading it in unless it completely sucks because after you buy it you automatically lose more then 50% of the value of the game once you leave the store unless it is still sealed. The same rules apply in real life when you are older and purchase a car. Adults you know what I mean, so its up to us to teach kids the meaning of the dollar and hard days work with rewards. Now personally I spoil the hell out of my kids, but they still maintain discipline and know that not everything in life is free. See there is a way to give your kids everything and still have them appreciate things. You just have to know how to do it in the right manner. Also my collection did not grow overnight. It has taken years and a ton of money to get my game collection to where it is at. One of my personal favorite game systems is the snes by far. I have everygame ever made for snes and still play it. In my opinion that has the best rpgs of all time overall. However the best rpg of all time is definitely Final Fantasy 7 for the Ps1 and since then there has been games that come close but ultimately fail just coming up short of the gaming nirvana that is FF7. Thankyou for your time.

Cry Me a River

First off let me start by saying if you dont like what i have to say then you dont have to read it. If you do and dont like it then thats your own personal opinion. See opinions are like a%$holes and everyone has one. Unfortunately we live within a society where if you speak your mind and you refuse to be a puppet then people get there panties in a bunch and cry.

Look i could care less, report and ban me from this website. I am a valuable asset to this country and I fight for you and the funny thing is most of you are puppets that when there told to say jump you say How high Daddy. Cry me a river and play it on the worlds smallest violen.

You will not sensor me and if you try then you will be destroyed. Merry christmas and happy new years chumps. Also all these kids with this fanboy garbage makes me sick to my stomach. I am a fanboy a fan of gaming and thats what it should be about chumps. Boo hoo the mean man said something I dont like and im going to call daddy. Well Mod this fools.

MY NAME IS Sgt. Solomon

and if you dont like it then you know where you can kiss it.

A world full of cowards

The difference between a man and a child is that a man isnt afraid to stand up for what he believes in nomatter what the egotystical critics shall say. Once you say something about a sensitive topic the world immediately casts a stone at the one they dont agree with. It is vexing to think in world where we are all supposeably equal that once a man says an opinion that doesnt insult anyone he is burned and or crucified.

People who fight for the good of others and fight for their own individual beliefs either physically or verbally are real men that may hold thier head up high with pride. It takes a coward to stab some one in the back or wear a mask when they try to kill you. A man who is not a coward will look you dead in the eye and tell the truth wether its wrong or not.

This world is sheltered and driven by propaganda and hyped up bulls&%t that will never end. However, there are a few of us who stand for the rights of justice and liberty. Those of us who sacrifice our body, mind and soul. Those of us that would rather do a little evil for a greater good. We are soldiers and patriots. Although i was hurt in combat and am a soldier does not mean that i am any better then the next man. Those people that aquired the wisdom and the empathic compassion for those of us whom have sacrificed is all that makes it worth it.

Many people take the liberties and the constitution that we represent for granted. Do you think as you sit home and play your games in your house that it was just given to you just because. No! Its because people have sacrificed all that they have and yet many of you continue to bad mouth those few patriarcs that care about man as a whole. We dont fight for our country because we love our president. We fight for the good of all man kind so you can be so ignorant to live and not appreciate all that you have.

Now let he who is without sin cast the first stone. and all the others just need to shut the f^#k up and appreciate what you have. You have life and every day you have to breathe is a blessing......

What a world

What a world that we live in people...What a world. Its crazy to think that we are alone in the universe. The thing is who are we to say that we are alone, especially that there is so much over whelming evidence that suggests otherwise. The only thing that i can figure is that people are just to scared to accept the reality that we are not the top of the food chain.

There is a not just one other race, yet there are many in the universe. Everything that we have learned in school in science and history ****s are completely wrong and written by those who would rather sensor us than risk a state of panic. People are weak minded bafoons that are not ready to accept the facts.

We are all sons of God, but the truth is that we are not the only ones. My advice is be open minded and stop living in a protective shell. There are many other worlds that we have no comprehension of full, of species of many varieties of alien (alien by definition is something that is not familiar). The government has all this information and the experiences that many people have had also feed into all of this. it is not just propaganda of people that are bored and watch to much star trek. The reality is we are always being watched and monitered and not just by the big bad brother we call the government.

also during my submission of this article it was stopped several times but there is always a loophole....think about it...

ps3 turn around

the bottom line with all this is when they first released the ps3 it was supposed to be a revolutionary piece of equipment such as a personal computer. the problem with that is the gamers were not willing to spend the 600 big ones when the 360 at the time was 400 and had more games. now listen i have both systems and it was absolutely neccessary for them to redo their strategy for the ps3. they were being crushed in sales and now that they have reworked everything they have caught up and in 2010 are estimated to out sell both systems and remain in the loop for the next 10 years. now the ps3 is down to 300 and they are only a couple of million behind the 360 in sales. however the biggest problem is titles. as of right now it is not cost effective to have a bunch of exclusive titles and for exclusive rights your talking any where from 50 to 200 million bucks. i do agree that all games should come out for both systems but yet remain its own independance with its own special content. yet again this would also plumbet the sales of all consoles especially the ps3. having its own special titles allow them to make much more money and if the games were on a an individual console, unless its a big title like gta or madden it doesnt sell to well and therefor would disrupt the market and revenue of sales ultimately bringing the demise to the gaming world.

down with the tyranical GLENN BECK

THIS IS AN OUTRAGE...... I blog about video games and im not a loser. i am a retired war vet who was injured in iraq with a wife and children and this a@#hole has the nerve to call us losers..... people did you know that video games are the second highest revenue in the world and the one that holds the number one title is pornography.

I love video games because it is an outlet... in 1992 a study was done and two out of ten people were gamers and one out of one hundred were hardcore gamers.. as of 07 the new status of that is nine out of ten people are gamers and three out of ten are hardcore gamers. Just because we like to play video games does not make us losers.... i have accomplished more in my young life then this s#$thead has in his whole non meaningful life.. we need to do something about this. Glenn Beck needs to give a public apology and be fired. i watch headline news but not anymore after this.. video gamers are not nerds who sit in there mothers basement. i happen to be a cage fighter and own my own home. People let us join together and fight this stereotypical old fool. if you have any ideas email me im open to all users. we can get a signed petition with several thousand names requesting,,,, better yet demanding his resignation. he has insulted all of us. Is it not better to be playing games in the house with friends, and family or is it more important to go out do drugs and commit crimes.. that is what glenn beck is saying. forget video games there for losers. lets all go out and do gang related activity. he is an idiot that must be brought to justice. let us stand for our right to be treated equal.

It has also been proven that video games give people a higher iq. also in the military we now incorporate our training in video games from rifle to vehicle..... Nasa uses video games for space shuttle launces..hell even the rest of the world test it on computer simulated video games first.


we need a president with a back bone that will just get the job done. this war in iraq is not about terrorism it is a political war about oil and bush trying to get out of his fathers shadow. guess what bush your going to be remembered alright. your remembered for being a complete a#@ thanks for letting me get injured and thanks for allowing many of my friends to just be memories instead of being home with their families. Gee bush thanks for never coming over to support the combat troops who really needed it, not just the ones in the rear you bafoon. i cant believe im a republican. this makes me want to change parties, hopefully whoever is elected will get the job done. i love my country but why did we elect this fool.