im not crazy about yet another pay service. its a slippery slope. if sony feels like these pay services are successful theyre gonna start giving us less at retail and force us to supplement it with more pay products. just look at what dlc has done to the quality/quantity of retail products. were getting half games at retail and paying extra for the rest. nowadays publishers are creating games with the dlc already in mind before the actual game is even finished. does anyone else see a problem here? gaming is going to a dark place for us consumers because the publishers are seeing more dollar signs.
commandokock's forum posts
happened to my cousin yesterday but today he said everything is back to normal. my guess is that it must be some kinda glitch in the servers. bf4 just plain sucks. one problem after another. seems like they rushed it and did sloppy work just to get it out the door and making money. any appreciation for their customers who have to put up with all this shit? nope! screw EA
Snagged the last one at my local best buy. What a relief. Now I'll have to secretly update it and run it thru its paces to make sure it's a keeper in time for my Son's birthday.
Continued good luck to those who are still searching.
dont open it. kinda ruins the 'new' feeling. let your son be the one to open it on his bday.
ive probably had 9 or 10 times where ive seen ps4s in stock in various stores around where i live but i still wouldnt say theyre readily available yet. im just surprised at the amount of people still having trouble finding them. maybe i should start buying some of them to sell to the less fortunate people who have trouble coming across them.
meh. doesnt even look that cool. hope this little decal doesnt make the console cost more. itd be cooler if they did a console skin with some of that art style like from the 'sons of liberty' ps2 cover
my guess is that youd be lucky to get $200 for it. someone could acquire most of your game collection pretty cheap at gamestop or on ebay. honestly if you still play it you might wanna consider some of the advice people are giving you. there isnt much of a library of ps4 games yet so you might find yourself bored with it pretty fast. dont get me wrong, i have a ps4 and i like it. i just wouldnt sell my ps3 to get it. id save my money until i could afford it.
i personally wouldnt bother buying a ps3 if i already had a ps4. id be willing to wait for the games and save my money but everyones different. some people just get a gaming itch and maybe to someone like that it might be worth it. after all there ARE a lot of games to choose from on the ps3
also i heard the superslim needs some bracket to hold your laptop harddrive in place. apparently its not included and hard to come by. theres supposed to be ways you can rig it to work without the bracket but that just seems like a pain in the ass to me. only heard this info so i cant say any of its for sure but i thought it was worth mentioning so you could look into it yourself
i like playing it on ps3. i wouldnt mind it being next months free ps+ game as long as it isnt an exact replica of the ps3 version. hopefully they would improve it in some way just to keep it fresh for the people that already have it.
there arent that many yet but i like outlast and resogun. i play them far more than any big-name retail game i have
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