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comthitnuong Blog

So it's 2008

Hello everybody. I hope you guys had a great Christmas and a happy new year My extended family has just left about two days ago and everything is back to normal for me. I got some nice stuff for Christmas. I got some new boxers, Dead Rising, a soft and comfy pair of socks which I am wearing right now :D, the last Harry Potter book, and a new video editing program. Out of them all I have been liking my socks the best…so soft…

As always for new years I didn't do anything. I was looking up funny youtube videos and re watching those hilarious videos from the past year like the don't tase me brovideo, the Miss South Carolina video, and some other great moments of the year. I hardly noticed the new year pass by. Looking back 2007 was a pretty nice year both. I can't really think of any complaints that I have for the year besides this one clas of mine that is killing me. Looking at 2008, it doesn't seem like it will be very different from 2007. Well it's not like I can predict the future so I guess we'll just have to see. Something that would make my whole year a lot better would be getting a very nice grade on my SAT. Then I could lax up a bit on my grades.

Well going to what I've been doing these past 10 or so days, it has basically been spending time with family and showing a cousin around Dallas until they left. I played a lot of Halo 3 multiplayer these days because CoD4 doesn't have an online guest system(how screwed up is that?) and I learned that I am awesome at Halo 3. Every single match we played I would get MVP…damn I'm good. But I probably won't be played Halo 3 for a very long time now that my family has left.

I've also made my debut into the Horror/Survivor genre. For Christmas I got Dead Rising and started playing that a bit. Though it is probably nowhere close to games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil, it is still a start, and I am enjoying the game. I like the lighter tone that the game has compared to RE and SH. I don't really like the escort missions though and overall I've found the game a bit challenging due to the fact that all cases and missions are very time sensitive. Maybe in about 10 years I may find myself playing the Resident Evil series and Bioshock.

In anime news, I've started up Strawberry Panic. As of now, I'm mildly enjoying the series. Though most of it can be called a load of filler, I haven't become too bored of it yet…I've also learned that a good amount of voice actors were from Mai-Hime, but luckily for me not much else rubbed off from that show. Hopefully this show can get some nice drama in it and become more interesting.

Well then happy new years everybody and thanks for reading…with my new video editor I would hope to be able to put up some of my own videos with better production values so I won't be such a waste of bandwidth on this site…but knowing me it will take a long time before I work on anything….yeah.

Christmas time is here

My Christmas break is here! Words cannot express how overjoyed I am now that finals are finally over and we are finally on Christmas break! Let's celebrate with a big update blog. Hurray!!!!!!!!

So anyways... Now that the Gertsmann deal is over, you would notice that I am still here. Many thanks to the Hotspot episode addressing the issue and GS member Juradai for convincing me to stay. I'll leave it at that because I am a little sick of the issue myself. I was going to include a blog saying this two weeks before this but…you know…finals came at me at full force…

I would also like to apologize for being a little late on some of your blogs. As I previously said, we had finals these past two weeks. Our school deemed it wise to stretch out finals over two weeks and have normal classes going on while taking them. Though for most classes I believe this has helped to not demolish my grade, the plan out was still horribly done and I hope it changes for finals. I've also been spending a heck of a lot of time dealing with Colleges and SAT stuff that I have to get through, so yeah its been a little busy around here.

As for my Christmas list goes, there isn't anything on it. This is the first year that it has ever been like this and I'm still feeling a little odd for not wanting anything. I have a huge extended family that always give me a ton of good stuff, but when I think about it this year, I just don't want anything. I was thinking about getting a high end computer, but then it came to me that I was moving out pretty soon for college and I might as well just deal with mine for another year or so.



Let's see, for games I have only been playing CoD4. I have been having a decent time with the multiplayer but I really think that there needs to be a VIP mode to make it perfect. Most of my friends are getting the game for Christmas so you know what that means…Search and Destroy clan! I have also been playing the game on Veteran in a futile attempt to get all of the achievements for the game. Call of Duty games are perhaps the most frustrating experience when playing on Veteran. ALL enemy fire is directed to the head and there is A LOT of enemy fire. I am stuck on this one level where you have to wait for a helicopter evacuation while fending off against a constant stream of enemies coming from everywhere around you. After that, you have to carry your injured comrade to the helicopter while enemy fire is flying at you. It is VERY frustrating. I have played previous CoD games on Veteran and there have been plenty of other moments in this campaign that were very frustrating but none of them match this situation. Well, if anybody wants to play some MP in CoD4 sometime, just send an invite. Though I most likely will not accept the invite if I am in the middle of a Campaign mission.



I have a bunch of anime to talk about too. Since last time we met, I finished Mai Hime, resumed and finished Azumanga Daioh, and finished Welcome to the NHK.

Let's talk Mai Hime. This anime has perhaps the worst dialogue and characters that I have every seen. It hasn't been since I watched Ai Yori Aoshi that I was talking to my computer, telling it to shut up. The sheer hate that I felt for each character is something that I don't even understand. They came off as corny, unreal, and just stupid. I know that some people liked this anime a lot but even after trying to like it, I still ended up hating it. I give credit where credit is due though. I found the premise, especially at the end interesting, and I also found episodes 20-26 very enjoyable. If it weren't for the crappy dialogue and bad characters, this anime would have probably been a very good anime.

As for Azumanga, I found this anime hilarious. Every episode had me lolling. This anime was able to come off as so funny and good because it has a really strong cast of characters that became very well developed over the course of the show. However, this show pretty much sacrificed plot for characters and pretty much has no plot whatsoever. This still stands out in the Comedy world because of its ability to conduct humor in a non sexually related way, something that is getting harder and harder to find these days.

I recently just saw Welcome to the NHK, and I wasn't really expecting much from it. However this turned out to be a very good anime with great direction, great characters, great plot and a premise in which its viewers can relate to. I found this one very funny because at many points, it was like staring at a dramatized version of my life. Almost all aspects of this anime are top notch and I highly recommend this one to anyone who is familiar with the nerd/otaku lifestyel.


Have a happy Christmas everybody. If you don't celebrate Christmas then, enjoy your break off from school or work. Thanks for reading, I know this must have been a pain in the ass to read, and until next time.

BTW… I'm kind of missing the high def videos from when I was a subscriber…ah well…

Note: This was written on Thursday but due to being busy, I couldn't post it.

Comthitnuong is in despair

Friday, November 30th 2007. Comthitnuong has just got home from setting up a school's Christmas Bazaar and is tired. He logs on to Gamespot and sees multiple blogs regarding people leaving, Jeff, and Eidos. After browsing the site for about an hour Comthitnuong then fully understands the situation and that Jeff Gertsman of Gamespot has been fired for his "negative tone" in his review of Kane and Lynch. Comthitnoung is shocked.

Imagine coming back to your hometown after a vacation and finding it in ruins. Right now, I am feeling confused of what to do, and outraged at what has happened. What CNET has done to Jeff was horrific and just sent GS's entire crediblity, not to mention its community down the drain. CNet sacraficed their integrity for money, which I think is horrifying for a company like this to do. I simply cannot support a company like that.

To put it short, I loved Jeff Gertsman. Him, Rich and Greg Kassavin were the Heart, Soul, and Brains of Gamespot. One of the things that kept me going back to Gamespot was the amout of personality that it had. From the News Editors to the Review Editors, I loved all of their personalities. The backbone of all of that is now gone. Of course there are still others like Alex, Ryan, Vinny, and many more, but they just didn't have the same presence and impact on the communuty than Jeff, Rich, and Greg did.

I have already cancelled my Total Access Subscription and I am contemplating a departure from the site altogether. However, it is harder than I thought to depart with my virtual home that has been so good to me for the past three years. Many others have left though. Even highly influential members like ffgothic have left the community for GameTrailers. I have browsed the forums over there and I can say that I don't like them at all. I don't want to go to IGN or 1up either because I find their reviews subpar.

I'm still thinking of what to do right now. If I am to leave indefinitely, I will be sure to recognize all my friends on this site who have made my Gamspot experience so great. If I don't, well, I still would like to do somthing rather than pull my TA membership to show my disgust with CNET and Eidos. I will probably confirm some of this stuff once we recieve some word from Jeff himself, if we ever do.

**** YOU CNET AND EIDOS!!! (wow...and I barely even cuss that much in real life...)


Update Notes:

I want to keep this short. I bought a new mouse because my mouse right now is complete crap. I also made a CoD4 purchase. Without going on for too long, it is the best CoD game since the first. Finally, a CoD game that captures the moments and the scale that the first had. Anime wise, I finished School Rumble last week, and am now watching Mai-Hime. School Rumble was surprisingly really good, and Mai-Hime is well...boring. I hear it gets better though...

Just throwing it out there, I played DOAX2 for 4 hours...It wasn't fun. I'll leave it at that. I don't want to talk about that game anymore. Due to my voice which is still lost, I can't post the video:(...Ah well...I wouldn't be in the mood for it anyways.

I think that is it for now. Thanks for reading. I know you have probably read enough of these already. For now, lets hope that Jeff can come back in some way, shape or form.

UPDATE: For further clarification of my stance on this subject, I will post the response that I have given BulletSword and Flame.

If I leave the reason is not because Jeff got fired. In fact I would find it ridiculous as well to leave for that reason alone.Though having Jeff leave is certainly a blow, that alone would not make me leave. If I were to do this for Jeff, then I probably would have already done it when Rich left. All things come to an end. I understand that. I knew Jeff was going to leave eventually, Having him leave now or two years from now would not have made a difference.

It is the thought of supporting a review site owned by a company that lets money influence their actions to the point that they would fire their own employees (that have been there for 12 years!) that disgusts me, and makes me want to leave until further clarification is put out.

What a Shame

Hello everybody, it has been awhile hasn't it? It seems that I haven't been able to find anything to blog about lately so my page is pretty much idle...On to the point. Recently I have been spending some time in System Wars. Its not that I have been posting there(if you look at my posting history, you will see that I haven't had a real post on the main boards for like 3+ months), it is just that I have been browsing threads around there and reading the general mindlessness that goes on there. One day though I decided to participate in a user run event called System Wars Bets. Basically what you do there is place a bid and if you win, you win, and if you lose, you have to do whatever you said that you would do. I placed my bet before Bioshock came out and I said this:

"If any Wii game coming out this year scores higher than Bioshock, I will play DoAX2 for 4 hours straight."

Yes, I know now that it was stupid to do this but you can't really blame me for making this bet because at the time, the GS Bioshock review hadn't come out yet, and all of the other review sites had been giving it perfect 10's. I had also been following Bioshock's development since it was first announced and I thought it had a decent chance of outscoreing all of the Wii titles coming out this year. Also when you look at it again, at the time, the only big hitters coming on the Wii were Brawl, MP3, and SMG. Based on looking through news articles about the game, I predicted (correctly) that MP3 would get an 8.5 and that Brawl would not be ready to be shipped out this year. However the one that I could not predict, and placed all of my luck on, was SMG, which, as you know got a 9.5 and therefore I stand in my shame....and soon to be pain after I play that abomination of a game for four hours...

Through this shame I bring good news though! I now have an excuse to make another video to put up on Gamespot. Though I am not sure what kind of video it will be, I know it will pertain to my mini marathon and IT WILL COME OUT. I am promising myself this because I have been wanting to make a video for quite awhile now and haven't been able to do it. Right now my voice is kind of weak for some reason but even so, IT WILL COME OUT in one way or another. I have my Thanksgiving break to do it so IT WILL HAPPEN!


So anyways, lets get some updates going on. Game wise, my life has been almost completely idle. No Persona 3, no Halo 3, just a couple demos that I wanted to play...and thats it. School wise, I still am not at the point in which I would like myself to be but I am at the point in which I need to be...I hope to improve that before the semester ends.

As for what I've been viewing, I finished Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Code Geass, and Serial Experiments Lain. Gurren Lagann is hands down one of the greatest, if not the greatest show out there now. If you haven't seen it, ask yourself why not and then watch it. Right now I'm on a cooling period because both Gurren Lagann and Code Geass pretty much fried my mind. I'm taking it easy with School Rumble right now, but I should pick up with another mind fryer on my Thanksgiving break.

I also plan to do something with my UCB...Jwallace recently had a blog that reminded me that I still do have one and it would be a waste of my money if I don't use it(since apparently GS is starting to let more and more free users go into tournaments...I'm not sure whether or not I should still be subscribing right now, maybe I should go a step down...).I don't think making it into an actual board where a bunch of people post is plausible because I can't see that many people would be devoted to a board from me but I do plan to use the space in some way, shape, or form...

Well, thanks for reading and everybody have a happy Thanksgiving...even you guys outside of the US :P

Taking things Litely

Hello everybody, here is another two weeks dose of Comthitnuong. I'll get straight to the point. I got a DS Lite...or indirectly at least. It was my brother's birthday and he got a DS Lite as one of his gifts. Since I am in the same household as him, I'll pretty much have full access to it. The Lite has been really successful for the past year, and I've been missing out on all of the excitement because my old DS, which was an original model, suffered a fatal blow to its upper screen.

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Yeah...It is that bad. I forgot how long ago it was broken, but I know that it was before the DS Lite models were released. So it has been broken all of this time, but I didn't miss it too much because there hasn't really been that much action for handheld gaming recently. But there are enough games out there right now to be excited to have a Lite right now.

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As you can see by the pictures, my brother did get a Crimson and Onyx model that came in a bundle with Brain Age 2. There were some complaints as to many units of this model having a yellow taint in the scree, but luckily this one didn't and we didn't have to return it. While looking at pictures of the crimson and onyx model, it looked ugly to me, but I have found that it does grow on you and the color actually looks nice.

So far I like the feel of the Lite. The four buttons on the right feel a little strange but it is easy to get used to. Something I noticed was that it does not have the brightness adjustments for the backlight. I am pretty sure that it was supposed to be in other models but I guess this one doesn't have it. One thing that is also strange is how the area around the screens are both sunken in with the two screens themselves lifted up a bit. Again, it is not that much of a bother but it is a tad strange, especially when comparing it to the original model of the DS.

I've tried out Brain Age two for a few days now, and I do find it enjoyable. It is not as mind bending as I thought it would be but I guess if it were too mind bending then it would alienate the "casual" audience that Nintendo wants to attract. I have found one game that has me stumped right now and that is a game called Word Scramble. The game gives you a set of letters and you have to unscramble them to get the word. The letters are moving in a circle while you are doing this which I find makes it tougher and much more frustrating. My brain age right now is 56...I'm not sure if I should be proud of that or not but it seems like it is a bad age. Expect some more updates with this game from me because I am spending about 10 minutes with it each day and am finding it very intriguing.

And now for some thoughts on the games. So far I'm thinking Phoenix Wright and Phantom Hourglass as the definitive ones to get. If time allows I might check out Animal Crossing, but that one is doubtful because it seems like the game has no end. I'm also thinking about Pokemon Diamond or Pearl for nostalgia's sake and to see how far Pokemon has gone since I quit after Gold and Silver. I've looked through GS and it seems that not that many DS games have been reviewed very high. I am going through some GBA games right now, so hopefully I will find some good stuff there. If you have any suggestions for me, please feel free to tell me.

Well, that should be enough for the next two weeks. Thanks for reading and until next time...

Note: Images have been removed as of November 15, 2007.

It has been awhile...

Hello everybody. Its been a little over a month since my last blog...It feels really really strange doing this right now because I haven't done this in so long. Anyways this is just to say that I am indeed alive and well. I've just been busier than normal. I had wanted to do a Halo 3 feature in video form, but I never got to it. I went to the midnight launch, got some swag and a bunch of footage with my camera, but I never got to put them in video form or add any type of commentary.

In the first two weeks of September I wasn't able to do anything because the videogame Persona 3 was currently consuming me. It was seriously way too addicting, but very fun. Who knew shooting yourself in the head could be so awesome? If I could dream up a perfect role playing game, using today's standards, this game would hit pretty damn close. After I finish this this will probably end up as one of my favorite games of all time, ranking up there with Paper Mario and KOTOR. It is a pitty that this was such a low profile game and didn't get nearly as much attention as it should have. I would highly recommend this if you have the time.

So yeah, after those two weeks I had to cut down all gaming, anime, and Gamespot time by like three quarters because my grades are not close to where I need them to be for this year. If you haven't noticed my posts on my friends blogs have been getting later and later. For the past two weeks I have stepped up my academics time by a ton and am trying to bring up my grades before the semester gets to a point where it will be too late. So this will probably continue for another three weeks until I get another grade report and mark my progress.

Another game that I have been playing is Halo 3. Recently I had to get my disk replaced because I was an unfortunate one who got a screwed up Limited Edition disk. I went to Best Buy and they just opened up a regular Halo 3 game and put that inside of mine because they were out of stock of the Limited Edition ones. I guess it is better than waiting two weeks for Microsoft to send me anther one. So I finished the fight about a week after I got the game, and I have to say that it was underwhelming. I expected some deep Master Chief vs. Cortana conflict, but I got none. I was also hyped for everything in those trailers that Bungie was putting out, particularly those Believe ones. The funny thing is...NONE of that is in the game. I was expecting to be in that awesome battle in those trailers, but it never happens. The last mission of the game was pretty epic, but I would have still liked to be in that great battle. As for the game...Just call it Halo 2.5. Nothing really changes, though the Flood are finally fun to fight for some reason. The multiplayer is fun, just like Halo 2's and Halo 3 will probably be my main multiplayer game for a while. I guess thats really it for Halo 3...

As for anime that I've been watching, it has all been RahXephon. I thought it was a very well done show and I liked it a lot, even though I hear it is very much like Neo Genisis Evangelon. It has a whole cast of great characters and had deep stuff with plenty of allusions and motifs that even I couldn't keep up with. Without going too deep into the plot, it is basically about a guy named Ayato who finds out that he can pilot a mecha called the RahXephon, and follows his journey as he discovers his identity...among other things. I am still thinking of a score that I would give it and it possibly might outscore every single show that I have seen so far. If it doesn't then it will at least tie the top ones.

Well I think that is enough for now. Thanks for reading and until next time. (which hopefully won't be in another month....)

Note: The images will be removed after some time.

Comthitnuong @ AnimeFest 2007


Ok then. With that aside, let's get to the main bit. Fellow Gamespot user FateStayNight and I attended AnimeFest 2007 which is an annual anime convention held at a certain place called the Reunion Tower. There were plenty of cosplayers, which surprised me because I didn't think that that many people actually do such a public, even if it is accepted in events like that.

(image removed)

Hello, Reunion Tower!

In the first seconds of the video you saw a long line. That line was the line to get your passes in order to get the the main dealer room and see screenings among other things. It took about 45 minutes to an hour to get through that thing which pissed me off because we were running a tight schedule as we had to attend a wedding the same day for a friend. After we got our passes we headed out to see what we could see.

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Fate and myself in the Dealer Room...I look strange in that picture for some reason...

My favorite bit was the dealer room in which plenty of dealers had set up booths around a huge room. They were selling things like PVC figures to manga. Pretty much anything anime related, you could find it there. Personally I was looking for a Misuzu PVC, from Air TV, or a Shigure Asa PVC. Much to my dismay there was not a Misuzu PVC and the Shigure PVC's were much to expensive. I could find a better price on Ebay. So I went with a Saber PVC from the anime Fate Stay Night. Not surprisingly, FatestayNight also bought a Fate Stay Night PVC, but forgot to buy a Mitsuru from SMT: Persona 3, and didn't have enough money to buy a Shana PVC. I was also looking for a Death Note polo shirt but the only thing I could find was a Death Note tie,which I was planning to get but forgot to, and a Death Note T-shirt, which did look good, but it had Ryuk on it which I didn't want. There were also some bath Towels and pillows....but I'm sure you can understand why I didn't buy those.

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Saber PVC galore!

Well, before we knew it, we had to get going because the wedding that had to be attended began at three. On the way back you can say we got lost because of Fate's poor ability to read MapQuest directions, but luckily I am an awesome driver and we were able to make it back with time to spare.

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Yes, that is my real name on the tag...Crap, hope Light doesn't see that...

I enjoyed the event and wish I could have seen some panel discussions and stuff like that but I guess it is alright. As for news going on in life, I have been pretty busy but I have been able to keep up with most of my friend's blogs lately, but readjusting to my ****s(I hate when that word gets censored) is starting to beat me up a little bit. I should be fully adapted to school work pretty soon and hopefully I can start spending more time on GS.

Well thanks for reading. I hope this turns out to be one of my more interesting blogs, but for now, goodbye.

EDIT: It seems I am having problems with the images....

Note: Images have been removed as of 10-8-07.

Gears have stopped spinning, GHII murdered...Another gaming drought is imminent

No, I do not mean that there will be a lack of games coming out in the future, I mean that I have lost my interest in gaming once again. This happens to me every once in a while after I have had a good run with a really good game(s). The games this time being FFX, Gears of War, and Guitar Hero 2. At first when I noticed my gaming life slow down, I thought I would regain it because I was watching Death Note at an extremely fast pace at the time(episodes 27-37 in one day :o). But after finishing Death Note, it just didn't happen and I moved onto Air, which was a great anime BTW.

So here is how it goes down. I have lost my interest in Gears of War. One of the best online experiences that I have ever has now stopped. After I came back from Ohio, I started to distance myself from the game and now I have not played in over a week. To all of my XBL friends wondering where I have been on Gears...I have stopped. Maybe this is for the best though. As I found myself having an unhealthy attraction to playing the game. With classes starting up, this probably works out just fine for me. This is my farewell to Gears. I end my career of Execution Ranked matches at a rank of about 53,000 worldwide. It was fun while it lasted, but if I play now it will be player matches and I won't be playing seriously(AKA crabwalking!).

The next game that I was going to fall back on was Guitar Hero II. However I can no longer do that. Why? It was murdered by a certain GameSpot user who shall remain nameless *cough*FATESTAYNIGHT*wheeze*AKA ROFLPWNED *choke*AKA THEGUYWHO'S360PUTSMASSIVERINGSONYOURDISK.

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OH THE HORROR!!!!!!! You did not want to be next to me when I saw that...

So I let him borrow my GHII game and controller for the duration that I was in Ohio..When I came back I didn't immediately check if the disk was alright. I actually just checked it today and was speechless to see what the disk looked like...So it doesn't work anymore. Campaign mode can't be accessed and I get slowdown all the time...GHII is dead.

With these games gone, my interest in gaming has diminished greatly. I can see a repeat of the past and having an immense gaming drought. I am currently playing Xenosaga in hopes that it can keep the gamer flame inside of me burning, but as it is going now, I do not think it will have as significant of an impact as Final Fantasy 10 did. This is still kind of abrupt to me so it is taking some time to sink in, but sooner or later, you will see that my gaming time has gone down significantly. Well, since the summer is ending, I guess it is only right that this happens and I should be grateful to have broken an addiction before classes start up again.

Until next time....(I also noticed that blog #50 is coming up...expect a big list of thank you's to all who have been with me and contributed to my blog)

EDIT: It seems that the image isn't loading right. I will have this fixed ASAP.

EDIT 2: Image is fixed.

Note: Images have been removed as of 10-9-07

Back in Texas, With Plenty to go Over

So I arrived back in Texas at around 1:00 PM Central Time yesterday. I had a pretty decent time in Ohio. Didn't do too much though. It does feel good to be back and with my trusty computer once again. While in Ohio I did do a surprising amount of gaming. The main reason to visit was because my aunt has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and so I had to make sure I visited her for one last time just in case an unfortunate series of events were to take place in the future. She was doing surprisingly well though so I got to play some games by myself and with my younger cousin. So what did I do?


Syberia - Probably the last good adventure(besides TLJ's sequel) game to come out after the Grim Fandango and The Longest Journey era of classic adventure games, Syberia was an enjoyable experience while it lasted. I was not able to get very far in the game because after I finished the first disk, the second disk was required and I didn't have the second disk. It is somewhere in my house but I can't seem to find it. That aside, the first disk's content, which was around 7 hours, was very reminiscent of The Longest Journey's gameplay style, which isn't a good thing. Almost impossible to do without a walkthrough. I had to look in a walkthrough almost every time I played which was pretty annoying and frustrating.

Super Smash Bros. - Since my cousin had a Nintendo 64, I blew the dust off of this game and brought it to Ohio with me. The game was surprisingly fun even after all of this time. While not as flashy or not as full of content compared to Super Smash Bros. Melee, the game was still fun with the multiplayer. I wrote a review for this game up there but I left the file in the other computer...I guess I will have to retype it.

Rayman Raving Rabbids - I also got a chance to play this game because I had access to an Xbox 360. I bought this game for 20 bucks before going to Ohio so that there could be nice random fun. Unfortuately, the game isn't that great or as funny as I would imagine. I thought it would have the same wakkiness as I saw in the gameplay videos for Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, but it didn't. Many of the games are frustrating but there are some fun ones out there. I hope Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 is better though.

Others - Of course you know if there is an Xbox 360, I have to play Gears, which I did. I was fortunate to be able to play with some friends back in Dallas, including Gamespot user FateStayNight, and also another Gamespot user, who is not from Dallas, Vexx88. I also played the campaign mode of GRAW for a while.

What's New?

Anime - A local library there had a section devoted to anime DVD's. Since I didn't bring my external hard drive, which contains all of my anime, I thought it would be good to rent a whole series out and watch it all. The only full boxed set they had was of Soul Hunter, which is about this a guy who joins up with other guys to overthrow an empire among other things. Yeah so it was decent, but nothing really special. I watched all 26 episodes in 4 days which is a record for me.

After having done a 26 episodes in a 4 day time period marathon, I thought that it would be good for me to pick up the pace on the anime that I have to watch and get a little more serious with my anime. So as of now I am expecting to finish the majority of my anime on my external hard drive before August ends...Now that I am doing that I decided that I might as well post up all of the anime that I have seen, with my rating for it so that it can be of use to me and others can see what I watch. It should replace my beloved Shigure Asa blog header that I have.

Friend's lists cleanup - So I think it is about time for me to start up another clean up. Others have been doing it and I am nearing 80 friends and that to me is just too much. Friends' blogs are being pushed out, and I don't have time to keep up with people who want to track for the sake of tracking. My policy regarding friends right now is to have the user send me a PM or post in my blog, but I fear that even that might be too lax. Last time I did a cleanup and changed the friends policy was back last December as part of my Gamespot Reforms, in which I made huge changes to the way I use and post on Gamespot. So I should get to that shortly.

New Video Features! - Currently as most of you know, I have a video blog feature called Cool Hand Comthitnuong, in which I go over impressions and thoughts regarding gaming events and conventions like E3. But there aren't many conventions going on that I am going to blog. I was going to do a Blizzcon/Quakcon video blog, but the trip to Ohio prevented me from viewing the live feed from the Blizzcon convention, and arriving in Dallas yesterday, I missed my chance to attend the Quakcon convention. The last day is going on right now, and I could drive down there and attend, but it is too late right now. So now since the next episode of Cool Hand Comthitnuong will probably be for TGS, I thought out another feature.

This one is more lighthearted than CHC, and will be titled Money Is Not An Issue, MINAI for short. The title is subject to change if I deem it necessary though. So basically what this will be about is me and me buying games. I am a penny pincher when it comes to buying games, and all the stuff I go through before purchasing a game is a pretty long and thorough process. Yeah so basically it will show what I do when purchase a game. I tell you the game I want, and then you will see what I do to purchase the game, for the price I want.

In addition to this one I will also have a random set of videos that I will throw out when I think something could make a good video. It will not be episodic; it will be pretty much random. I have plans for the first video regarding this type already so you may see it soon.

And so that is it, read up, comment, and I will see you next time...Or maybe some of you I won't!:twisted: I need to go catch up on blogs now...

EDIT: My apologies, but I have mad a mistake.Having made this mistake makes me feel pretty bad.My aunt has lung cancer, not breast cancer.

Ohayo gozaimasu! Greetings from Ohio!

Clever use of words, no? (If you didn't get it, Ohayo sounds like Ohio, Ohayo meaning good morning in Japanese...or something along those lines)So as the title suggests, I am in the state of Ohio right now. I will remain here for two weeks for I am visiting a very ill family member. That being said, since I will be away from my normal computer, expect my Gamespot activity to decrease accordingly. I will do my best to keep up with my friends blogs and hopefully the Gamespot news, but other than that, activity should be at a bare minimal. My apologies.

In other news, I was able to attend the HarryPotter launch event at a local Borders book store. I was unable to get the book however, because apparently you had to have had your book reserved...Reminds me of Gamestop...So I left at around 11:15 - 11:30 empty handed. I would have pictures and probably video, but since I was unable to get the book, I didn't take any pictures, which is something that I regret doing. Yes I know that this stamps me as a geek for life, but come on, its Harry Potter.

So until another day....I bid you farewell.