I'll only list the best games i have from each gen
1st- N/A
2nd- ATARI 2600: Megamania, Breakout, Space Invaders, Warlords
3rd- NES (not working)
4th- SNES: DKC 1-3, Mega Man X 1-3, Mario All Stars + World, Super Mario Kart, Super Metroid Genesis: Sonic 1-3 and Knuckles, Streets of rage 1& 2, Vectorman, Ristar
5th- N64: SM64, Mario Kart 64, Banjo Kazooie & Tooie, Conker's BFD, Zelda OOT & MM, Paper Mario, F-Zero X, Goldeneye 007
6th- GCN: Mario Sunshine, Smash Bros Melee, Soul Calibur II, Timesplitters II, Zelda WW & TP, Sonic A2B, Wario World PS2: GTA III & San Andreas, Jak 3
7th- Wii: Mario Galaxy 1& 2, Zelda Skyward Sword, DKC returns, Kirby's RTDL, Wii Sports Resort, Tatsunoku vs Capcom, SSB Brawl 360: GTA V, Halo CE aniversary, Banjo Kazooie N&B, Red Dead Redemption, COD BO
8th- Wii U: NSMB U, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, COD BO II, Nintendo Land, SM 3D World. ANICIPATED: SSB4, DKC Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Monolithsoft's X, Whatever else is in store the next 7 years
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