"And you may find yourself, living in a shotgun shack"
Don't you love it, just bloody adore it, when you have a day off and you wake up naturally from a nightmare half an hour earlier than you would normally with an alarm on a workday?! Just fantastic isn't it not!?! HAHA
Hello, welcome fellow humans to my blog space, where I have returned to spell words, often incorrectly, and then string them together into somewhat coherent sentences in order to amuse/inform/confuse you all!
I am , as what many of you may like to refer to yourselves as, a Gamer. Well in the sense that I am someone whom likes to consume digital interactive media and arts, or games. I don't personally like the term myself but as there are not better substitutes it is what we must go with. I have played games since I were only a tiny and ignored tyke at the age of four years old. It all started with an Atari 2600 and slowly ballooned out from there. I was brought up by my mother exclusively, bullied by what had to be 99% of the local child based population for whatever reason could be invented.
We lived poor, my mother, who never had a job, often would blame me for her not having made it in life. "because you were born I didn't get to go to college and study or live my dreams". Over time she became lonely, equally bullied by neighbours and locals, bulling that I also felt overspill from, she also became bitter. That bitterness turned to heavy handedness and then physical or verbal abuse. My sister, seven years my junior, was fortunate enough to have actually missed out on this side of our mother. Due partly to being "wanted" from birth, another fact often presented to me, and because I was already there to take the brunt of her less pleasant moments.
By the time She hit 11 and I 18 our mother had passed away, never really reaching any of her life goals, driven mad by the life situation and the sickness that eventually claimed her.
I became my sisters guardian and raised her on no money for the next few years alone.
Through all this and much worse, on no money and with few friends, I continued to play video games. They were a lifeline and an obsession, something that were mine and tied deeply to my identity. We never honestly owned our consoles, at least not new. The Atari 2600 was borrowed from a friend. Our later bought N.E.S. from a catalogue (and probably never fully paid for), Snes, N64, Saturn. While I had these around in my house at times, we bought them second hand or traded other things for them. I have owned very few "new" things in my lifetime, certainly not until long after release or they were super cheaply available. Don't even get me started on pc gaming, I couldn't have even dared dream to own a pc at the time. let alone one good enough to actually play anything modern. As such I had to latch onto playing Sega Saturn Street Fighter Alpha 2 for hours on end in my room, alone.
I'll tell you, nothing sucks more than years playing a fighting game alone because you've no friends and realising everyone else actually had mate to play with and get good at a game against. Especially finding out by finally getting to play other fighting game fans and just being humiliated. Not that I wasn't used to humiliation by then.
None the less play these consoles and games I did. My last gift from my mother came when she traded a bundle of coupons and saved change for a Dreamcast at the local Woolworths. She didn't know she was sick at the time and would have passed away, at the tragically young age of 45, before Christmas rolled around and she could give it to me. I would love to say I have treasured that specific console until this day... but times were tough and there came a point where I had to sell much of what I owned just to get by.
As is the consistent in this depressing narrative, I found a way to continue playing games to some extent or another.
I could go on about the years of recovering after losing out on a secondary school education (I am entirely self taught at English writing. Hence this previous sentence!) The one failed relationship that turned into 3 years of abuse (received not given) and separation from my chance to bring up my own daughter (I wanted her and make sure she always knows when I can) and talk about a billion other small sob stories. But that's not the point of this blog.
The one through line has always been a love of video games, ALL video games, and a desire to share that love with others.
I didn't come to games media coverage until oddly late though. There had been one or two copies of nintendo based magazines in the early years, but not until my mid teens and odd pounds here and there that I could afford copies of CVG. Eventually moving onto EDGE magazine in late 1999 early 2000. I appreciated EDGE because it was unlike other magazines and any depictions of games on tv, it treated it's readers with some amount of respect. It was dense for a print publication and it didn't treat games solely as "jokey jokey fun fun, girls in tight tops, cartoon poops, Dominic Diamond saying the word pants!".
I've seen complaints from some in the games press in resent years that games coverage is all too po faced, but when you take into account the most predominant face of game on youtube is someone both obnoxious and tasteless, and as such our most forward facing representative of the medium available, I think maybe po faced is entirely needed. But all that is a topic is too much to go into now and a good one for discussion some other time. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate fun, and jokes, but acting as though there's not enough of that in games coverage these days is silly, especially when it's more the latter.
Anyway EDGE was a read, challenging for someone who like me had little practical education and inspiring. I may not have agreed with every opinion, review, or idea, but at least they were presented intelligently and with some depth. Or attempts at it anyway.
The other thing that inspired me in the same sense was a website by the name of Gamespot. I have been around on Gamespot for all too long, with a couple of accounts. Actually for it just to be a couple of accounts is quite the feat as I tend to lose passwords or details and start again on many sites over the years, but just once on gamespot.
It too a while even then for me to actually create a first account. I remember though the release of THAT Kane and Lynch review and the somewhat related release of Jeff. Most vividly I remember the episode of On The Spot that came that following week. A large number of Gamespot guys all huddled together on the desk & couch to address the situation before the show started. I watched the shows long before then, but that episode is always a vivid memory.
So I had wanted to write about games for a long time. My first attempt was in 2001 when I happened to pass my first year at college and was awarded a book token for being top of my class... Yes I made sure to try and make up for my bad beginnings and actually got into a college. It was Art and Design, so the terrible english skills were less of an issue, but I wanted to make sure I at least attempted to do what had bothered my own mother for so long. Not out of spite but I suppose to break the cycle. Also I wanted to get into art to some extent afterwards. That went as well as can be expected in the long run, but again a story for another time.
I didn't have a PC, so I had to find another means of getting my voice out there. I managed to replace my previously sold dreamcast console, picking up a cheap dc keyboard for it second hand. I went to W.H. Smiths and picked up a book on HTML code. It was little more that babies first codebook, but it did the job at the time and I built a crappy website entirely in code on geocities.
It really was crappy and didn't last too long as geocities eventually shut down. oof.
But I continued to attempt to peruse the notion of writing and talking about video games. Eventually I formed a little podcast with some people I knew at work, moving onto writing for a handful of tiny websites over the years. Nearly all these websites all have once again closed down. My work, or my learning vanishing once again to time. At the same time I've watched younger and better get to work on Gamespot and other sites and projects. Deservedly becoming important voiced in their own rights.
Each year that passes I see this happen in different ways and I see my own window of opportunity shrinking. Frustrated because I know I have a distinct voice and ideas I would love to share, but deep understanding that it's hard to sell that of someone getting swiftly older and already thought of as not qualified enough by mainstream outlets. I still have the passion for these media, they still keep me going when things are dark and the lights are out, but I feel that a dream is too far out of reach and I could never catch the eye of an employer or even just readers and viewers when up against such talented people now.
I could keep attempting to build my own content, but I am always a couple of years behind at best with equipment. Could never afford a good camera or recording and editing gear. The popular taste is for video or audio now, so writing is less and less likely to make the cut. Especially my writing. So I feel lost, and stuck. I want to make something interesting, original, and hopefully good. I want to share my own distinct voice and ideas with people. I want to for the sake of making something people respect or even like and not for financial gain. But just how possible is that, and was I wrong to believe in such a silly idea for all those years.
I still love games and they do still keep me going when things are bad, but I'm not sure I believe in myself any more. Even though I desperately want to.
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