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What is the future of entertainment.

the way we view entertainment has been on my mind quite a lot lately. Most notable has to me is how we look at how different mediums are used.

Take film and tv for example. Nearly nothing is off limits for discussion, be it in a dramatic sense or even a documentary sense, its all quite safe to cover. The creative mediums have the ability to educe emotions in people. Love, joy, hate, fear, excitement... They make us cry and laugh. sometimes at the same time.

Its accepted in film, but not so much through the other mediums.

books are pretty much a free medium too.

But when it comes to games and most notably music the range of expectation becomes more limited. Its fine to enduce dread in movies, but less so in games and totally un thought of in music.

I dont mean "horror" movies, because we know there are horror themed games, there is also music written for horror movies and games.

But i mean there's less the accepted freedom to create something of its own using the medium to create feelings in the viewer or listener of dread.

There are acceptions , like Aphex Twins "come to daddy" for example.

Yet when music or games do feature real attempts to promote emotive responces or thought they are shunned by the general public.

People wants what people wants it seems.

A key problem in my mind is the direction of progression. In games progression seems to only focus on Graphics graphics graphics!! More uncanny valley less artistic merit.

In my mind the true progression of games and all entertainment media is held in the vision of creators like Tetsuya Mizuguchi.

His work on Rez and child of eden show something totally new and so swiftly after the original unvailing of the kinect, gave a new interactive object much needed viability. In my mind the next step in the progression of entertainment media is a merging of all aspects of it. Movies, music, games and art. child is a step ahead of the curve, a curve that mane may not even know exists.

The player is the music, is the visuals, its part game and part performance.

Unlike games that have attempted to be interactive movies (like metal gear) the whole experience integrates everything. there's no separation of visual , musical , playful. All become the same thing.

The Dialogue tree Episode 2

This episode the guests are

Gamespot news editor and host of the gamespot hotspot podcast Brendan Sinclair.

Indie developer behind the games "trivia or die", "hypership out of control" and "nasty" Kris Steele.

and Artist and Games designer for edible entertainment James Anderson.

Our topics this week are : The effect mobile and casual games will have on console, the industrys unwillingness to try something different and new & the changes we want to see in the coming generation of consoles.

The show is as always hosted by Robin Smith

For more find digifox on twitter : @digifoxuk

All comments and views expressed on this show are those of the guests appearing alone and NOT those of their respective employers.

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Just a thought : NO GAMES AWARDS MATTER!

ok so this needs a little explaining. After watching a big bulk of the baftas I was left with quite a frustrated feeling deep within my tummy.

Although many of the games on show, nominated and winning did deserve recognition even in award form, I don't believe that the baftas as a show and via its award choices did much to really reward the medium as it should be rewarded.

OK the hosting was acceptable, the people "winning" right to do so but its just not right. It suffered firstly with the same thing that websites and magazines 'end of year' awards do. The industry creates such a wide range of content that the category's created to award these creators are made to cover.

What i mean is, for example, a category like family friendly saw such a wide range of games that it saw a less then well crafted game take the award. Yes rare create good works, and yes its fare for them to be awarded. But of the games in the award category it won for it was utterly contrasted by the likes of dance central and lego harry potter. Hardly any of the games in the category shone and kinect sports was one of the least impressive games in the category.

What is the merits used to pick a winner i wonder.

My second issue is the difference between games awards and movie or other awards.

All the way through the baftas this year it was "and the award goes to!!! (enter game title here)". I get the importance of naming the product that's won the award, but we treat the people behind them as a faceless mass.

During awards shows for movies and on... the movie being awarded is named, but also so is the person or persons most connected to that award category. Best set design, you get the movie named and then the two or three people who worked specifically on set design also being named. If they win its THEIR award more then anything. Their specific talents are awarded.

But for the games industry its not the level designer, the voice capture team, or the character artists who get the award, its the ' company '. Again its fine awarding the team effort, but also award the individual people, or teams.

Lastly its the look.

We want our industry to be taken seriously but when you compare a show like the game baftas to the movie baftas and how does it look. They get to sit an a glamorous auditorium where games sit in what looks like a bad 80 disco/bar. its dingy and dark and out back out of site somewhere.

The games industry is young, but not immature, i know it'll be a long time before people outside it see that. So by default a long time before its acknowledged too.

the joys of pokemon and the shame of dance

OK so yes those of you watching me may notice that ive unlocked a dance central achievement, which means im playing it, which mean i bought it.

I'm not going to do a review here but it is as embarrassing as it seems like it would be to play to the point of awkward laughter and red facedness. It's not to say the game is bad, far from it. Harmonix are masters of their craft and this is a great example of what they do, but damn I'm all too aware I'm a fat man trying to move when i feel my moobs jiggling.

By contrast i did buy Pokemon (black edition) a week later then everyone else, but i feel like I'm fashionably late. I went out last night to visit my daughter and took my ds all over the place in an effort to get my dlc Pokemon. can i find a compatible wi-fi spot. like hell i can.

Pokemon is another game where i feel very aware that playing it outside, notably at a bowling alley at 7pm, may get some remarks. But i was on a mission and i don't care as that bugs back. I've even been playing pearl between playing black, so that if i get the chance i can trade with myself.

Ive still not gotten the dlc pokemon, but i will. damn it! I WILL!!

gamerbite podcast episode 4

Gamerbite episode 4 here and now :

in the latest episode of gamerbite
hosted by robin smith
with linbert bond and ryan worth

we look at : pokemon black and whites new monster line-up, look forward to dragon age 2, are floored with the news on the canning of true crime & get entrenched with double fines latest game trailer.

Also we talk about the best and worst of the game-movies ever made and look at ones we would like to see.

follow gamerbite on twitter : @digifoxuk

and email us @

what is digifox and are all these podcasts about?

I had the idea for digifox while i was originally working on a podcast called "all your game are belong to us"

At the time i had begun working on two more podcasts. one was a minishow, the other was a challenge show called achievemental (which i still run now).

I started thinking about creating a banner and website for all the podcasts to sit under. a collective name that would tie them officially together. Digifox was that banner.

At the time that was all it was, a name and a logo.

eventually the logo would become what you see here.

At the same time i was talking with a guy called wallace who was working on his own podcasts.

we had spoken about forming a media company and he suggested just moving out ideas forward right away and forming it then.

I halted all my podcast productions for a while and started working on our company to be named tgm or at the time true gen media.

Things didnt work out very well and after 3 months of pr work and writing reviews and content for our never to be website launch i was left with 3 months lost.

i had to start again, and so the digifox name re entered my minds eye.

Now though i had experience with some other people, people who had some lofty ideas or at least came across as having some. I wanted to see some of those ideas come to be, but they weren't all. they were devoid of some parts, some input. the whole time i had been working with them i had not had much say in what was going on. in our goals.

My goals although close to what was on the table for tgm were and have become even more lofty.

To explain what i want to do with digifox is hard with so many words. How do you help someone to understand what you have in your head if it takes ages to explain and they are tainted by their own ideas and experience.

I want digifox to be two things.

A new and free way to looking at our selected topics of choice.

secondly a free flexible space for multiple people to have input as a group and as individuals.

I hope to create a new way to look at video games and the games industry but without loosing the traditional. I see a valid place for addition and expansion without removal.

I want a place for written, audio and video content. where its all used mixed and seporate. but new takes on traditional uses for these mediums too.

digifox gamerbite episode 3 available now.

Hosted by Robin Smith with Linbert Bond and Ryan Worth

This episode we talk marvel vs capcom 3, dragon age 2, the upcoming games, the kinds of people who buy wii & how bad robin is at mass effect.

As always we cover the upcoming games releases and some of the latest news to hit the land of games.

This week our first guest contributer in the form of rach x provides us with our break music in the form of her track Rumours.

Find more from her at :

Also follow us at twitter : @digifoxuk
and robin smith : @robdigifox

my new "experimental" podcast is available

(right click save as )

the dialogue tree episode 1 : This is the first ever episode of the dialogue tree.

Robin Smith hosts and mediates a round table show with a difference.
Our guests each choose the topic for discussion

This week our guests are Peter Willington of and James Batchelor of

We talk about the use of DLC codes that restrict the use of online, The future of the games console & if the games press has failed or not.

The podcast for the smart gamer.

Its really rough

attempting to run a new venture by yourself its hard.

Don't get me wrong, i had no illusions as to how much work it would take on my part. I have little time as it is and im someone who's easily distracted so work takes longer then it should sometimes.

The real issue i have is with people saying they will help or write or record and then never saying anything else again.

This can become most disheartening. I'm still working at what i have planned, I'm just loosing faith in the ability and kindness of others and that's a shame.