now then, lets see: well personally the original kid icarus might be nice because im not entirely sure many people got why those who were excited about the 3ds game were so.
but as a general list : ms.pac-man, adventure, defender / II , Pitfall! (original), paperboy, original goldeneye, another world, speedball, alien breed, starfox, saturn bomberman, final fight, duck hunt, megaman 1 through 3, super metroid, dynamite headdy, b.o.b. , the panzer dragoon series (inc zwai and saga) , alien vs predator (jaguar edition), baku baku animal, burning rangers, nights (less important, but nice to show people why they should be happy for hd nights), sam and max hit the road, metal slug , policenauts, twinbee, D, Deep Fear, enemy zero, Knuckles' Chaotix , myst, god hand, final fantasy 4 or 6, secret of mana, fighters megamx, ristar...
and thats all i can think of now.
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