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I was bored...which is never good. Hp and Non Hp fans welcome.Mostly for Hp fans

I know what your thinking "Uh-oh Lilly was bored again!Oh no! Run for cover but i promise this isn't that weird.

Okay so i was bored a couple mintues ago ,and we all know it's never good for me to be bored.
Well i was thinking abocheer.
ut Softball and Quiddicth at the same time.
A Softball cheer....... and trying to make it into a Quidditch cheer.

Well the origanl goes like this :
1st person: Hey First Basemen

Others : Hey first basemen

All: Can you turn around like Micheal jackson.Break it down like Brittney spears,Shake it off like salt and pepper. I don't think so.

Repeat for all postions on feild

Well,i made a quidditch one.Lets say Slytherin and Griffindor are playing.(my personal faveriote game)

Person in Griffindorstands: Hey Slytherin Seeker!

Others in the stands:Hey Slytherin Seeker!

All: Can you Turn around like Gilderoy lockhart ,break it down like The Wicked sisters,shake 'em off like Victor Krum ,I don't think so!

That was the first one

Then I decided to put the Griffindor players names in.


Person 1: Hey Slytherin Seeker !
Others: Hey Slytherin Seeker!

All : Can you turn around like Oliver Wood,Break it down like Harry Potter,Shake 'em off like The Weasley Twins ,i don't think so!

lol ,i know strange!But this is what happens when i'm bored.-

Lilly. ^_^


Edit: Okay i'm bored so here are some anime pics that look like my freinds and i.






We won! *sqeals*

WE WON! MY team bet my hometown team! The team that would't let me play ,we beat them! 19-15! :D

Hits i got: 2 , 1 i got on base ,2nd i ended the game with an out.

Times being hit BY the ball: 4. 3 times before the game even started.Once when Rina pitched it and hit me.

After we finshed we did a tunnel for them and chanted "We are proud of you" ,then we said a prayer on the pitchers mound. It was hilerous.

Heres how it went:

Mia(not real name): Dear Lord thank you for protecting all of us during this game

Me : *thinks * Espically me.

Mia:Espically Lilly.

Team: *laughs*


Where i got hit at: Before the game ,In the face ,the leg and throwing hand got hit.

When i got hit i the hand i was laughing SO hard they thought i was crying.They where like ."Are you crying" and i said "No" and Jay(not real name) said "Shes LAUGHING."

OMEAMC! It was fun.And we WON.We went and got Icecream at McDonalds.

Well i gotta go! Bye!-


Btw,I'm # 22

A new story.

Okay i haven't wrote a story in w hile ,so here it goes:


A Super short Story.

By Lilly.

My Pov.

Me and Allie where walking back to Cla$$ after lunch.The teacher stood at the door.As we walked in the room ,I heard the song "My Boo" by Chris Brown ,playing on the radio.Curtsy of Max,Jasper and Jason.R.My Eyes landed on Jasper.


Jasper walked over to me and took me in his arms.The song played on in the background."Be my boo?" Jasper whispered in my ear.I blushed."Yes."

(End daydream)

"Lilly?...Lilly? LILLY!"Allie snapped her fingers in my face.I screamed,jumped,and fell on my butt.My friend doubled over in laughter.I pouted while she laughed."Well, if you'd stop daydreaming about that boy,you wouldn't have got scared and fell then,huh?"I got up and stomped to my seat,wishing the whole Day dream had happened.

The End.

What do ya think?

(Btw ,someof this actually happened ,the day dream was really a day dream.)

Heres a pic of what it would look like.



I' so freaking tired!

I played in a Softball Tournament.3 game elimination ,we lost all three he second one we almost one if it wasn't for an unfair out.:evil: I got so mad at the catcher from the other team ,that when i was out i accidently almost hit her with my bat.But C and Aj got revenge for me.. :twisted: I have a sunburn but tomorow i'm gonna be tan like always.haha.Well seen y'all.-

Momma Lilly.

Busy Lately.

Okay ,i've been realy busy lately.With Softaball and School.I only get 30 mins after school on the comp.So ,i'm sorry if i'm not one.I've been really behind on my Roleplays.I have a feild trip tommorow ,going to the capitial!Woohoo!I'm staying home fro the feild trip ,the day after which is the next town over because i have a Softball game ,against....The girls in my cla$$ .The good thing is i know they weakness. :twisted: So ,yeah.Mom says if they say any thing to me ,bad ,i can whoop their A$$ets.:twisted: lol ,well gtg peeps.

Luv ya-

Momma Lilly.

I sorta have a stalker.

:| Yeah ,i have a sorta- Stalker.

My Ex from last year i dated for one year ,Blane is Obessed with me as his best friend Graden says.He cut out my picture from the Cla$$picture from 2ND GRADE! and put it in his wallet.He named his Friggin Igunana after me!STALKER LIKE MUCH?

Reason why i went out with Blane: I felt sorry for him ,didn't wanna break his heart (he'd been crushing on my since Kindergarden) and i thought i'd give him a chance.

Reason why i broke up with him: He was talking MARRIGE! When we turned 18 he wanted to freakin Marry me! :x

So now i have a freaking Future-Stalker.I'm sorta scared.He's really smart,he knows things...and people.


Reason for my Signature on the last blog.

Okay well , on the last blog ,i just edited it.I put "Momma Lilly." I'm sure your wonder.why?

Well me and Tie where on IMs and i was explaining to her that when it comes to my friends i'm like a mom i like to take care of them and i feel guilty when there hurt,and feel like i could hvae prvented it.

So i told tie my new Nick name was going to be "Momma Lilly" and i was gonna sign everyone one of my Email/Pm/Blogs like that.:D .So , Yeah.Well gtg!


Momma Lilly.:| :) :P :D

P.S. Exams are over!WOOHOO!


My schools takeing exams this week.3 days down , 1 day to go.YAY!So how y'all doing ,haven't talked to ya in a few days.Lifes been pretty blan lately.Today mostly i took Exams ,talked ,goofed off ,ect.But the good thig is i'm pretty sure i didn't fail the Math Part of thee test!Yay me! Well,gtg!_

Momma Lilly.:| :P :) :D !!!!!!

I had to stay home...

Yeah ,mom wouldn't let me go on a G.T trip today because there supoose to be a huge storm.I'm sickish too.And peeved of!.Well i gtg-


My injures for today practice.

1.I hurt my thumb ,busted a blood vain is all.I was laughing bout it.

2.I got ran over by another girl ,after i ran over another person.

I hit the ball alot ,joked around with my teammate , we all laughed alot.

Well ,gtg peeps,-
