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Guess what!Omg!

Okay on this Twilight Rp site one of my friends from and Hp site made ,I'm an......*DRUM ROLL*


Yeep!:D lol.I'm Alice Cullen The Admin.:D I'm gonna be a fair admin.:D Yeep!

Okay byeez!-

Lilly (Alice the Admin)

Some funny laws in states.

Omg! hahahaha , i found some By that i mean looney) laws in states Check 'em out: All rights reserved to owners of the sites. .LIP means Lilly's InPut.


* In order for a pickle to officially be considered a pickle, it must bounce. (????????????????? Do they have official pickle inspector/testers and what do they bounce them off? Yeeaachh.)Lip: Yeah ,i mean i like pickles but if i found out what they were bounched of of ,i might don't eat them anymore.


* No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour (How do they punish the car?)LIP: One word : Ha.


Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs. LIP: WTF?


Having s*xual relations with a porcupine is illegal. (Ouch. What spineless legislator thought that one up?) LIP: WTF x 100000000000


No one may carry an ice cream cone in their back pocket if it is Sunday. (Is that where "sundaes" came from?)LIP: I thought this was a free country?


The Arkansas River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little Rock. (Odd. Talk about holding back the forces of nature - "Take that, ole river!") LIP: hahaha.

Now some other strange laws:

It is illegal to fish for whales on Sunday.

Boogers may not be flicked into the wind

hahaha ,Gtg it's storming.-


P.s Enjoy

For Ethan,:D

Hey Sweets! This is for you.Heres a vid that discribe how i felt before i told you how i felt,Note:rember I DO NOT OWN THESE VIDS!:

At first ,i thought if i told you how I felt ,you wouldn't feel the same way I did.That their would be an Akwardness bettween us and we couldn't be a friends because of it.I waited for you PM's and cooments and blogs.Then i didn't notice it but i do now.:D I loved this song as a little girl ,had the CD to it.:D Even thought the singers not really a good influence i use to love her ,she was my idol!And now starngley enough ,her sister is.:D

Another of how i felt:

How i feel now:

Now a pic i made :

Well ,dang it! It's being stubborn!My comp.:( I'll have to make it later tonight babe, and post it sometime.Sorry sweets!-


Like hahaha lol!

Okay well today i had a Candy Hangover! I ate like a WHOlE box of skittles last night! Here are the symptoms:

1.Wake up with a sore throat.

2. Your get reallly hyper and talk REALLy fast.

3. You get a bit queasy.

4. You don't feel well.

Yep! Well the reason i called it a hang over was because our math teacher told us if we ever came to school with a hangover ,like a real one...he'd beat us.

See Dragon and Allie (who cam later) weren't at school ,but allie came. Welll heres how it went.

Mrs.H : Allie?

me: she not here.

Mrs.H: Dragon?

Me: Not here.

Five mintues later....

mrs.W (student teacher):Wow , hardly anyones here.

Me: Well Dragon and Allie are probley not here because they hav e Candy hangovers!

Some people : *laugh*

haha! Well ,see ya Chicka-dees and Rooster-doos.-


Oh yeah! I have skittles!

Thats right! Mom got me two boxes of Skittles! Sour and regular! :P For v-day! :P I also got a monkey and flowers!and a basket that really pretty and..uh....A Box of chocalte! My Cus ,Brady sent me a candy gram.Mel gave me a notebook :D.

Okay well mez gotz to goez! Bye -


Funny things that have happened today and..stuff

Okay , a while ago...

Brother : walks in* I've registered to vote , as a Republcain.(sp?)

Not gonna say what he said.

Me:Wow ,i have Democrat Parents and a Republcain brother.Nice.

Later ....

Me: When i grow up and register i'm goings as an Indepent.Netura l like Switzzerland.

Mom *laughs*

I got that from Eclipse! :P Yes ,i'm reading Eclipse ,YAY! Finnally. Edward x Bella 4 eva!

Okay ,you know how me ,allie,dragon,bri and Meloney call ourselves the Crazy Commitee? Well..We came up with nick names:

Me- Pookey

Allie- Froggie

Dragon- Evil Pickle of Death.

Bri- Smiley face of Doom

Meloney- Hugo Butto ( she chose this)

hahaha.We came up with a code for notes and Mel says she migh move so if she does...we're going to send things to her.Like a Sisterhood of the traveling Pants thing.Well i gotta go.



Grrrr! TOS

GRRRRRRR! I just got a TOS for my signature being "too large" I was like , other people have bigger signatures than mine.GRRRR!!

In other news ,i'm going to sign up for softball in the next twon over ,why? Because i'm not allowed on the Team in my town.GRR. So ,yeah. Well , Bye-


Yo Pepolez.

Omg! You'll never guess what my cousin ,Gary ,did to me today!

Well ,we're haveing a V-Day party at school and we decided to have a class sweetheart thing ,well the teacher said "sweethearts" we said "King and Queen" well , Some one nomnatied Alisha (Cause her and Jasper are going out.) and well i was gonna nomnaite Kyla but i thought the teacher asked me for a Nomnation. Heres how it went.

Me: *raises hand*

Teacher : Lilly. * turns to write on borad.

Me : Kyla.

Teacher : *writes my name on the borad*

me: What! I said Kyla.

Teacher: Yeah but Gary nommnatied you.

me *turns to Garry* I 'm gonna hurt you.

I didn't get queen thank god.Kyla and My cousin Jason.M got it (they're going out)

See the Nominess where:

Girls ,ME ,Alisha and Kyla.

Boys: Jasper ,Jason.M and Jason.R

It was most likely , if i would have got it , Jason.R would have got it. i'm so glad people chose Jason. M and Kyla.

Okay so today i was acting realy retarded here :

Me : *acts like i'm fighting with wall* Wall you are G*y.

Me : * tiny voice* NO your g*y ,lilly.

Allie : Your both g*y!


Me : *fights with wall* You 're the G*y one!

Allie : Wall ,you are g*y.Lilly ,just walk away!

then once today i was like ,i had my hands in my jacket pockets my arms lifted like wings and spinning round in circles singing " I belive i can fly!"

Okay well bye :D -
