I am happy that you are excited, but Assassins Creed would be the last game that would make my first pre order. I had fun with Black Flag's ship battles, but even that got old and it was the only thing holding up the game for me. I am way more intrigued by AC Unity and its improvement in the core mechanics of the franchise
cooolio's forum posts
@speedfreak48t5p: You will have to elaborate on that my friend. I played Last Light and did not really like it, outside of the atmosphere
The game sucks balls. All the guns sound exactly the same, the corn fed 'murcan boy is so cliche, and the game is really a stealth sim pretending to be a FPS.
Do not understand where you are coming from with this comment. There are barely any stealth mechanics
At the beginning of most missions, you're shown where a bunch of alarm-sounding officers are, if you don't sneak around and kill at least some of them, a Nazi parade comes at you, making things insanely difficult. Now you've got enemies firing at you from behind fences, and you can barely distinguish them from the bland and colorless settings.
**** that shit.
The **** it's Nazis, their uniform, their design make up is what makes them stick out in any setting.
homeboy saying there aren't any stealth mechanics is off his rocker, but in the same sense "stealth sim", what have you like never played an actual stealth game in your life? the stealth is easy as shit, suck less.
No homeboy is not because homeboy said that there are barely any stealth mechanics, at least not enough that out number all the shooting mechanics. You mean to tell me that crouching and stealth killing are enough to overshadow all the shooting mechanics and crazy action to the point where it can be called a stealth sim? Please.
Granted, I understand that you think that the stealth sim crap is bullshit too, but lets not put words in each others mouths.
@speedfreak48t5p: What is so great about Metro?
The game sucks balls. All the guns sound exactly the same, the corn fed 'murcan boy is so cliche, and the game is really a stealth sim pretending to be a FPS.
Do not understand where you are coming from with this comment. There are barely any stealth mechanics
@Lulu_Lulu: Trust me, it is not
From 20 onward, you will be improving upon your character so that you will be able to participate in the high level content, which, judging by the Raid footage, will offer more epic experiences. People who have not problem with the game right now are just enjoying the loot and mechanics, and that is cool, but I can still see the how the mission structure that the game has so far, would suggest to a lot of people that the missions would be boring. But, patience is a virtue I guess.
People just don't know how to play games that require a little effort...
Yeah. I will admit that ,after playing the beta and seeing how reviews suggested that the mission were structured the same, I thought that people had a right to be kind of mad. But the Raid footage restored my faith in the game. Honestly, if my internet did not suck ass, I would probably be enjoying the game with people right now, but someone like me is forced to only watch other people enjoy the game until I improve my situation in some way.
From 20 onward, you will be improving upon your character so that you will be able to participate in the high level content, which, judging by the Raid footage, will offer more epic experiences. People who have not problem with the game right now are just enjoying the loot and mechanics, and that is cool, but I can still see the how the mission structure that the game has so far, would suggest to a lot of people that the missions would be boring. But, patience is a virtue I guess.
They never showed Kratos at the end dead, when the cut scene goes back to him his body is gone. I say new God of war game, what stops them from remastering all of PS3? They could even do spin offs with hercules, or just make a whole new game in general. I think the game looked great on the PS3, and came out, what? 2-3 years ago, we don't need a remaster of a newer game.
A spin off with Hercules? Nah.
i am still sceptic about the game
Ground Zeroes was a demo people paid for. I will wait until i see more of the game until i decide to get it or not
Eh. I understand what your saying, but it is basically the tutorial level of MGS V; kind of like how you are playing the opening level of God of War 3 and after you beat the boss you are basically stripped of your powers from the previous games and gain new weapons. The Phantom Pain will not be an hour long game if that is what you are thinking.
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