You all know very deep inside your hardcore shep heart, Nintendo is sending a clear message to all publishers "ARE YOU STUPIDS?" why would you spend 40 million dollars in developing a serius kick ass game if you can invest 2 dollars in a crapy party game about screaming rabids and sold it at the same price, with the same sale numbers.
Ubisoft already got the message and is investing in a "Casual" studio, this way mommy and granpa will enjoy dance like stupids in front of a tv.
While sheps wont stop praicing NMH (which I own by the way, and it is somewhat fun).. but honestly more and more publisher wont take the risk on investing on serius gaming if they can go with the FLOW.... THANK YOU NINTENDO.
Get ready for Wii Fit, Wii Cook, Wii talk, Wii socialize, Wii love and so on.
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