I borrowed this for another website:
"Under the lastest poling and sale result Wii is down to less then 1/3 in sale.
Under pole people found Wii's game are too expensive for it's volume.
Most user found Wii games are similar to last gen system and the volume is small,
but Nintendo are charging the game with same price tag as high end games on 360/PS3.
On top Korea and a number of Asia countries already released replica of Wii.
The replica maker are able to sell Wii at $200 still making profit.
The replica version plays all official, backups and even games loaded from flash media.
Even though most stores in Japan are saying they don't have new Wii.
Th fact is Wii's sale is down to below 20k a week, and 2nd hand market for wii is horrible.
2nd hand PS3 especially 60GB version is tagged in par with new PS3 in discount stores.
When 2nd hand Wii are priced at $100 off the discount store price."
It´s really not that surprising, we all know what a good marketing campaing can do: sell over priced, over hyped products to consumers. Games like Call of Duty, Assesins Creed, Gears of Wars etc.. are the big blockbusters and sooner than later no funky Wii control is going to save it of going down.
Yet nintendo should stop ripping of consumers with refubrished last gen hardware and software with next gen prices before is to late.
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