@Kryptonbornson @cowbellkid I don't know about the steam box yet. I have a PC and I can't find a reason the get the steam box. It doesn't even make steam. My tea kettle can do that and its only $5.00
I don't understand what the big deal is. So what if the Xbox Kinect must be attached to your brain stem through USB 3.0. So what if the Xbox One requires one pint of blood to run for a week. I mean come on, it's not like we aren't ready for Microsoft to take total control. The purge is a natural part of life. Just like Day-one DLCs and Microtransactions are an integral part of the next generation of gaming and maiming. I'm just so excited about paying fees. I love fees so much that I spend all day finding new fees around the world that I can pay.
@MarcusFeelius And Santa will bring me presents for Christmas, and leprechauns are real, and microtransactions are good for the development of the gaming community.
cowbellkid's comments