@skop1234 @cowbellkid Xbox 360 Nano - The smallest console ever developed. It can fit into any orifice of the human body. It requires constant connection to the nervous system of its host, it does not sleep, it does not eat, it is always watching. Includes a tube of Microsoft exclusive Vaseline - Halo Edition.
@berzerk0912 Xbox 360 Nano - The smallest console ever developed. It can fit into any orifice of the human body. It requires constant connection to the nervous system of its host, it does not sleep, it does not eat, it is always watching. Includes a tube of Microsoft exclusive Vaseline - Halo Edition.
@Prats1993 @FoxbatAlpha @emperiox The Xbox One is the largest mass of fecal matter ever conceived. I think I'll stick with my Dreamcast, at least people liked it.
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