Their going to announce that all features planned for the Xbox One will also be on the Xbox 360 later this year. Microsoft will assume total control. None shall survive the purge.
This article described my feelings exactly. I've had more fun watching infomercials than this horrible "reveal". While watching this I found myself more attracted to watching a "How its Made" marathon on Youtube than listening them blabber on about "Cloud gaming orgies", "Exciting kinect spying", and "paying an xbox live fee after an install fee after a rental fee."
Mark reviewed the game and did his job. That's what was asked of him and he did his best. It's not his fault the game sucked and bad as the first one. Why don't you guys go make your own website and hire your own reviewers. You say that "if he doesn't like the game then don't play it" Well if you don't like this site then find a new one. You have the entire internet to explore, quit acting like a bunch of grumpy ewoks at Disney World.
Wedbush Securities analyst is a complete idiot who doesn't even lift. I just wish that for one moment they would ignore people like that and look to actually gamers for inspiration But they can't do that now because game developers have been dishing out a lot of crap lately and everybody is pissed off. So the only feedback they'll get now is a big kick in the taint.
@nocoolnamejim Truer words have never been said. If they would listen to the fans and stop talking to analysts and marketers they would know what kind of game we want. But no, they seem to think we want "More connectivity and social networking". NO WE DON'T WE WANT A VIDEO GAME. That's all, a video game that is fun to play. Sweet baby jesus if they would only listen.
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