[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="zakkro"]He could have pinned her against the wall and told her to stop... that, or ask his fellow officer to get him cuffs or something. I_pWnzz_YoUBut he didn't, he could have also given her a cookie and politely scolded her. But he didn't. Which is why he should be charge for what he did. No, if every police officer treated a criminal by "politely scolding her" or "pinning her to a wall and telling her to stop," then the police force loses its authority.
cpo335's forum posts
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="chesterocks7"]He knee is directly on very back of her ass, he easily could have hit her on the back; a non-lethal area. You cannot prove to me he punched her in the head. You can't. Don't even try.Watch the damn video, unless her head is located somewhere other than above her shoulders, he punched her in the head.
If you're that **** ignorant, you're beyond help. Hopefully someday something like this will happen to you and make you realize how **** stupid you are.
It's called reasonable doubt. Learn something about the way a court system works, pal. Oh and how do you definitively know (I want 100% certaintly and if you can't give me that, then your arguement is nullified) that he hit her in the head?[QUOTE="cpo335"] (you ever seen a show about cops? All the criminals are thrown to the ground and handcuffed with their hands BEHIND THEIR BACK).chesterocks7
That's your problem right there pal. All those "reality cop shows" are nothing like reality, ask anyone who's in the force.
So you say I am not credible because of one little sentence I put in parenthesis? You're wrong. Find another way to dsiprove me.[QUOTE="cpo335"] No, him disabling her (not literally) because she assaulted a poliec officer (with a deadly weapon) is justified. You kind of want to treat a police officer with a little more respect than the people on the street. Also, she looked like she was giving him attitude (if she didn't say something really bad, then he would have just shut the door and moved on, but someone got his attention). Then she kicks her shoe at him. She probably was a "female dog" on the ride to the station too, so the officer was probably jsut fed up with it (just speculation though). Either way, it doesn't matter if you're being a "man or not," if you throw something at a police officer, you better be prepared to get the **** beat out of you.Samwel_X
In the brutality of the beating he crossed the line. If he hit her once, then you can try and justify it along those lines, it is still wrong, but you can say that he may have been in the right, but sitting ontop her of her, so she clearly isn't fighting back and slamming her face into a concrete floor is UNJUST.
Have you ever seen a girl fight? Do you that girl would just sit there and let him handcuff her? NO. She would have gone wild on him. He used his enviornment (pushed her agaisnt a wall and threw her to the ground to pin her) to disable her and prevent her from fighting back. If you've ever layed on your stomach with your hands behind you, you'd know that you can't do much (including fight back). So don't try to use "sitting on top of her" as an excuse to explain how "unjustified his attacks were." He was stopping her just like he would have done to anyone else (you ever seen a show about cops? All the criminals are thrown to the ground and handcuffed with their hands BEHIND THEIR BACK).[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]She kicked her shoe at him. VERY intelligent move to assualt a police officer; It was justified.Samwel_X
No, him kicking the shoe back at her would be justified, pulverising her face isn't justified.
No, him disabling her (not literally) because she assaulted a poliec officer (with a deadly weapon) is justified. You kind of want to treat a police officer with a little more respect than the people on the street. Also, she looked like she was giving him attitude (if she didn't say something really bad, then he would have just shut the door and moved on, but someone got his attention). Then she kicks her shoe at him. She probably was a "female dog" on the ride to the station too, so the officer was probably jsut fed up with it (just speculation though). Either way, it doesn't matter if you're being a "man or not," if you throw something at a police officer, you better be prepared to get the **** beat out of you.So it's from the Oscars and it was the tribute that they played before they put on the Best Picture Awards. It talks about killing and they sow scenes from all different sorts of movies and I remember one part of the tribute was from Saving Private Ryan when Tom Hanks says "For every man I kill, the farther away from home I feel."
If anyone could help me find this video, I was be very happy.
I think you're over reacting, it's just a dream...Niff_TI think you're wrong. Dreams are like a window into the subconscience, I'd like to know what is going on if I'm having dreams of being attacked by a big intelligent lion, hordes of men, and crying with a straight face. And this lion thing has gotten everyone's attention.
[QUOTE="cpo335"]Narnia?Actually yes, it was pretty much the one from Narnia except it was trying to kill me and bigger. Plus, it wasn't actually attacking me. It was more like, me in my house defending it from the lion trying to get in.Then I remember being attacked in my home by a huge lion and this lion wasn't like a normal one, it was big and intelligent.
Oh and I've never seen/read anyting of Narnia
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