[QUOTE="comp_atkins"][QUOTE="Manly-manly-man"][QUOTE="comp_atkins"][QUOTE="gamingqueen"] [QUOTE="comp_atkins"]puritanical back-round in thinking that 1) sex is bad and 2) bare female breasts are inherently sexual..Manly-manly-manSays who? Some African tribes used to have women who wore nothing on top and now they cover up and it's still considered sexual. i'm explaining why its taboo in the US, i cant speak for other continents..US is a country... africa is not...Right, but the way you phrased your sentence changes the meaning in a way that implies the US being a continent. Reading comprehension ftw. No it didn't.
Does teh Xbox Elite play Blu-Ray disks or HD DVDs? Because I wsas thinking of getting one for my birthday and the deciding factor is what type of DVD it plays.So Blu-Ray or HD DVD?
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