By Batman's downfall, I mean how does he die. Like if the Batman story were a TV series, what would be the Series Finale? What is his downfall? Does he stay good forever, does he get killed by someone, does he leave the city, etc? What happens?And what are you refering to when you say Batman's downfall?
cpo335's forum posts
I have a question: [spoiler] Who was Lao and what was his singificance? (I know, dumb question) I know he had all the money from the mobsters, but what was his point? And the mobsters, why were they there. That;'s aboutt he only thing that confused me. And whatever happened to that guy that Batman rammed with his Lambo to save? You know, the one who was ging to blackmail Wayne? [/spoiler]
And what is Batman's ultimate downfall?
That's like asking if I want to be beaten to death or freeze to death...MattUD1So which one is it?
This is an off topic question but, does anyone know how Batman finally dies? Like, his downfall from grace or death? How does he end?
If Batman was a TV series, what happens on the Series Finale?
[QUOTE="ElectronicMagic"][QUOTE="tccavey2"][QUOTE="ElectronicMagic"]I saw it last night and I've got to say, I left feeling disappointed. If I had to rate it right now, I would say it's a 8 out of 10. But on this current poll, I voted "It's really good". I can't use spoilers for some reason so I can't delve deeper into why I gave it a lower score. Heath Ledger's Joker was the best performance I've ever seen though. I was quite confused with the story though, and I was really tired, so maybe it would have been better if I was able to focus on what was going on through-out the complex story.
It wasn't that complex... Batman Versus Joker with Harvey Dent thrown in. Maybe you should watch it again.
Maybe it was just because it was so late and I was tired. I will watch it again, but right now I have so many questions about the movie I can't remember them all. So much of the movie just didn't make any sense to me. I'm just in a complete state of confusion over what happened in the movie, except for bit here and there that I understood.
yea, I'd consider that fatigue. the movie wasn't hard to follow. but if you're tired, you can zone out and miss dialogue and have trouble.I think I have to go see it again as well.[QUOTE="cpo335"]Not bad at all. The first one had a smoother plot and was more about Batman than this movie was. This movie could have almost been called "The Joker" and it still would have fit.Is it bad that I wasn't dumbstruck or in awe when I left the movie? I loved it no doubt and I thought it was phenomenal, but it seemed like a better version of the first. It kinda felt like Nolan set up the "newer" type story with Begins just to get people up to speed and stuff. Then I think he really did what he wanted to do in this movie and went all out with everything.
I'd see it again.
but the acting in this movie was certainly superior.
And man...was it just me or was the girl who played Rachel's character hideous?
No, you are correct on Rachel.And I think part of the reason that I was not dumbstruck or in awe when I left was because I went into the movie expecting a Batman centered plot (even though it was, the plot did not center him as much as it did in Batman Begins--which is what I thought it would) like Batman Begins.
Is it bad that I wasn't dumbstruck or in awe when I left the movie? I loved it no doubt and I thought it was phenomenal, but it seemed like a better version of the first. It kinda felt like Nolan set up the "newer" type story with Begins just to get people up to speed and stuff. Then I think he really did what he wanted to do in this movie and went all out with everything.
I'd see it again.
[QUOTE="cpo335"]I am looking for a game like GRAW 2 (doesn't have to be futuristic). I have Halo 3, Splinter Cell: CT and Double Agent, GTA IV, and Halo 2. Help me please.
That's easy. Vegas.
Anything else?
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