So ESO is basically heavy in lore, quest driven like a single player game but the format is mmo. It's as if someone at Bethesda thought they could make a pile of money twice the size of Skyrim by going to a Pay-To-Rent model and didn't care whether the game would be fun or not. I hope they lose their shirt.
@fobbs69 Looks like it's mostly MMO fans that are complaining. Single player Elder Scrolls fans would never spend money on this train wreck cash grab and instead are ltao.
@HybridExtreme I think cinematic trailers are the worst form of manipulation. They tell you nothing about the actual product and are only made to avoid revealing the reality of the actual game. The ESO trailers were MUCH better than the actual product that people got. Seems deceptive to me.
At least the Watch Dogs trailers looked sort of like a game you could play. Anyone remember the recent ESO "movies"? I mean, what the heck was that about?
Oh man, I just realized I need a Fallout fix! Thank goodness that ESO experiment isn't going well or who knows what they'd be thinking of doing with Fallout IP.
I'm a big Elder Scrolls fan. So Kevin, this game isn't as good as the single player Elder Scrolls games and it's a Massive Multiplayer version of Elder Scrolls for no apparent reason? Wait, here's one: Why sell a game once when you can make fans rent it indefinitely. I'll pass.
I agree with Cam's hunch that the effect is just a mood hangover from playing the game and would wear off quickly.
Back when I was a teenager I used to love gokart racing at a place called Malibu Grand Prix here in the US. I noticed that I always drove like a lunatic on the way home! Thankfully it was very temporary.
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