i have a q9300, radeon 4870 512 ddr5, 2gigs of ddr3 1333, and a 650watt power supply
crazedweasle's forum posts
Ok i just built a new computer and everything was working fine. A few days ago my 5 year old computer started crashing. It goes to the black screen that says windows failed to start properly and it makes me choose a mode to start it in( normal safe etc) Then it just turns off. I didnt think anything of it since the computer is 5 years old. Now the same thing is happening to my computer. When i get to the windows xp loading screen it just turns off. I never even make it to my desktop Please help me. Is this a virus? My power suply is powerful enough.
and it is now happening to both computers. help is much aprreciated
obama=jimmy carter 2
McCain= chuck norris esque war hero maverick
and btw i know this has nothing to do with SW
thats the only mistake they have made and i am pretty sure they lost billions in profits not actual money they are up.
Im tired of hearing/reading people going both ways to make it look like they're right each way. "yes, but not by much" ? "The games arent better... overall they are much better" ? what does that even mean?LOXO7
simply saying there better is my opinion. sony is capable of releasing games just as good but they dont market them well. "overall they are much better" reffers to as a buisness: subject verb agreement thats like 5th grade.
I don't know if i was sony i think i'd rather be a year behind than have to replace over 30% of all consules sold
how do they make any money considering there forced to give away so many 360s
because there console have paid for themselves with the outdated tech and the awesome games.
how much does an x360 cost to make 150? 200? cant be much more.
I still play both games. they are the best games on xb still. GEARS is still the best looking console game ever. idc what anyone says about mgs4. everytime i put that game in i am blown away all over again.
oh btw i am on useast ladder for diablo: level 90 amazon
"but teh ps3 was out a year after 360 think if they had come out at the same time."
The fact is MS is one of the best companies in the world and lightyears ahead of sony. Sony wasnt waiting to release their console, they werent ready. Saying the ps3 wasnt out is no excuse for the sales it just proves how stupid sony is.
A question. What PS3 game can compete with Gears or Halo in sales? Gta? oh wait thats on both consoles. Does MS just have better games? IMO yes but not by much. MS catipulted two franchises to stardom they know what they are doing. The games arent better, MS is better at promoting them and overall they are much better than sony and IMO ninty.
MS will win the console war. It may take 2 more gens but they are simple better than anyone else at what they do.
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