@SNESNOSTALGIA2 I would only agree in that a new game + feature would be awesome, because there was no replay value once I played through and collected everything.
@Shadowmax889 @DepressiveMan @Stebsis Silicon Studio, not Silicon Knights, the studio that made Too Human and X-Men Destiny...if they made this game that would be very interesting
I wouldn't say that the "gratuitous" death sequences are necessarily a bad thing, but despite all the other violence, it seems like its out of place in a Tomb Raider game. Seeing Lara get her head impaled on a branch is pretty messed up. If it was the designers' intention to do these death sequences to evoke an emotional response, it definitely worked.
I want to install an ENB, but I need one that's not complicated to install or doesn't require a bunch of other stuff. The RealVision ENB mod page has a giant list of "recommended mods" and "essential mods". And according the to Falkonian ENB page it requires you to edit .ini files, which I'm not sure I'm comfortable with doing.
@pyro1245 Heh, I always wanted to get a Wii U but I've been waiting for the price to drop and/or for the really good exclusives to come out. I might mercy-buy one sometime soon also...
Haha, so much Alienware hate in the comments. Apparently everyone is too smart on Alienware to be swayed by any kind of sponsorship/marketing. Cam and Seb got a new laptop, at the very least.
crazeon's comments