Place your finger on the power button and hold it for a couple of seconds and it should reset and detect the proper settings.Randy_Savagereally, that's all?
crazyguy92's forum posts
Communist? Do you know what communism even is? I agree with the first reply Fascist would make a lot more sense. Spread the Wealth=Communism=Obama (jk). Continuing on... judging by TC user name of "killzonegamer84" your opinion might be a tad bit biased at least in tone of voice, but I completely agree with you that Microsoft is money hungry.Theverydeependyou obviously have no clue as to what communism is if you think Obama is a communist Was John McCain a communist when he called the Bush taxcuts ridiculous? Communism is an ideology in which "state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people." and i agree TC, once you pick M$, you're married to them.
lol no one said Fallout 3...i found that a bit surprising
and i downloaded the uncharted demo last night, didn't enjoy it that much, the gunplay was mediocre
as for LBP, i always thought Nintendo games were really kittyish, is it really that fuN? like really really laugh out loud sort of fun?
I'll pick up uncharted/Heavenly Sword when they get price drops
i plan to pick up one game this season which will either be LBP, Fallout 3, maybe Guitar Hero World Tour, or Far Cry 2 (?)
stop with these nonsense threads, my goodness. i own a ps3 only and i'll gladly say the PS3 is much more expensive than the 360. The lowest PS3 price point is $400 and the lowest 360 price point is 200. But i still love my PS3 =)let me explain. First of all the PS3 is 400 dollars and the xbox 360 (pro) is 300 elite 400
okay so in the ps3 it comes with wireless internet, free online, and a controller with an already rechargable battery, and a bluray player
the 360 comes with a controller that you would have to buy batteries for or buy a rechargable battery pack, and hdmi cables. (I don't know if the pro does.) for the 360 you have to pay 50 dollars a year for live
so this is what it boils down to.
PS3=$400+100(hdmi cables may be cheaper)or +$20(hd cables)=$420-$500
xbox360=$300-$400+ $50x(amount of years for live, we will say two years for now which is not that long)+$11(battery pack) or batteries. +100(wireless adapter)=$$511-$611
so contrary to popular opinion, the xbox will wind up costing you more even without getter blu-ray
(by the way i have both systems. I'm no fanboy.)
[QUOTE="Unforgiven2870"][QUOTE="MarloStanfield"] WTF? You normally make sensible postsnavyguy21You talking about sensible posting?:lol: Anyways,Sony isn't doing as bad as what those stupid News People IE CNN Money.....omfg! are making it out to be.As usual we all knew fanboys would eat it up very quickly. so youre saying CNN Money, a division that studies financials for a living, doesnt know what they are talking about, but Fanboys on gamespot have the inside info and really know whats going on?? the media's been quite bored since after obama won. Luckily they got a story this week about Blegojevich
PS3 has install times for each game
I played MGS4 and you have to wait 10 minutes for each install time after every act
While changing disc takes about 4 seconds
Are you sure about 10 minutes for each install between the acts? nope, its only about 2-3 minutes, TC obviously hasn't played the game.
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